Wild Arms 3 [By rpgclassics.com]
Virginia's Intro
Being the easiest of the four, Virginia's Intro is the one you'll want to begin with. It'll teach you the basics of dungeon exploration, combat, and the use of Tools; all with short tutorials to get the point across.
Gob's Hideout
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Gob | 27 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: The enemies in Gob's Hideout consist of simple Gobs; nothing more. They are very easy to defeat, requiring no more than 2 attacks each. Simply select Shoot every round unless your HP is dangerously low, which it probably shouldn't be because your VIT meter will be refilling your HP up after every battle. Simply progress through the dungeon, fighting all the battles, and when Virginia reaches Level 2 or 3, she will be able to take down Gobs in one hit. |
Tindercrest (Tool) Revive Fruit Heal Berry Heal Berry Mini Carrot Heal Berry 400 Gella Duplicator Right Half Gimel Coin
We begin Virgina's Intro inside Gob's Hideout, an old derelict mansion that once belonged to a wealthy trading family. The first leg of our long journey is very easy and filled with tutorials and pointers, and with my walkthrough on your side, you should be able to blaze through this game! First, pull the level over there to open the door. Go up to the lever and press X to pull it. The door swings open! Go on in! Oops! Opening that door alerted the enemies! Luckily, it's a simple fight against a couple of weak Gobs. Familiarize yourself with combat at their expense, and take them down! When they're defeated, note that random encounters have now begun! After defeating the Gobs, note that there are two doors in front of you. One is locked (we'll get to that later), and the other is wide open. Go through the open door.
This room is full of old crates and old bookshelves. However, rotate the camera around (R1 and L1) to spy a Treasure Chest in the mess of crates. We want it! So what do we do? Pick up and toss the crates out of the way (press X to lift, X again to throw.) Throw them away from the wall; one of them contains a Revive Fruit! Now open the chest (X in front of it) and we now own the Tindercrest!
Before you leave the room, you might want to partake in a little light reading. Step right up to the bookshelves, face them and press X. This will check the bookshelves for anything to read. Most (if not all) have books to read which deal with important plot elements and even give out tips for survival, so although reading is optional, it is highly recommended. When you've read enough, leave the room the way you came.
Back in the Gob attack room, note the unlit torch that lies in front of us. Seeing that the other one is lit, let's light the other one, shall we? Toss the Tindercrest at the unlit torch and the door opens! Take note of this solution; a lot of puzzles in the game require the lighting and unlighting of torches. Now head through the door, and walk through the next room. You might eye a Treasure Chest in this room, but it's blocked by debris, and we'll have to find another way to obtain it. So just keep going through the next doorway.
Watch your step! This next room has very unstable footing; and walking or running through will cause poor Virginia to fall (though you will not lose life or die, just teleport back to the start of the room.) We'll tiptoe across the floor to the other side to play it safe! Hold the Circle Button while walking to tread safely and head to the other side of the room and out the door. Note the ladder leading up; we can't get there yet, but much later in the game, we will have to. Now, head through the next room, ignoring the locked door, and enter the room after that; which appears to be the balcony, shaped like a "U". Each "end" of the "U" has another torch; light both torches then head through the door closest to where you came in. There is another Treasure Chest in this room; open it up to obtain a Heal Berry, the Wild ARMs trademark healing item. Now exit this room, and head to the other door we opened, taking the white gems along the way. Picking up white gems refills our ECN Gauge, which determines how many battles we can skip. Another treasure room, which is almost identical to the one we just passed. Open the chest for a Heal Berry, and check the bookshelf for important information about a key item we'll come back for later. Leave this room, and now exit the balcony room from the east side. Don't know which way is east? Well, my friend, that's where the compass comes in handy. Use the compass to determine which way is East, then take that doorway out of this room. In the next room, descend the stairs, passing by the first door. Pull the switch at the bottom of the stairs, then go through the now-open door. It's that treasure we couldn't reach earlier! Open up for a Mini Carrot; this adds 25 FP to our FP meter in battle! Now, head back to the stairs. See those orange gems? Orange gems refill the VIT Gauge, which is that neat little thing that refills our HP after battle. Pick them up, then head up the stairs and through first flight of stairs and through the door. Now we're on the bottom floor. See the balcony above us? Look around by spinning the camera; beautiful graphics abound, heh. Oh, and while you're at it; note that there are two more doors in this room. The small door (the strange-designed one) can't be opened yet, but the big one can. But how? Well, let's scope the room for things of interest. Hold R2, and press X, and Virginia will turn her attention to a little valve beside the door (indicated by orange-ish triangles.) Items in these "triangles" are usually worth examining; they are usually switches, valves or levers we need to open doors and solve puzzles. Anyway, head towards the valve.. This is gonna take a bit of good old elbow grease (for Virginia at least!) To turn the valve, grab the valve by pressing and holding X, then rotate the left analog stick clockwise. Some puzzles call for us to turn counterclockwise, but not this one. When you've turned it enough, the door swings open. Head on in to find a treasure trove of stolen goods! Lookit all this crazy crap! Open all the chests and toss all the crates to obtain a Heal Berry, 400 Gella, a Gimel Coin, a Duplicator and the Right Half. Note that Right Half is an important key item. Now, leave the room after watching the short scene. Back in the big room, you might want to save your game. Saving the game in a dungeon requires using up a Gimel Coin, and when you find a Coin in a dungeon, it's safe to say a boss is in the very next room. Save if you wish (a boss is soon), then head towards that weird door we saw earlier. This is a Duplicator Door, openable only by using up a Duplicator. In most cases in the Wild ARMs series, Duplicator Doors have great stuff behind them, but in this case it's our only way out of the dungeon. So, head right up to the door, go to the Item Menu, and Use the Duplicator. The door is gone! Walk through the next room, strangely empty as it is. Heal up your HP if you're very low. In the room after this, Virginia is ambushed by a Gob from the air. But this is no ordinary Gob.. |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: | |
N/A | 24 | 30 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Hobgob Boss' Attacks: Tackle (physical attack) Battle Axe (physical attack) |
How To Win:
The game should now instruct you to use a Force Power called Gatling. Simply select the Force Ability menu and select the Gatling attack. This will fire all remaining ammo in our guns at the enemy. Regardless of the amount of damage it does, Gatling will kill Hobgob Boss. In fact, even if your ARM is empty, Gatling will kill this boss; it is the only way to win. |
Now that he's defeated, we have completed Virginia's introduction. Got your feet wet? Sure you have. Now that you know how the basics of the game, you can move on to the other characters intro quests. |
Gallows' Intro
Gallows' intro goes a little further into basic gameplay. It's slightly more difficult than Virginia's, and teaches you the basics of the World Map and Arcana (magic spells).
