Male (23) | Noble | None | Phoenix Dance |
WIL:21 DEX:20 INT:19 SPD:16 STR:15 CHA:14 CON:13 / SUPPORT:0 | LP:9 | ||
MP +++ HP Wind Fire Earth Water Sun + |
Non-Party: HP Earth |
Story – A successful and wealthy businessman whose ancestors helped the Holy King.
Special – Type 00 (None).
Recruit – In the shop office in Wilmington after the following: go to Thomas' relatives' house in Pidona with Thomas in your party (after finding Gon), talk to Fullbright, accept and complete the Business Minigame or give up on it (minigame screen), or refuse.
Play - As a pure mage, Earth & Sun. But a MP Crown won't come until endgame (15 initial TP: 195 MP are necessary). Or have him use Axe/Mace also (Life Cane or Golden Bat for example). But his high DEX naturally suggests Epee or Bow.