The Legend of Zelda 2: Link no Bouken
เดอะเลเจนด์ ออฟ เซลดา 2
(as "Zelda II: The Adventure of Link")
The Legend of Zelda 2 [By]
- You will begin the game in the Castle, standing beside the sleeping princess Zelda. You quest is to retrieve the third triforce to wake her up.
- Go east to the town of Rauru.
- In the second part of the town, you will see a lady in a blue dress step out of a white building. Talk to her and she will invite you inside. Talk to the wise man in the basement to learn Shield Magic.
- Leave town and follow the road northwest. Enter the forest area that stands alone and inside you will find a bag containing 50 points.
- Fight enemies in the area to raise you level once or twice.
- Enter the cave northeast of Rauru. There is one enemy in the cave which you won't be able to see very well in the dark, so watch carefully.
- On the other side of the cave is the Parapa Desert. Go south and you will find a heart container in a clearing in a forest.
- Return to the desert to the north and enter the Parapa Palace in the northeast corner of the desert.
- In the palace, go left first to find a key. Go back to the right and you come across a door which will require your key to open.
- Keep going right and eventually you find a fairy who can restore your life.
- Take the elevator by the fairy up and keep going right to find two keys.
- Return to the elevator and drop one level. Go right until you reach an elevator you passed over earlier.
- Go down and to the left to find the Candle. This will light up dark caves.
- Return to the elevator by where the fairy was and go down.
- You will have to fight several tough enemies until you get to the boss of the palace. The boss' body is invulnerably to your attacks. Jump up and hit him in the head to hurt him.
- Once you have defeated the boss, continue to the right to place the crystal in the crystal holder. Exit the palace and it will become stone.
- Enter the cave again and it will be well lit because you have the candle.
- Enter the cave just southeast of the Castle and inside you will find a Magic Container.
- Follow the road to the northwest to the town of Ruto.
- From the first house of the second area of the town will come a woman in a red dress who will tell you that Goriya of Tantari stole their trophy.
- Enter the cave in the desert to the east of Ruto. Defeat Goriya (the boomerang thrower) and take the trophy behind him.
- Return to Ruto and show the trophy to the lady who was asking for it. She will invite you inside. Speak to the old man in the basement and he will teach you the magic of Jump.
- Enter the cave south of Ruto. Near the end of the cave you will find a ledge that's too high for you to jump up. Cast the Jump spell to be able to jump up it.
- Go south from the cave exit to the river and cross the river at the bridge. Follow the path to the water town of Saria.
- Some of the people in the village are actually spies of Ganon and will turn into bats when you talk to them.
- One of the women in the village will tell you that she lost her mirror. Enter the empty house and look under the table to find her mirror. Give the mirror back to the women and she will invite you into the house. Speak to the old man to gain the magic of Life.
- Follow the road east to the first roadblock and then north to the second road block. Enter the cave to the west to find 200 experience points.
- Go west into the Midoro Swamp and keep going west until you find the Palace.
- Take the first elevator to the bottom and then go right to find a key.
- Return to the elevator, go up one floor, and then continue to the left to find a second key.
- Go up one more floor and then keep going a long way left.
- When you reach the elevator go down one floor and keep going left again to find the Power Glove. You will now be able to break blocks with your sword.
- Return to the elevator and go down to the bottom level. In some places you will need to break the blocks with your sword because they are blocking your way.
- Bypass the elevator you come across and contine to the right to find another key.
- Return to the elevator you skipped and take it down one level.
- Eventually you will meet the boss. Like the first one, you must jump and hit him the head. What makes him more difficult than the first boss is that he shoots at you as does a couple of the helmets you knock off his head.
- Return to the bridge that leads to Saria and enter the forest square five steps east and six steps north. A man named Bagu will give you a note for the river man.
- Enter the village of Saria and speak to the river man and the end of the village. He will create a bridge so that you can cross the river.
- Walk into the cave entrance to enter Death Mountain.
- Enter the east cave and continue through the tunnel.
- A couple tunnels later, you will find an elevator. Ignore the elevator and contine to the right.
- When you leave the tunnel you should find yourself in a small forested area with a choice of two tunnels to take. Enter the east cave.
- You need to pass through five tunnels and then enter the cave near the rock. Inside this cave you will find the hammer. This item will allow you to destroy roadblocks.