Baskar Village
Revive Fruit Heal Berry Heal Berry Heal Berry X 5 Gimel Coin X 3 Potion Berry |
Gallows' intro begins in his hometown, known as Baskar Village. He's sick of living in one place and wants to go out and see the world as a Drifter, but he needs something to protect himself with along the way. So we'll be guiding Gallows to the nearby Fallen Sanctuary to "borrow" a treasure called the "Ark Scepter". We begin outside Gallows' house. Head back in and look around. See those barrels? One of them has a Revive Fruit stashed inside. Grab it by checking the barrel as you would any other object, and make note of Gallows' futon. That's a free Inn right there; so if you ever need to heal, rest there. Exit Gallows' house and enter the house right below it. You'll find a Heal Berry hidden in a certain object in his house (I'll let you find this one,) and talking to the man inside (Harold) and choosing his second choice will give you a bit of backstory on Filgaia. In the southeastern house, you can find another Heal Berry inside one of the barrels. Grab that, then talk to the black haired woman walking around the giant rock in the center of town. This is Ellen, a kind middle-aged Baskar woman. You can get some free items off her by speaking with her, but when she asks you questions, be honest! Answer "How'd you guess?", "Yeah. You wanna help me out?", then "I wanna run away and be free." to get the best possible payout; 5 Heal Berries and 3 Gimel Coins. Afterwards, head to the northern building and go on in to talk to Granny Halle. After being chewed out by the wise old hag, we're gonna do something really stupid. See those poles in front of the entrance to the altar? Run into the poles in front of the altar (press and hold X to run in whatever direction you are facing) and collide with them. You'll actually shake a Potion Berry out of one of them! See? It pays to be a clumsy oaf sometimes. Okay, now that we've had our lecture and injured our head, we're almost ready to leave town. BEFORE YOU LEAVE, make DOUBLY SURE you talk to Cordell (he's near the southern part of town) and learn about the Search System on the world map. If you do not, there is a good chance your next destination will not appear on the World Map when you search. Many people skip this step and wonder why the game does not find the Fallen Sanctuary for you, but few realize it's as simple as that. |
Baskar Village - Fallen Sanctuary
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Balloon | 32 | 1 | 2 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Gob | 27 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Balloons are the trademark fish-in-a-barrel of the Wild ARMs series, so take aim and fire on the inflated imbeciles. Gobs are a little tougher, but as long as you don't go out too far into the overworld, you won't even run into them. |
Not very far south from Baskar Village, you will find the Fallen Sanctuary. Please consult the World Map for directions, looking for an area where the Zenom mountain range forms a "U" shape. Now, when you reach the area where the Sanctuary should be, you'll notice there's nothing there! Well, we have to "find" it first. Head around the general area of where the Sanctuary should be, and press Square to look around. If you're close enough, the Sanctuary will be found and will appear on the map! Head right up to it and press X to enter.
Fallen Sanctuary
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Pill Bug | 32 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Pillbugs are strong against physical attacks! The best way to take them down is to cast Refrigerate, but you will not be able to do so on the first turn. Your best bet is to Shoot once to accumulate some FP, and allow the enemies to attack until your FP reaches 10, then cast Refrigerate over and over until the battlefield is wiped clean. |
Heal Berry Freezer Doll (TOOL) Gimel Coin Ark Scepter |
Here we are; the Fallen Sanctuary. This place was once used to worship the Guardians of Filgaia, and now we're robbing it. Sacriliege, don't you think? Anyway, let's begin. From the start, drop down the small drop and walk north to a staircase and a switch. Going up the stairs accomplishes nothing just yet, so just ignore them for now. Instead, take note of the switch; we'll use that later. Keep going north into the next room, where you'll see a block and a floor button along with a locked door. Head on over to the block and press and hold the X button to hold onto it. Push it forward onto the floor button. Look at that! The door is open! Head on in! In the next room, you'll see a doorway on the right. Head on in and you'll find a set of 3 treasure chests. Open them all up for a Heal Berry, a Gimel Coin, and a Tool for Gallows; the Freezer Doll! This cute little snowman fires a cold, cold stream straight ahead when you hold the Square Button to use it, and you can stand in place and spin the stream around! Use it to put out candles, freeze things, whatever your fancy! Now head on out of the room and advance farther north to a lit torch and a locked door. Blow the candle out with the Freezer Doll to open the door, then go on in. Keep following the straightforward path through the temple down some stairs, and in the next room, you'll see a set of four more lit torches. Make a wish and blow all four torches out with the Freezer Doll to open the door. Head in there, and keep walking down the hallways, battling enemies to break up the monotony. When you reach the room with a floor switch, you're presented with a little puzzle. We have to hit that floor panel beside the block, but how do we reach it? Well, there's another panel on the ground that's pressure sensitive. Simply push the block onto the ground panel to lower the higher one, then step on the higher one. Huzzah! Head in the now-open door and keep going. See that floor switch? We can't activate it just yet... as there's nothing to hold it down with, so just move on until you reach a room with 8 lit torches. Step in the center of the candles, then hold Square and spin around, spraying all 8 out at once! Cool, huh? Enter the now-opened door, and you'll see the prize we came to collect; the Ark Scepter! As you attempt to take it, you're attacked by a boss! |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: | |
54 | 12 | 13 | NONE | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Mission Accomplished (physical attack) Issuing Warning (wastes a turn) Throws a cordon (splits into 3 Kesarans, used only when 3 Kesarans are dead) |
How To Win:
Easy; kill them all at once! Once you have built your FP up to 25 through physical attacks, select the Force Ability menu and select Extension. Extension allows us to target more than one target with Arcana. The Kesarans are weak to water elemental attacks, so use the Extension Fore Ability with Pressure. This will without a doubt kill the Kesaran group.
Now that the Kesarans are more or less (certainly more, with the way you overkilled them!) defeated, grab the Scepter and head back the way you came, back through the dungeon. Shortly after leaving the room with 8 torches, you'll be... trapped? Barriers appear around Gallows, trapping him in a confined area. Shane shows up to help, but finds he can't do much. How do we break free? Easy; select the Ark Scepter from your Items and use it and Gallows will use the power of brotherhood to break through the barriers and escape. This ends Gallows' intro. |
Jet's Intro
Jet's intro assumes you know how to use Tools, and goes a little further into dungeon exploration and the dangers of the dungeons themselves. It's more of a maze than Gallows' intro. Note that Jet begins with his first Tool; the Boomerang. Press Square to throw it, and the control stick to move it around when thrown.
