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Dragons: Twinhead

Twinhead starts with Fire and Ice/Water at level 1. Remember that Elementals level up every 10 points and the other main stats (strength, vitality, dexterity, and mind) level up every 25 points. Note that Transformation must be 0, Intimacy must be greater than 0, and Loyalty must be less than 100 to get any of these forms.


T: Thunder at least level 1.
P: Poison at least level 1. Also, either Poison must be greater than Life, or if it's equal to Life, Intimacy must be less than 50.
L: Life at least level 1. Also, either Life must be greater than Poison, or if it's equal to Poison, Intimacy must be at least 50.
S: Strength at least level 1 and Strength must be greater than Vitality.
V: Vitality at least level 1 and Vitality must be at least as great as Strength.
E10: Fire, Ice/Water, Thunder, and either Strength or Vitality must be at level 10.
P10: Same as P except Poison must be level 10.
L10: Same as L except Life must be level 10.
A10: All elemental attributes as well as Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, and Mind must be level 10.


Picture Name Requirements Value
Mini-Hydra None AC
Earth Dragon T AD
White Warrior L AE
Earth Slayer T + L B2
Poison Warrior P AF
Green Slayer T + P B3
Deboahan S B0
Earth Warrior T + S B4
Pontilac L + S B6
Grand Dragon T + L + S C5
Giygas P + S B8
Glorious T + P + S C7
Aspidredon V B1
Gargoyle T + V B5
General L + V B7
Gladiator T + L + V C6
Iron Eagle P + V B9
Crusader T + P + V C7


Special Forms

Picture Name Requirements Comments Value
Last Gigantes E10 + L10 Holy form; Holy at level 10. BA
Belzebub E10 + P10 Dark form; Dark at level 10. BB
Master Dragon A10 Both Holy and Dark at level 10. AC