- Use the Hammer on the rock next to the cave entrance and step onto the square to find a magic container.
- Go through the tunnel on the east side of the area and then go north to reach the exit from Death Mountain.
- Cross the bridge and then go northeast to find the Harbor Town of Mido.
- A man in one of the houses will tell you to ask Error in Ruto about the island palace.
- Cast Jump to reach the second story of the church and enter. A warrior will teach you a new sword technique. Press down while jumping to stab downward.
- An old woman will ask you to help her daughter who is sick.
- Destroy the roadblock to the west and go north. Destroy the roadblock blocking the cave and enter. Inside you will find a Heart Container.
- Go to the west side of Midoro Swamp and destroy the road block in front of the cave so that you can enter. You will find the Water of Life at the end of the cave.
- Give the Water of Life to the woman with the sick daughter in Mido and she will invite you inside. Speak to the old man to receive the magic of Fairy.
- Go to King's Tombs. This is the tomb standing alone in the cemetary below Mido.
- Walk straight south from King's Tomb and you will fall into a passage. Cast Fairy to get up to the ledge to the right.
- You will emerge from the tunnel on the island south of Mido. Enter the palace.
- Take the elevator down into the palace and keep going all the way to the right. Along the way you will find a key. Use your down thrust to break the blocks so that you can reach the key.
- Bypass the elevator and continue to the right to find another key.
- Return to the elevator, go down, then head right. Eventually you will find the Raft.
- Return left and go past the second elevator to find a key.
- Go back right to the elevator and descend. Keep going right until you come to the boss.
- The boss is a knight on a horse and will charge from one side, turn around, and attack you from the other. Jump over him when he charges and down-thrust so that you hit him as he goes under you. Eventually his horse will die and the knight will fight you alone. Fight him as you would any other armored knight.
- Return to the mainland through the tunnel.
- Step on the dock and you will sail on your raft to a new area.
- Enter the town of Nabooru. One of the women will tell you that she is thirsty. Go to the fountain nearby and press your attack button to get some water. Speak to the thirsty woman again and she will invite you in. Speak to the old man to learn Fire. Use this spell to defeat enemies that cannot be hurt with your sword.
- Pass through the tunnel to the north.
- Go west through the mountain pass to the mountain town of Darunia.
- In the second area of the town cast Jump and jump onto the roof of the lowest building. Jump from rooftop to rooftop to the right and go down the chimney of the last house. A knight will teach you a new sword technique which will allow you to stab up when you are jumping.
- An old woman will ask you to rescue a kidnapped child.
- Go to the island maze far to the east. Follow the path along the bottom of the island to the southeast corner, then north until you reach the dead end. You will fall down and to your right you will find the kidnapped child.
- Return the child to the old woman in Darunia and she will invite you inside. Speak to the old man to learn the magic of Reflect.
- Go back to the maze island and make your way to the palace. Look at the map to avoid battle zones. Make sure you find the Magic Container.
- To kill the wizards in the palace, cast Reflect and duck to reflect their spells back at them.
- Take the elevator into the palace and then go right until you reach the next elevator.
- Go down one level and then go right. Jump over the large pit and keep going right to find a key.
- Go back and fall into the pit you jumped over earlier. Push to the right so that you only fall one level. If you fall too far, find another key and go back around so you can try over again.
- Keep going right and you will find the boots guarded by a blue knight.
- Fall into the pit again to drop to the lowest level. Go right to find another key and use it in the key door to the left.
- Keep going left past the elevator to find another key and then take the elevator up to the top floor.
- Go left past the first elevator. To get the key, cast Jump and stab upwards at the blocks to destroy them.
- Keep going past the next elevator to find another key. Go down the elevator and then right to find yet another key.
- Return left past the elevator you just came down until you reach a second elevator.
- Talk the elevator down to the lower level and keep going right until you reach the boss.
- To defeat the boss, cast Reflect and reflect all his spells back at him.
- Go to the town of Nabooru and head due east. With your boots you will be able to walk on the water and eventually you will see the next palace.
- From the palace go eleven step west, four north, and then keep going east and eventually you will find a heart container.
- Enter the palace and descend to the first floor.
- When you get to the high ledge, cast Fairy and then go to the end of the screen and you will change back. Return for the key you passed by as a fairy.