Doomed To Obscurity:
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Ascomid | 34 | 3 | 4 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | LIGHTNING | WATER |
Strategy: There's not much you can do but shoot. Luckily, Ascomids are very weak, and hit very softly (they are big bags of gas, after all!). Just keep shooting. 8) |
Heal Berry 600 Gella Mini Carrot Heal Berry Gimel Coin Revive Fruit X 2 |
Isn't that simply the greatest dungeon name ever? Don't worry, it's not that brutal. However, the door to the dungeon is locked, so we'll need to find another way in. Climb the staircase to the left of the entrance, and follow the various paths and staircases to the top of the "pyramid". When you reach a wooden barrier that appears to be blocking off a hole in the ground, use the Boomerang to break down the barrier and drop down the hole. We're in! And there's treasure in here, to boot! Run on over to pick the chest up, but then... waaaaah! The floor gives away! Turns out we can't get those chests yet; maybe some other time. For now, fall down, down, farther into the depths of obscurity (ha ha). We're now in a complicated looking room. Scrawled on the wall is a little tip; when you're confused and want a good look around, rotate the camera with the L1 and R1 buttons. Take a good look around the room, and note the various staircases and stuff. See that thing that looks like a cubic zirconium? That's a switch, my friend. It's gotta be hit by something like a BOOMERANG to activate. Look around the room and find the treasure chest in the south corner which contains a Heal Berry, then head up north to that switch thing. Step up on the ledge opposing the one with the switch, and toss your Boomerang at the crystal switch. This lowers that big wall blocking your way to the exit. Before exiting the room, open the other treasure chest along the way for 600 Gella. In the next room, you'll notice a small "crack" in the ground, line shaped. Be careful; this is a trap! When you step near it, spears will shoot out, and if you're standing on the "crack", they deal damage to you which reduces your HP! Don't let this happen! Force the spears to extract by moving close and getting them to shoot out, then wait until they retract and run by before they can shoot out again. Alternately, let the spears shoot out, then Boomerang them to destroy them. The next room has another set of spears; repeat your previous strategy for dealing with them, or try the other! Now we're in the "main room" of the dungeon, where we'll meet up with a group of people from the nearby mining town. They'll ask for your help in rescuing Pike, a lost villager who came here for treasure. The moronic and crude Jet pulls the "Cloud" crap, but ultimately decides to help out. Take the eastern door in this room to another spear trap; deal with this minor problem, and head into the next room. Here you'll see a net overhead, and a bunch of suspicious looking floor tiles. Stay off the tiles; they are owies that reduce your HP. Instead, position Jet underneath the net, and press X to leap up and hang on! Cool, huh? Now climb around and over to the red carpeted area, then press the Circle button when you're over the carpet to drop down. Open up the chest for a Mini Carrot, then jump down to the floor. Now, walk AROUND the owwie tiles, and head back to where you started the room; there's a ladder to climb up. Press X in front of the ladder to grab on, then climb up to the start. Jump back up onto the net, and climb over to the elevated area surrounded by the spike tiles. Position Jet over the elevated section (make sure you can see his shadow over it) and drop down. Walk over to the next net thing, then grab on to that and climb over to the other elevated area with the door. Drop down, and head on in. Head down through the next room, picking up the gems. In the next room, you'll see some more net overheads. What we need to do here is grab on to one, and "hoist" ourself up to the top so we can walk on top! First, grab on to the southernmost net, and climb over to one of the edges of the net. Press X to swing up on top of it! From there, it's a matter of grabbing, hoisting and dropping until you reach the Treasure Chest at the top; a Heal Berry is inside! Now exit the room from the east door, and pass through the next room (beware the spears!) and into another room. You'll now be in a room with a red carpet and four candles. See those parts of the wall that are sticking out? Beware; spears shoot out from them! The spears reach pretty far out too, but they are rather slow. Position yourself in the "center" of the carpet so you're far away from both of the walls with the spears, then run through as fast as you can! If your timing and placement are right, you'll make it through safe and sound! On the other side are two treasure chests (Gimel Coin and 2 Revive Fruits) and a door leading out. Grab the treasure chests, and enter the door. In the next room, you'll find what you've been looking for... Pike! Wait... you were looking for the legendary Crystal Flower.. I see. Well, you won't be finding that anytime now.. it's gone. However, you do find a boss with regenerative powers.. is that a suitable treasure? Ah well, time to fight! |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: | |
N/A | 48 | 52 | FIRE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Heave (physical attack) Baking Breath (fire-elemental magic attack) Recovery (Tatzel recovers full HP) |
How To Win:
The game should now instruct you to use a Force Power called Accelerator. Simply select the Force Ability menu and select the Accelerator force. This command will ensure that you will get your attack first. Regardless of the amount of damage this command does, Tatzelwurm will die.
Now that Tatzel is down, talk to Pike then try and head up the stairs... cave-in! It would appear we are trapped. What to do? Talk to Pike, and he'll reveal a secret exit! Head on in to the next room, which has a whole bunch of more nets. Go under the northwest net, and jump up to hang on. Hoist yourself up, then head to the next net and jump and hoist yourself onto that. From there, jump down to the next net, walking along until you drop down to another net. Drop down to that net, then head north to another overhead net; climb and hoist up to reach the ladder out of this room. Phew!
In the next room, you'll find another series of nets... tired of this yet? Well, time to play more Jet-Monkey. Start with the northwestern net, then hoist up then toss your Boomerang at the switch on the eastern wall. This will drop part of one of the nets down for us to use. From the net we are standing on, walk west over to the next two nets, and hoist up to the westmost one. From there, toss a Boomerang towards the second switch, and have it hit the wall. It will stop flying then fall down and land on the switch, activating it. Now you should easily be able to drop down to the lower net, then climb up the next two and up the ladder. Finally, you've reached the exit. Head to the southern part of the room and examine the door with the X button to end Jet's Prologue! |
Clive's Intro
Clive's intro is the hardest of the four; it's more based on survival in dungeons and desperate situations. It's still not very difficult; just a step up from the others. Clive begins with the Bomb tool; press Square to drop one on the ground (you can have about 8 on the screen at a time), and it will blow up the area around it.
