JULIAN / ユリアン
JULIAN / ユリアン
Male (20) | Hunter | Sword | Whirlwind |
WIL:22 STR:18 DEX/SPD:17 INT:16 CON:15 CHA:14 / SUPPORT:0 | LP:10 | ||
HP TP Slash +++ MP Pierce Sun ++ Hit Shot + |
Non-Party: HP Slash |
Story – Moved to Shinon after losing his sister when he was around 5. Liked Ellen unreciprocatedly. Switches to Monika and becomes her bodyguard. Or not?
Special – Default Type 01 (Sword). Julian has an extended introduction with Monica. You must chose the Elope route to be able to recruit Monica; if you kick her out, you can re-recruit her during the Byunei event (during which only Julian can recruit Mikhail and Monica).
Recruit – Mikhail can recruit him in Loanne Castle, at any time after calling Shadow. As Monica, talk to him first after the kidnapping (or you won't be able to recruit him after). The other characters must wait for Mikhail to ask for help to defeat Byunei. Careful: can only be recruited once: he disappears if kicked out of the party. Katarina cannot recruit Julian.
Play - Fighter/Spear boosts STR & CON to 23 & 19 and makes him a Type 10 (can spark Swallow Hit & Earth Crescent). If you want to keep him as a swordman, Fighter/Sword raises STR to 21 & CON to 18. With Kungfu/Fighter, respectively to 23 & 21.
As a recruit, Harid is better stat-wise, and much easier to recruit.