TATYANA / タチアナ
TATYANA / タチアナ
Female (14) | Noble | Sword | x |
CHA:20 CON:19 STR:18 INT:17 DEX:16 SPD:15 WIL:13 / SUPPORT:0 | LP:10 | ||
TP ++++ Moon ++ Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu + |
Non-Party: HP Pierce |
Story – Librof/Ryblov-based CEO Lasaiev's youngest daughter, runaway because of the family conflicts over the succession. Has a sweet tooth and several aliases!
Special – Type 01 (Sword). Becomes a Type 05 (Epee) after re-recruiting her once and saving-reloading in game. Glitch?
Unremovable accessory: Teddy Bear.
Her magic stats growth changes depending on the name she gave you when joining your party:
・Millefeuille Crepe Souffle Eclair: Sun ++
・Sherbert Bavarois Tart: Moon ++
・Candy: Moon ++++
Recruit – Outside in the towns of Farce, Mules, Pidona, Yamas or Zweig, will forcibly join if she touches you thrice and if you have a party of 5 or fewer. She leaves only if you go to Librof or LP-kill her. Mikhail cannot recruit her.
Play - High CHA & CON, good STR (even though she's only 14!). The only character that can have 2 Spark Types during the game (glitch?): give her a TP Crown, make her learn all Swords techs, then all Epee techs, and you can even give her magic if you wish afterwards. Her storyline is clearly unfinished (even in the Remaster).