Den of Miasma:
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Barghest | 58 | 8 | 9 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Barghests will fall from one shot of Clive's rifle, but when they appear in groups of 3, you have a little problem on your hands; Clive will run out of ammo! Simply take a turn to reload your ARM (choose Guard), then shoot again the next turn. |
Heal Berry Revive Fruit X 2 Gimel Coin Heal Berry 300 Gella |
Clive's prologue takes place in a dangerous cave; in which he is sent to take care of a particularily nasty monster. You begin at the entrance of the cave, with your guide, Borgnine. He won't be following you through the dungeon, but you can take advantage of his presence. Talk to Borgnine three times to get three Heal Berries off of him. Now, to begin the dungeon. Head north up the hills and enter the doorway when you reach it. From there, keep going past the treasure chest and funny looking red things, until you reach a room with a treasure chest near the entrance. Open up for a Heal Berry, then go farther north. Dead end? Not with Clive on your side! In the northeast corner of the room is a wall that's a little lighter than the others; place a bomb in front of it to blow it open! Enter the newly made crack in the wall and head into a room with a huge pond in the middle. From here, go south and up the incline to another doorway. Step in to find yourself back in the room with those funny red things we saw earlier. These are actually quite dangerous to your health, but we need to clear them out of the way to reach the treasure chest ahead. Place bombs in front of the red things to blow them up, but beware; they regenerate if you take too long crossing! Open the chest on the other side for a pair of Revive Fruits, then exit the room the way you came. Back in the "pond room", head north until the path is blocked by some tiny rocks. We can't step over them, so bomb the rocks out of the way and keep moving to and through the doorway. Follow the path through the next room, being careful not to fall off the edge of the cliff. Go through the next two rooms, and you'll find yourself up at a higher part of the "pond room". Walk to the southern part of this room, ignoring the higher ledge (we can't get up there yet) until you reach another doorway and another treasure chest containing a Gimel Coin. Grab it, then go in the doorway. In the next room, search the western wall for a bombable spot; blow it open and head inside. There are two treasure chests here containing a Heal Berry and 300 Gella; grab them both, making note of the strange gyroscopic object in the room. That's a holographic archive containing a hidden Boss, but we cannot battle it until much later in the game. For now, head back to the previous room. Bomb the rocks blocking the northern area, then bomb the blue things on the floor to knock them out of commission for a while. Walk past them and into the next room. From there, head north.. and disaster strikes! |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: | |
N/A | 64 | 60 | WIND | WATER, ICE | EARTH | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Bite Strike (physical attack) Glider Dive (physical attack) |
How To Win:
But Clive is a renowned sharpshooter, correct? He ought to be; once you gather 25 FP, open the Force Ability menu and select Lock On. This will hit the Goldrake, ending the battle regardless of the damage it does. |
Notice I said it would "end the battle?" It's not over yet, unfortunately. Upon losing, Goldrake takes a deep breath and exhales poison in our hero's face, which inflicts him with Poison status. With no Antidotes to heal, and the passage we took out of the cave now destroyed; we have to find a way out of here, and fast!
From this point forward until we leave the cave, skip as many encounters as you can to conserve HP. Poison does far more damage in battle than it does on foot, and we still need to escape. But how do we do that? From Goldrake's room, check the east wall. See the lighter section of the wall? Bomb the light section, and head through. The next room has a CRAPLOAD of red and blue things to bomb through; use bombs to clear a path through them, and pick up the white gems if your ECN Gauge is low. Head south from there, and a humongous boulder blocks our path! One bomb will not do the trick, so we need to lay MULTIPLE BOMBS! Stand in front of the big rock, and repeatedly tap Square to lay bombs over and over again until the rock is blown to bits! Now head south out of the room, and you'll be back in the pond room. From there, jump down to the lower level, and jump down another level to where we first entered this room. Head through the southernmost door on the lowest level of the "big pond" room, and from there just follow the straightforward path out of the cave. It's then that Clive succumbs to the poison... ... and awakens in a nearby town, and is healed from the poison. But now, Goldrake has returned to attack the village. This time, we're given an Antidote to cure poison, and an inspirational message to ensure our victory! |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: | |
256 | 64 | 60 | WIND | WATER, ICE | EARTH | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Toxic Breath (poisons the target) Glider Dive (physical attack) |
How To Win:
Chapter 1:
Our Team - Together At Last!
Now that you have completed all of the character introductions, you should have a fair idea of our characters strengths and weaknesses. Right from the start, you are thrust into a boss battle with train robbers!
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
330 | 24 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
275 | 16 | 50 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
300 | 16 | 50 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Janus' Attacks: Multiblast (physical attack on all opponents; used only at the beginning of the battle) Heretic Stab (physical counter) Sniper Shark XR (physical attack on one character) |
Romero's Attacks: Throwing Star (physical) Loses Nerve (increases his evade; only works once)
Dario's Attacks: Gillius GS12/23 (physical) Zips Up (increases his attack; only works once)
How To Win:
This battle is fairly easy, but Janus can do quite a bit of damage. Your best bet is to take down Dario first; as he is a little stronger than Romero, but also slower. Keep attacking him, and have Gallows use Heal spells every turn to keep your HP up. If your whole team is hurting, have him use Heal with Extension to cure your whole team. Janus is the real threat in the battle. Janus can sometimes counter physical hits with Heretic Stab, so be wary about attacking him when your HP is low. He can also hit all team members with Multiblast (no, that's not Ashley's bayonet.) The first time you're Multiblasted, the game will teach you how to use the Mystic Force Ability to have a Heal Berry heal all at once. However, you don't need to do this to win the battle; in fact, you should save your Heal Berries for a better time, as they can be difficult to come across! Or, you could begin by defending for the first turn, then healing the second turn, and finally going forward and all-out attacking on the third, having Virginia defend. She won't be able to do too much damage anyways. Thanks to Andvareel for this tip! Anyway, keep it up with the physical attacks and heal every turn. Clive and Jet's attacks are powerful, and should take the trio down fairly quickly. |
With those three out of the way (for now), we arrive at Midland Station. Now we can move on to our destination... Baskar Village? The look on Gallows' face is priceless! |
Midland Station - Baskar Village
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Balloon | 32 | 1 | 2 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Gob | 27 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Now that your team is together, you should have no problems dealing with these enemies. Whenever you can, use Arcana to take down the enemies. |
Baskar Village isn't far from here at all. Simply travel west, past the Fallen Sanctuary, and then north. You should remember Baskar from our earlier visit. You may want to kill some of the Gob enemies with Gallows' Pressure and Refrigerate Arcana; enemies that you kill with elemental Arcana always drop gems that can be sold for 100 Gella each! |
Baskar Village - Return
Items in this area: 1200 Gella World Screen (buy it from Roykman for 5000 Gella)
After a long, long chat with Halle (and a 1200 Gella reward!), it's clear that our group of Drifters will be working together for a while. It's here you'll learn how to use the ASK (Activate Selected Keyword) command. Practice it around town by talking to certain people. Also, talk to everyone in the village; then talk to them AGAIN with Gallows in the lead position of your party. You will get different messages depending on who is in the lead sometimes. When you are ready..
