The Legend of Zelda: 1.4 Magical Shield
Progress at this point Total Life Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Containers 2/13 |
New in this section Enemies: Boulder Items: Heart Container #3, Magical Shield |
After acquiring the White Sword, head back down a screen, left three screens, down a screen, and then right a screen. Avoid the falling Boulders along the way. There are five green bushes on this screen. Pull out the candle and burn down the bush at the bottom-right to reveal a staircase. Walk down the steps to find 30 more rupees.
Continue down two screens and then once again use the blue candle to burn down the bush near the top-right corner of the screen. Inside you’ll find another secret rupee location, this one containing 30 more rupees.
Walk to the left a screen and again pull out the blue candle. Burn the fifth bush from the right and enter the cave to find another full Heart Container.
Continue walking to the left a screen and use the candle to burn down the corner bush. Here you can purchase the Magical Shield for the cheaper price of 90 rupees. There is also bait for sale, but we will buy that in just a moment.
The Legend of Zelda By