- Take the next elevator down and then go left.
- Let the blocks pile up and then dig a way to the key with your sword.
- Keep going to the left, down an elevator, and to the left again until you reach another elevator.
- Go down one level and then go right until you hit a dead end right after a blue knight. Jump into the wall and walk through it.
- Take the elevator down and then go to the left to find the Flute.
- Go back up the elevator and continue to the right. Eventually you will find a key.
- Go back through the illusionary wall and continue to the elevator. Go back up to the top floor and go left.
- When you reach the next elevator, first go down and left to find one last key. Then go up to the top and right to fight the boss.
- When you fight the boss, cast jump. When he swings his morning star at you, jump over it and then hit him in the chest with your sword.
- Walk up to the water demon south of the village of Nabooru and blow the flute to scare him away.
- Go south through the mountain pass. You will have three encounters where you will have to dodge rocks that are thrown at you from above.
- Follow the path southeast and cross the bridge. Go south and cross the second bridge to get to the town.
- Enter the town of Kasuto. There are no people and you keep getting hurt by invisible enemies. Enter the first house and an old man will tell you that the town is dead and that you should search the forest to the east.
- Leave the town and cross the bridge. Go into the desert and stand inbetween the three rocks. From there go north one square and then go east to the coast and there you will find the last heart container.
- Go through the tunnel in the forest to the north. Use your hammer on the second square of the second row of trees to reveal the hidden city of Kasuto.
- An old woman will invite you into her home. In the basement you will find the final magic container.
- In one of the houses you will find a fireplace. Climb into the fireplace to find an old man who will teach you Spell.
- Cast Spell at the edge of town and a building will rise out of the ground. Inside you will find the Magic Key. This key will open all locked doors in the palaces.
- Stand in the center of Triple Rock in the desert and blow the flute. The 6th palace will appear.
- Enter the palace and take the elevator to its lower level. You will be able to open the door with the Magic Key.
- Jump across the pit. If you fall in, fall three more times and you will be back at the top level.
- In the large room past the elevator, there are several tall pillars. Between the third and four pillars there is an invisible pit that you must jump over. If you fall in, go to the left and take the elevator back up so you can try again.
- In the next room you will have to fight the horse and knight boss again. You will find the Cross behind him. This item will allow you to see certain invisible enemies.
- Return to the first pit, fall down two levels, and then go to the right.
- Cast the Fairy spell to get to the other side of the lava room.
- Go past the elevator and then fight another horse and knight enemy.
- Fall in the pit just after the enemy and quickly cast Fairy on the next screen before you fall again. Enter the passage to the right.
- The boss is in the next room. Stand in front of one of the fire pits so that you can hit the enemy if it comes up there. Jump up to avoid the dragon's flames and quickly try to get another shot in before he goes away if you can.
- Return to the original Kasuto west of the Triple Rock and speak to the old man again in the first building. He will teach you the spell of Thunder.
- Enter the graveyard to the west and go through the mountain pass to the south into the lava area.
- Make your way through the lava area and two tunnels and you will reach the Grand Palace.
- If you've placed the six crystals in the six palaces, the energy barrier at the entrance of the palace will be removed and you will be able to enter.
- Take the elevator down into the palace and go left.
- In the next room, go along the top level and jump over the invisible hole just to the left of the pillar.
- At the bottom of the next elevator, go right.
- At the bottom of the elevator that goes down several levels, go right again.
- For the next elevator you find that goes for several levels, you will find a Link doll and a fairy on the second level from the bottom.
- Go to the bottom of the elevator and go left.
- In the next room, destroy the blocks near the left side and underneath is a hole which you should fall in to get to the next level.
- Go right and on the collapsing bridge, fall into the narrow gap which is surrounded by lava.
- Go to the right and you will encounter a boss. First cast Reflect so that the fireballs won't hurt you. Then cast Thunder and the face of the enemy will be revealed. Hit the enemy in the face every time he swoops down low and eventually he will be killed.
- Continue to the right to fight the final enemy. You will see a magician with the Triforce. He will cast a spell and a shadow of Link will appear and start to fight you. Block his attacks and strike him when you can--it will be a difficult battle. When you defeat your shadow, the magician will give you the Triforce. You will return to the castle and use the Triforce to wake up Zelda and bring peace to Hyrule.