Our new mission is to head over to Fallen Sanctuary again and awaken the Guardians to give us a bit of "traveller's insurance". Remember that Medium Gallows was using that allowed him to cast that nifty magic? It was a fake; we're off to get the real version along with 3 more for our other team members. But, before we do that.. there's a salesman in town. His name is Roykman, and he's the only shop in... well, pretty much anywhere. You'll find Roykman in the southern part of town dressed in full green regalia; chat with him. You cannot buy Heal Berries off of him, but you can buy other things such as status curing items. The most important item for now is the World Screen; it costs 5000 Gella. You'll want this item as it gives you a World Map that you can view by pressing the Select button! Purchase the World Screen. Sell all of your elemental Gems that you have acquired so far to acquire the money, and if you haven't reached 5000 Gella by now, don't sweat it; you'll reach it soon enough. We'll get it after coming back from the Sanctuary.
Now that you've got the World Screen, we're ready to head off to the Fallen Sanctuary again. Head back to the Fallen Sanctuary; you should know the route by now. 8) |
Fallen Sanctuary - Awaken the Guardians!
Try to avoid the random battles in the Fallen Sanctuary for now; Pill Bugs are pretty hard to kill without magic, and we'd be better off saving our time and energy for the test ahead of us!
From the beginning of the temple, take the first set of stairs up; this will lead us outside to an area with 4 monolithic figures. The Guardians? That's right; and to earn the Guardians power, we have to awaken them and then defeat them in battle. All you have to do is walk up one of the stairways (ignore the 4 stairways that can't be reached; they aren't important yet) and use the Ark Scepters. Put Gallows as the lead of your party when you look at the monoliths to determine which ones represent each Guardians. So, where do we begin? Grandma Halle suggested taking down Grudiev first, but she's senile. Our best bet would be to begin with Schturdark, because after you defeat one of the Guardians, you get its Medium. Schturdark's Medium contains the Heal spell, which will be useful when taking down the other bosses! Aside from different elements, all of the Guardians fight pretty much the same way. They begin the battle with their "Summon" attack, dealing elemental damage to your whole party. After that, they stick to physical or magical attacks on single characters, occasionally using their "summon" attack once more. Therefore, for each boss, it is highly recommended to enter the battles fully healed. Don't worry about each boss' counterattack; it rarely actually hits. Just shoot at them, or cast elemental Arcana to bring them down. The ideal order to take them down is as follows;
However, Andvareel provided me with this tip, which I believe works very well: "Grudiev seriously is the weakest of the bunch, even if it summons often- heal doesn't help that much. If you can then handle Fengalon, that should be next to abuse earth weakness, then water to abuse lightning weakness. Normally water is easier than wind though. Hardly necessary, but if you then take the medium outside, and gather a few gems, these should deal quite a bit more damage than normal arcana at this point, and then everyone can use it- each should die in about 2 turns, except moor gault, because Virginia and Jet should defend." Ready now? Then head to the northern monolith to fight Schturdark. |
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
960 | 34 | 0 | NONE | WATER, ICE | FIRE, LIGHTNING | NONE | NONE |
Boss' Attacks: Assault Tide (water-elemental attack on all)
Big Press (physical attack, counterattack)
Pressure (water elemental magic attack on one)
Refrigerate (ice elemental magic attack on one)
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Boss' Attacks: Hi-Speed Ripper (wind attack on all)
Sonic Scratch (physical attack, counterattack)
Vortex (air elemental spell on one), Turbulence (doubles his evade for 3-5 turns)
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
800 | 34 | 0 | LIGHTNING | EARTH | WIND | NONE | NONE |
Boss' Attacks: Planet Breaker (earth attack on all)
Megasmash (physical attack, counterattack)
Shield (increases its defense for 3-5 turns).
Note that Grudiev uses its "Summon" attack more often than the other 3 bosses.
HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
780 | 34 | 0 | NONE | FIRE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Boss' Attacks: Vapor Blast (fire attack on all)
Vulcan Beak (physical attack, counterattack)
Cremate (fire elemental spell on one)
How To Win:
You fight the Guardians one at a time, with a rest break in-between each fight. Also, once you defeat one, you obtain its Medium, making the next fight that much easier.
Enter each boss fight on optimal HP, then take the bosses down in the order I recommended. Simply concentrate your physical hits on Schturdark until he croaks, then equip his medium on Gallows. Against Fengalon, have Gallows heal when needed, casting Pressure on Fengalon to exploit his weakness to water. He may use Turbulence to increase his Evade, which you should just try and wait out with healing and resting for most of your characters. Next up is Grudiev; have Gallows heal while the others attack and cast Vortex. Finally, we have Moor Gault. Keep your life up high (he's a hard hitter), and fight him as you did the others, taking the occasional turn with Gallows to cast Refrigerate on him. Moor Gault can do a lot of damage, so make sure no one gets knocked out by keeping your HP high. These battles are not difficult; see to it that you win them all without losing a team member.
You have plenty of time to set your Mediums up any way you want, but make sure they are all being used and make sure everybody has one. Don't let it worry you too much yet though; first thing we're doing is heading back to Baskar to get them charged! Head back to Baskar Village.
Baskar Village - Back Again!
Hand in your Mediums to Granny Halle, and she'll give you a tutorial on Personal Skills and how to set them, as well as add stat bonuses to each Medium! Score!
If you haven't already, Invoke (equip) your Mediums whatever way you see as best. Then use your Personal Skill Points to equip as much as you can (your Personal Skill points are equal to your current level, so don't expect to equip too much yet.) I highly recommend going for elemental and status prevention first. Now, what to do next? Well, if you haven't bought that World Screen yet, get it now! If you don't have enough money to purchase it, here's an easy solution. Get into some battles, and make sure to kill the enemy (deal the finishing blow) with elemental Arcana. For each enemy killed with elemental Arcana, they will drop a gem of that element which sell for 100 Gella! Or, go outside and fight battles against Gob enemies, using your Mediums to summon on the enemies. Killing them with summoning is the same as killing them with Arcana; they will drop elemental gems! Plus, as you kill enemies, your MTC (Material Count) goes up. Basically, you can only summon as many times as your MTC allows, then you'll have to restore MTC at an Inn. However, killing enemies with summons increases your max MTC, so make sure you summon often. Sell the gems until you have enough money to buy the World Screen, then purchase it. Got the Screen? Okay, now talk to Roykman and choose to Chat with him. He'll tell you of a town to the southwest called "Jolly Roger". That's where we'll head next. Rest in town if you need to heal, take one more look at the beautiful Baskar scenery, and head off into the World Map. |
Searching for the Eternal Sparkle
After talking to Granny Halle and chatting with Roykman, you're free to leave Baskar Village and start your adventure, if you can call it that at this point. Before you go, make sure you've purchased the World Screen, and fool around with the Personal Skills a bit. Also, talk to everyone in town, then talk to them again with Gallows in the lead of your party. Knowing what's out there is half the battle, right? When you're all set, exit town through the south.
