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Super Robot Taisen OG: Dark Prison


Super Robot Taisen OG: Dark Prison [By]

Units and Pilots in Black join your team.
Units and Pilots in Orange are available for that stage, then leave.
Units and Pilots in Blue have special requirements. Check the Secrets page for more details.
Units and Pilots in Red previously joined, but from this point, are rendered unusable. Those lost permanently are marked so, while others rejoin later on.
Information in Green are upgrades for units already in your party.

第1話 蒼き魔神、再び
Scenario 1: Blue Devil, Again
Victory Condition: Reduce Sodium-class Mobile Fortress (ソディウム級移動要塞) HP below 9000.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 10 units by the turn 3 player phase.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Granzon (Shuu)
  • Gadifoll (Gaen)
  • Gestelben (Selena)
  • MP Gespenst Mk II Kai Type G (Albado)
第2話 紅蓮のサフィーネ
Scenario 2: Crimson Saphine
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 10 units by the end of turn 2.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Weazol (Saphine)
第3話 バゴニアの傭兵
Scenario 3: Bagonian Mercenary
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat the Guarlion Custom. Retreats at under 8,000 HP.
第4話 オーディター・ガール
Scenario 4: Auditor Girl
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Have Yon defeat 6 units by the end of turn 4.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Pfail III (Yon)
第5話 Gトラップ
Scenario 5: G Trap
Victory Condition (Initial): Attack 3 Sodium-class Mobile Fortresses (not including Godol's (ゴドル) one) with a single use of the Granzon's Gravitron Cannon within 10 turns.
Victory Condition (After initial victory condition complete): Surround Godol's Sodium-class with Selena, Albado, Yon and Gaen.
Failure Condition (Initial):
  • Defeat of any allied unit.
  • Defeat of Godol's Zodium-class.
  • The Granzon's Gravitron Cannon is fired while an allied unit or Godol's Sodium-class is within its firing area. (Doesn't include Weazol.)
  • Reach turn 11.
  • Defeat any of the Sodium-classes under a condition other than the victory condition.

Failure Condition (After initial victory condition complete):

  • Defeat of any allied unit.
  • Defeat Godol's Sodium-class.

SR Point: Defeat 12 non-Sodium Mobile Fortress units by the end of 3PP.
Unit Acquisition:

  • Grungust Type-2
第6話 ラングラン侵入
Scenario 6: Langran Intrusion
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat the Cerbelion Passe (ケルベリオン・パッセ). The Cerberlion Passe retreats at under 10,000 HP.
第7話 密会
Scenario 7: Secret Meeting
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Failure Condition (Initial): Saphine defeated.
Failure Condition (after help arrives): Saphine or Selena defeated.
SR Point: Fulfill the victory condition with at least 3 Demon Golems still alive.
第8話 アグレッシブ・デコイ
Scenario 8: Aggressive Decoy
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 10 units by the end of turn 2.
第9話 モニカ、その愛
Scenario 9: Monica's Love
Victory Condition (Initial): Shuu reaches the target point within 5 turns.
Victory Condition (After initial victory condition completed): Shuu reaches the next target point within 5 turns.
Failure Condition (Initial):
  • Failure to reach the target point within 5 turns.
  • The Granzon attacks an enemy unit.

Failure Condition (After initial victory condition completed):

  • Failure to reach the target point within 5 turns.
  • The Granzon attacks the enemy Sodium-class Mobile Fortress.
  • Shuu is defeated.

SR Point: Bring Shuu to the target point within 4 turns.
Secret Requirement:

  • S Adapter, Solar Panel, Spirit of Steel, SSP Drink and Graviton Launcher:
    • Defeat all enemy units except for the Sodium-class Mobile Fortress.
第10話 遭遇、サイバスター
Scenario 10: Cybuster Encounter
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Force the Vegalion (ベガリオン) and Masquelion Type C (Araceli) (マスカレオン・タイプC (アラセリ)) to retreat on the same turn. Both will retreat at under 10,000 HP.
Secret Requirement:
  • Tesla Drive S, Hero's Mark, Hyper Jammer S (part 1):
    • Shoot down both the Vegalion and Masquelion Type C (Araceli).
第11話 ノルス奪取
Scenario 11: Norse Capture
Victory Condition (Initial): Surround Jog's (ジョグ) Sodium-class Mobile Fortress on all four sides with allied units, then reduce its hp to less than 1000.
Victory Condition (After initial victory condition completed): Defeat all enemies within 3 turns after Jog's Gildolla appears.
Failure Condition (initial):
  • Jog's Sodium-class reaches the edge of the map.
  • Jog's Sodium-class defeated.
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

Failure condition (After initial victory condition completed):

  • 4 turns pass after Jog's Gildolla appears.
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

SR Point: Defeat 20 units by the end of turn 4.
Unit Acquisition:

  • Norse (Monica) (after stage complete)
第12話 亡者の栄光
Scenario 12: Glory of The Dead
Victory Condition:
  • Defeat at least 20 enemy units.
  • Reduce Garlion's HP to below 9000.

Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 15 units by the end of turn 2.
Secret Requirement:

  • Tesla Drive S, Hero's Mark, Hyper Jammer S (part 2):
    • Win the stage defeating all enemies except for Oleg's Garlion, but also triggering the Garlion's retreat condition (under 9000 hp).
    • Assuming you also completed the condition on scenario 10, you will receive the parts after the stage.
第13話 闇の囁き
Scenario 13: Dark Whisper
Victory Condition: Within 6 turns, all enemies cross the line. Being on the line does not count as crossing it.
Defeat Condition:
  • Victory condition is not completed within 6 turns.
  • Any allied unit crosses or goes onto the line.
  • Defeat of any enemy unit which has not crossed the line. If an enemy has crossed the line, you may defeat them.
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

SR Point: Win the mission within 5 turns.

