Gundam |
Sends the ball completely straight to the outfielder at a high speed, rendering it uncatchable |
Kamen Rider V3 |
Sends the ball out in three loop-de-loops across the field (1.5x a sideways 8) |
Ultraman Taro |
Fires the ball completely straight down to the back line, then the ball flies up into the air, drops back down and returns to Ultraman Taro |
Zeong |
Questionable use. Sends the ball straight up into the air in anupside down V-shape. If you are at your own backline, it sends it to the opposing backline. Anywhere else, it sends it to your Outfielder. |
Ikadevil |
Sends the ball straight for a little bit, then it oscillates in a very thick wave pattern before stopping. |
Zetton |
Sends the ball straight for a while. The ball then stops, moves straight up, then comes back down to earth, then moves straight for a little bit further. |