Baskar Village - Jolly Roger
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Balloon | 32 | 1 | 2 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Gob | 27 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Beast Slug | 105 | 4 | 6 | NONE | NONE | WIND, ICE | NONE | NONE |
Spartoi | 128 | 7 | 9 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Balloons and Gobs are child's play, but Beast Slugs and Spartois take a bit more effort to take down. Your best bet is to just keep attacking until you emerge victorious. Fight every battle, unless you are in DESPERATE need of healing, which is highly unlikely. |
1500 Gella |
Jolly Roger may be a little tricky to find if you don't know where to search, but luckily you have my guide and the World Screen! Providing that you bought the World Screen, press Select at any time on the World Map screen to bring up a huge map (and check the bottom right corner of that map for co-ordinates). The flashing white dot on this map is you, and you can select locations from the list of locations you have visited by scrolling through the choices.
To find Jolly Roger, head south and around the mountains, past the Fallen Sanctuary. From there, head east a bit, then when you reach the vast open plain, travel southeast past the train tracks and across a land bridge. Jolly Roger is due west from here, near a shore. But keep going south anyway; there's a little something out there for you! Keep going south until you reach a huge stretch of plains to the east, then head a little east and search at co-ordinates X: 17420 Y: 4338. Lookit that! Someone dropped 1500 Gella out in the wasteland! Now it's yours, you lucky devil. Anyways, grab the Gella and go back up north. Check around X: 16916 and Y: 5351 for a signpost, then run directly west from that until you hit a shoreline. Search around X: 15415 Y: 5399, and Jolly Roger appears! Arr! Shiver me timbers and all that pirate crap!
Jolly Roger
Migrant Seal Gimel Coin Heal Berry Mini Carrot Dragon Fossil |
This USED to be a naval yard, but there isn't exactly enough water left on the planet for ordinary boats, so the town is pretty much derelict these days. Sad, huh? Anyways, upon entering town, watch a short scene, then look north and you should see a large metal shed. Use Clive to bomb the southern side of the metal shed, then walk inside as far as you can and press X. Migrant Seal Get! Cool, huh? Now we can avoid enemy battles with less MTC cost! I hope you know what that means; if you don't, then you should read over the instructions a little more. 8) We're supposed to stop by the Saloon, but let's get to know the people of Jolly Roger first. Head into the house closest to the entrance of town and talk with the little boy there; his name is Sterling, and he's quite intelligent. Check out the bookshelf for a bit of Filgaian history (I suggest you read EVERY book in the game, to get as much story as you can out of this game), then head outside and talk to the guy in yellow, the guy with the crutch in the northern part of town near the shore (he gives you a clue about the Migrant Seal we found earlier), and the pirate guy near the saloon itself. Head to the saloon; that's the building marked "Bell Starr" in the southern reaches of town. Before knocking back a few, check the barrel in the corner for a Gimel Coin, then head up the stairs and into the next room. Go west past the downwards staircase and check the barrel next to the steel crate for a Heal Berry, then head out the door onto the balcony. Check the barrels on the balcony for a Mini Carrot, then head back into the other room and down the staircase and into another room to reach the back of the ARMsmith's place. Check the barrel at the back of the ARMsmith's place for a Dragon Fossil. Head back to the Saloon now, and choose Chat with Hannah at the counter. Make sure you choose "Chat", not "Stay". It'll cost 150 Gella for a meal, but it's required to move on with the game, and it's free healing anyway! Your team will chat for a bit about a lead on a magnificent treasure, and after some arguing between your team, head outside the Saloon to meet up with some familiar faces, tormenting an "innocent" girl. Rather than fight you, they inform you of where the treasure may be hidden; a ruin called the Ruins of Memory. ASK about the Ruin when it comes up to learn more (it's actually more of a museum, hence the name). When your "friends" are done talking, prepare for the next dungeon. First of all, stop by the ARMsmith just next to the Saloon. Here you can upgrade your ARMs, so do a bit of upgrading if you want, but be sure to save some money; Roykman is also in town, and it's a very good idea to buy some Antidotes, because there is a particular enemy around this area that can poison your team members. Also, talk to Sterling before you leave for some backstory regarding the Ruins, if you desire. Seems like most of the good treasures have been stolen from the display cases... for shame. |
Jolly Roger - Ruins of Memory
From Jolly Roger, head south until you reach a big eastern stretch of plains where we found 1500 Gella earlier. Head east down there until you hit the edge, then search around co-ordinates X: 18163 Y: 3779 for the Ruins of Memory. Go on in. |
Ruins of Memory
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Annaberge | 240 | 14 | 18 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Spartoi | 128 | 7 | 9 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: For Annaberges, have Gallows attack once to get his FP up while having everyone else block, then cast Refrigerate on them. Annaberges counter physical attacks with strong physical attacks of their own, and they have good physical defense, so it's best to let the rest of your team do something else while Gallows freezes them. When fighting Blue Books and Spartois, dispose of the Spartoi as fast as you can so as not to let them use Geist Gust too many times. Be prepared for the occasional poison attack by Annaberges. |
Heal Berry 1500 Gella Gella Card Dragon Fossil Lucky Card Gimel Coin Memo Pen Growth Egg |
From the start of the dungeon, head north until you reach a familiar trio. After a short chat, head north up the small staircase and into the next room, which is full of smashed display cases. Thieves have been here, no doubt. Ignore the doorway to the north here, and head south past the cases to a glass booth with a switch behind the glass and a door. Either bomb the glass or run into it (it's not my responsiblity if you require skin grafts), then hit the switch and enter the door. In the next room, climb the small staircase and toss Jet's Boomerang over the railing to hit the crystal switch and open the door and go in. The next room has 4 lit torches and a locked door; use the Freezer Doll to put the torches out, and then keep moving (nice view!) In the next room, smash the glass booths to find a chest with a Heal Berry, a block, and a switch. Push the block on the switch. The next room has a chest containing 1500 Gella behind a glass booth; grab it and head north through the doorway. Another easy to spot chest containing a Gella Card awaits you! Grab the Gella Card, then head north and take the north doorway. 