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(as "Asda Global")

Asda Global



Character Creation


Chat Interface
1 Chracter Status Displays Character Name, Class Icon, HP/MP, and Item Weight.
2 Buff amp; Debuff Displays your character's buffs and debuffs. Ctrl + Left Click to remove buffs.
3 Soul Guardian Displays your Soul Guardian gauge and skills.
4 Mini-Map Displays the mini map and coordinates. Buttons: Change Channel, Hide Map, Full Map, and Overlay Map.
5 Party Window Displays all party members' HP/MP. Buttons: Collapse Party Window, Kick, Leave Party.
6 Soulmate Status Displays your Soulmate Level, Soulmate EXP, Apple Gauge, and Soulmate's HP/MP.
7 Quest Tracker Displays Quest Name, Progress, Direction, and Distance.
8 Pet Status Display's your Pet's EXP and Hunger Gauge.
9 Chat Displays system messages and chat.
10 Game Menu Open various game windows.
11 Hot Keys Displays main hotkeys, secondary hotkeys, and weapon slot. Main hotkeys and weapon slot can change between 5 pages, and weapon will automatically equip.
12 Experience Bar Displays current level experience as a percentage.


Chat Interface

Asda 2's chat system is highly customizable, and includes several chatting channels for your enjoyment.

Chat Window


1 System Message Displays Damage, EXP, Item pickup, etc. Click down arrow to scroll to the bottom.
2 Chat Tabs Tabs which display different chat types based on your preference. Can scroll left and right to add more tabs.
3 Chat Settings Edit Chat Tabs, Change Window Size, and Minimize Chat
4 Chat Displays chat. Right click a player name to block or whisper them. Click the lock to lock scrolling, or the down arrow to scroll to the bottom.
5 Chat Input Press enter or click to begin typing. Press the "?" button to view chat help.

Chatting Tabs

Each chat tab displays different types of chat. You can change the tab settings using the Tab icon. This includes the tab’s name, channel

Chatting Tabs

  Function Command Shortcut Key
Normal Chat Chat with players in your immediate area. /N Ctrl + N
Shout Chat Chat with players in your current map. Available after 1st Job. /Y Ctrl + Y
Party Chat Chat privately with players in your party. /P Ctrl + P
Soulmate Chat Chat privately with your soulmate. /S Ctrl + S
Guild Chat Chat privately with your guildmates. /C Ctrl + C
Whisper Chat Chat privately with any player. /W NAME Ctrl + W
Global Chat Chat across all maps and channels. /A -
Find Party Chat Chat to find party members across all maps and channels. /J -
Trade Chat Chat to buy or sell items across all maps and channels. /B -
Faction Chat Chat with your faction during War. /R -






Basic information


ความลับ, โกงเกม
Secrets, Cheat Game