第14話 レンカウンター
Scenario 14: Rencounter
Victory Condition: Defeat 25 or more units within 6 turns.
Defeat Condition:
  • Victory condition is not completed within 6 turns.
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

SR Point: Win the mission within 5 turns.
Secret Requirement:

  • One Hit Sure Kill Knowledge:
    • Defeat all enemies and you will receive it after the stage.
第15話 テリウスの決意
Scenario 15: Terius's Decision
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition:
  • Terius is defeated.
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

SR Point: Win the mission without Gadifoll (Terius) taking any hits.
Unit Acquisition:

  • Gadifoll (Terius)
第16話 特訓
Scenario 16: Intensive Training
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Failure Condition (First part): Defeat of any allied unit.
Failure condition (Second part): Terius defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies by the end of turn 4.
第17話 敗者達の聖戦
Scenario 17: Losers Crusade
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat the Blowell by the end of 3PP.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Solgadi (Ahmed) (after clearing)
第18話 ティーバの封印
Scenario 18: The Seal of Tiva
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Win the mission within 5 turns.
Secret Requirement:
  • Free Electron Cannon:
    • If Gaen has at least 85 kills by the end of this scenario, you will receive it after scenario 21.
第19話 邪神解放
Scenario 19: Evil God Release
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Win the mission within 3 turns.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Gadifoll (Gaen) (permanently leaves; upgrade money refunded at the end of this stage)
第20話 ダークプリズン
Scenario 20: Dark Prison
Victory Condition (Initial): Defeat all enemies.
Victory Condition (After condition 1 met): Reduce Weazol's HP below 11,000.
Victory Condition (After condition 2 met): Defeat the Combined Volkruss (ヴォルクルス(合体))
Defeat Condition:
  • Defeat of any allied unit.
  • Weazol defeated. (Only appears during victory condition 2)

SR Point: Defeat GN (Gaen) by the end of 3PP.
Secret Requirement:

  • MTDM Shooter:
    • If Ahmed has at least 50 kills by the end of this stage, you will receive it after scenario 21.

Unit Acquisition:

  • Neo Granzon (Granzon temporarily upgrades to this for this stage)
  • Solgadi (Ahmed) (permanently leaves after this stage; upgrade money refunded)
第21話 扉の外
Scenario 21: Outside The Gate
Victory Condition (Initial): Defeat all enemies.
Victory Condition (After enemy reinforcements arrive): Reduce the Priscus Nox's (プリスクス・ノクス) HP below 30,000.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any enemy unit.
SR Point: Defeat the Priscus Nox. Retreats at under 30,000 HP.
Secret Requirement:
  • Free Electron Cannon, MTDM Shooter:
    • If you met the conditions for these weapons, you will receive them after this stage.

Unit Acquisition:

  • Norse Ray (Monica) (Norse upgrades to this at the start of this stage)
第22話 バイスタンダーズ
Scenario 22: Bystanders
Victory Condition: Defeat 35 or more units.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 24 units by the end of turn 3.
第23話 監査者の真意
Scenario 23: True Motives of Inspectors
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat 18 units by the end of turn 3.
Secret Requirement:
  • Gunrapier, High Performance AI, G Territory, Energy Drain+:
    • Received after this stage if Yon has 100 or more kills. Otherwise you receive Gunrapier, High Performance Radar, G Wall and Energy Drain.
第24話 ボランタリー・エージェント
Scenario 24: Voluntary Agent
Victory Condition: Within 10 turns, reduce all Zelanios (ゼラニオ) to under 4000 hp.
Defeat Condition:
  • Victory condition not completed within 10 turns.
  • A Zelanio reaches the edge of the map
  • Defeat of any allied unit.

SR Point: Win the mission within 6 turns.

第25話 白い福音
Scenario 25: White Gospel
Victory Condition (Initial): Defeat all enemies.
Victory Condition (After enemy reinforcements arrive): All allied units reach the target point.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Bring the Kanafu below 40,000 HP by the end of 6PP.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Graterkin II (Mekibos)
第26話 漁夫は利を得るか
Scenario 26: Does the Fisherman Make a Profit?
First Map:
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.

Unit Acquisition:
  • Zeidram (Rof)

Secret Requirement:

  • Raig Geios:
    • When only one Raig Geios is left, reduce its HP to under 1000. You will capture it and be able to use it from the second half of the stage.

Second Map:
Victory Condition: Reduce the Augvalue's HP below 20,000.
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: Defeat all units other than the Augvalue by the end of 5PP.
Unit Acquisition:
  • Raig Geios
最終話 知られざる決戦
Final Scenario: Unknown Showdown
Victory Condition: Defeat Uyudarlo-class Superiority Battleship (ウユダーロ級制圧砲艦)
Defeat Condition: Defeat of any allied unit.
SR Point: -
Unit Acquisition:
  • Neo Granzon (Shuu)
  • Augvalue (Zeb)
  • Byudrifar (Seti)
  • Zeidram (Rof)


เมื่อคลิก “อนุญาตคุกกี้ทั้งหมด” หมายความว่าผู้ใช้งานยอมรับที่จะเปิดการใช้งานคุกกี้เพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ต่างๆดังต่อไปนี้ เพื่อให้เว็บไซต์สามารถทำงานได้อย่างถูกต้องและเต็มประสิทธิภาพ เพื่อเปิดใช้คุณสมบัติของโซเชียลมีเดีย และเพื่อวิเคราะห์การเข้าใช้งานเพื่อนำข้อมูลไปใช้ในการทำการตลาดและการโฆษณา รวมถึงการแบ่งปันข้อมูลการใช้งานกับพาร์ทเนอร์โซเชียลมีเดีย

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