3 chests in here contain a Dragon Fossil, a Lucky Card, and a Gimel Coin. Yoink them from their chests, then leave the room and take the east doorway. The door closes shut behind us! What to do? Well, look around the room, and you'll notice 4 statues of robed men. One of them is in pretty sorry shape; it's missing an arm! Blow up the statue with the missing arm with a Bomb, then hit the floor panel where the statue once was to open the door on the east side. Enter. Now, go a bit south and look for another glass booth with a lever type switch; hit it to lower the nearby wall. This is a shortcut for later! After moving the lever, head north to a room with lots and lots of books. If you feel like reading, go ahead and check the shelves. Take note that one of the books is locked by a Duplicator, but don't bother opening it until you've opened all of the chests and doors in the game; they're more important to open first. When you're done reading, check the western part of the room for a shoddy looking wall underneath a bull head hanging from high above. Bomb this wall open, and grab the chests in the next room (a Memo Pen and a Growth Egg). The third chest is Duplicator locked. We'll get to that later. Now see the torch in this room? Behind that pillar is a crystal switch, so stand on the edge near the Duplicator chest and toss your Boomerang around the pillar to hit it and open the next door. Now, in the next room, put out the blue flame with the Freezer Doll to lower part of the floor, then stand on the lowered part and relight the candle with the Tindercrest. In the next room is a boss fight, so use a Gimel Coin to save your game, and heal up. When you're ready, go through... |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
520 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
455 | 56 | 125 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
490 | 56 | 125 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Janus' Attacks: Multiblast (physical attack on all opponents) Heretic Stab (physical attack and counter) Sniper Shark XR (physical attack on one character) |
Romero's Attacks: Throwing Star (physical) Loses Nerve (increases his evade; only works once)
Dario's Attacks: Gillius GS12/23 (physical) Zips Up (increases his attack; only works once)
ALL: Trinity (big damage to 1 character, requires all three of them to use) |
How To Win:
Janus must be defeated first; if you attack anyone but him, he instantly heals his cronies for 200 HP. So use the first few turns attacking Janus only to get your FP up, and sooner or later, he'll split. That's the end of the Trinity attack! Now it's time for the other two. Use a Gella Card on Dario to get some extra cash (Romero has no money), and have Virginia Mystic a Lucky Card for more EXP at the end of the fight (do this BEFORE killing Janus if you can). Don't worry about using Lucky Cards and Gella Cards; you get plenty, so use one Lucky Card per boss battle, and one Gella Card per boss per battle. Romero and Dario are ridiculously easy on their own, despite what their little speech leads you to believe. So have some fun with them. |
After defeating the "Trinity", head back to Jolly Roger. Speak with the man in the red and blue sailor clothes (his name is Dennis) and ASK him about the train. Now you'll be able to find Midland Station! Another one of the treasures is said to be in a ruin in the Westwood Region of Filgaia, but we need to take the train to get there. Rest up in Jolly Roger (or perhaps Baskar if you don't mind a lot of extra running). When you're ready, go back to the World Map and head to co-ordinates X: 14605 Y: 6827. Search here to reveal Midland Station, then go on in. |
Midland Station
Talk to the guy at the ticket booth (his name is Miles, and he hides his eyes behind his hat) to buy a ticket to Westwood. This will cost 120 Gella, which you should have. Within seconds, the train appears! Chat with Tony, then choose Depart to be on your way! You can sing the irritating Selphie train song if you want. |
Meet the Schroedingers
Westwood Station
When the train comes to a complete stop (this is all done automatically), you'll automatically depart from the train. Talk to the attendant here (his name is Rick, he's not showing his eyes either) and Chat with him. Ask him about stuff to learn a few things; there's a nice village nearby, and a group of 3 people recently boarded this train looking for the same place. Hmm... |
Westwood Station - Claiborne
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Pordarge | 90 | 10 | 12 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Dryad | 110 | 6 | 8 | EARTH | NONE | FIRE | NONE | WATER |
Strategy: The enemies around here are no big deal; simple attacks will take them down, and the Pordarges may actually waste most of their turns arguing amongst themselves (they can also Disease team members). If you are mugged by a Pordarge, it may try and fly away with your item, so kill it quickly. Dryads have the ability to cause Forget status, so you might want to hold off on fighting them until you have some Toy Hammers. Fighting Dryads can pay off though; they occasionally drop Memo Pens, which can be equipped on your Mediums to give you the "Forget" Status Ward skill. |
Head directly east from Westwood Station until you start to see some train tracks. See the tunnel? Slightly north from that around the co-ordinates X: 11703 Y: 7154, search and you will find the town of Claiborne. It's a nice town. I think you'll like it. |
Revive Fruit Revive Fruit Pinwheel Heal Berry Gimel Coin Mini Carrot Duplicator |
Again, the first thing our team wants to do is visit the Saloon like a bunch of crazy drunks, but this IS the Wild West, right? Well, the boozing can wait. First, head inside the ARM shop (that's the first building) and check the barrel by the door for a Revive Fruit. Next, go outside and toss the crates beside the old house near for another Revive Fruit. Head inside the old house and check the barrel next to the bookcase for a Pinwheel. Now, go BEHIND the Saloon (not to sneak in), and check the barrels for a Heal Berry, then head to the big building to the north. Speak with the cute girl in the cowboy hat named Becky to learn about little Martina and her aunt, who is a bitch. Talking to Martina in the right spots at the right times will earn you a very special item, and by following this here walkthrough, you'll never miss a step! Now, head inside the house. Here you'll find a man named Dessinsey, who's has 4 perfectly good horses he's willing to sell for 2000 Gella. If you have the money, by all means invest in them. You will actually NEED to buy the horses in a while, so it's better to get them now. Riding horses is MUCH faster than running across the overworld, and you can call horses to any spot on the World Map if you use a Call Whistle! After splurging on the horsies (please don't misread that as something gross), head upstairs and read an interesting book about gigantic turtles and how to crack their shells (Leon Uris does the trick too, I hear), then check the barrel for a Gimel Coin. Head back downstairs and through the not too easy to find east door, and into the manger-esque room. Search the hay bale for a Duplicator, and wonder how in holy hell it got there. Finally, leave the barn and search under the stairs leading to the top floor; a barrel here contains a Mini Carrot. Now it's time for boozing. Head to the Horse Theft Saloon (nice name), and chat with the cute little girl (Martina), and be sure to ask about her mom. Next, talk to the ugly girl over the counter and chat with her, asking about Martina. Take a rest if you need it, then head outside and talk to Becky again for directions to another ruin. |
Claiborne - Serpent Coils
From Claiborne, travel northeast riding your new horsies (don't these things make travelling much easier? And to think; you don't have to clean up their poop!) and look for a part where the mountains kind of form a curve; it's very easy to spot. Search co-ordinates X: 13725 Y: 7761 to find Serpent's Coils, our next dungeon. |
Serpent Coils
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Jelly Blob | 40 | 8 | 9 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Jelly Blobs cannot be harmed by physical attacks; you will have to Summon or use Arcana to win. Luckily, they are weak to EVERY element, and are easy to defeat. If your level is less than 10, take one turn to attack the enemies to get FP up, then use Arcana on the next turn. Use the Summon command to wipe out big groups of them and gain lots of MTC; it's actually a good idea to build MTC here, and rest at Claiborne to restore it. Get your MTC up now; it will help you out later! |
Gella Card X 2 2000 Gella Gimel Coin Lucky Card X 3 Clear Chime Nectar Migrant Seal |
They call this place the Serpent Coils because the dungeon twists and turns like a coiled up snake. That means it's very complicated and hard to map out. Save yourself the grief and follow this section of the walkthrough, doing exactly as I say. I'm not trying to take away your right to play the game the way you want to; in fact, I encourage you to try the dungeon once on your own, then once with my guide. My guide will give you the easiest path through the Coils, and will make it so that you never have to return again, so just hear me out. 8)
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
670 | 46 | 50 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
750 | 46 | 50 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
630 | 46 | 50 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
590 | 46 | 50 | NONE | FIRE, ICE | WATER | NONE | NONE | |
Blonde's Attacks: Vantage Rage MM (physical attack, counterattack), AW-RSTN87 (strong physical attack) | ||||||||
Afro's Attacks: Psycho Crack (physical attack, causes confusion), Healing Factor (full HP healing to anyone, used as a counter if you attack anyone but him), Black Fenrir (physical attack) | ||||||||
Timid Boy's Attacks: Homemade Blast (physical attack) | ||||||||
Shady's Attacks: Baking Breath (fire attack), Blizzard Breath (ice attack) | ||||||||
How To Win:
When Afro is down, the fight becomes easier. Next, focus your physical attacks on Timid Boy, and cast Pressure on Cat? to exploit its water weakness. Heal with Gallows when needed, and these guys will go down in no time. Finally, go after Blonde. Beware of Blonde when she has low HP, as she will use her AW-RSTN87 attack, which is quite powerful. She shouldn't last long enough for this to be a threat, however. FYI, if you defeat Blonde, the fight ends, so take down the other guys first for extra EXP! |
Gimel Coin Duplicator |
It's not over? That's right. Use a Gimel Coin to save, then head north one screen. Grab the chests for a Gimel Coin and a Duplicator, then go up one room. When you're good and ready, walk north a bit and grab the item off the wall to trigger another boss battle. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
999 | 54 | 60 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
820 | 48 | 52 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
910 | 48 | 52 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Janus's Attacks: Multiblast (physical attack to all), Heretic Stab (physical attack, counterattack), Sniper Shark XR (physical attack to one) | ||||||||
Romero's Attacks: Throwing Star (physical attack), Loses Nerve (increases his EVA, only once), | ||||||||
Dario's Attacks: Gillius GS12/23 (physical attack) Zips Up (increases his DEF, only works once) | ||||||||
ALL: Trinity (big physical damage to one, can only be used if all three are alive) | ||||||||
How To Win:
After a sad scene, poor Virginia's spirit takes a kick to the groin. Bummer, huh? Don't worry; she's a strong young lady. 8) Anyways, read the text along the way, and your next destination becomes clear. Talk to everyone in Claiborne, and buy some Pinwheels and Medicines off of Roykman. Seems he's been selling stuff to other Drifter parties, but merchants do it for the money, right?
While you're in town, buy those horses if you haven't already. You most definitely have the money now. Also, upgrade your ARMs a bit if you want, and note that Martina has left. We're going to pay her a visit before we head to the next dungeon, so head back to Westwood. |
Westwood Station
Talk to Martina here. Do this NOW to save having to do it later. She's out to find her mommy, so wish her luck. 8) |
Westwood Station - Ka Dingel
Ka Dingel is very easy to find. South from Westwood is a peninsula that's clear as crystal, so go down there and look around co-ordinates X: 9609 Y: 4400. |
Andro, Crio, Heiraco
Ka Dingel
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Annaberge | 240 | 14 | 18 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Empusa | 120 | 11 | 14 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Gagison | 98 | 9 | 10 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Pordarge | 90 | 10 | 12 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: As usual, cast Refrigerate on Annaberges, but feel free to attack them now; you should be strong enough to take the retaliation. Pordarges are still an annoyance, so get rid of them quickly. The new enemies; Gagison and Empusa, are not much to worry about; Gagisons usually choose to cause Disease status or cast Decelerate on your party members. If you bought some Medicines from Roykman, you'll be fine; just cure it after battle. You might want to summon Grudiev on groups of Gagisons (they are weak to earth). Empusas are fairly weak enemies that attempt to steal HP, but rarely succeed. Cast Inspire on them. |
Lucky Card X 2 Gella Card X 3 Gimel Coin Duplicator |
This is the last dungeon in Chapter 1, and at the top lies an action packed story scene. Doesn't that make you want to get up there faster? Aren't you so glad my walkthrough is here to help you ascend the tower as fast as possible? 8P Begin by walking north through the first room. In the second is a block pushing puzzle; you have to use two blocks in the "low" part of the room to build a bridge. Take the first two blocks that are in the lower section of the floor and push and pull them (go up to them and press and hold X, then push and pull with the directional buttons), and use them to form a 2 block bridge that connects the raised floor where you entered the room from to a raised floor with another block. Cross this bridge, then push the third block to the top right part of the raised floor, then north one space to make another bridge. Cross and grab the Lucky Card X 2 in the chest, then drop down and push the block west to build another bridge to the end of the room. Cross the two block bridges and go through the exit. Ascend the staircases, and move on to a room with more valve turning. Yay! First, step on the switch to lower the first "valve platform", then walk onto it and grab the valve, then start turning clockwise. After the platform is fully raised, you'll be up on the higher levels. Rotate the camera a bit to see a doorway that's a slight drop down from the upper area; go on in! Open the chests inside for a Gella Card X 3, Gimel Coin, and a Duplicator, then exit the room. You'll have to drop down a level and do the valve thing AGAIN, but no one said climbing this tower would be easy! Once you're back up, walk along the higher up section and when you reach the end, drop down. You'll have to do another round of valve turning (oh JOY!) to reach ANOTHER valve (which also has to be turned), and only then will you reach the exit of this room. Hey, you're getting a much needed thumb workout. Head through the door to exit the room, then ascend another flight of stairs. SAVE YOUR GAME before entering the room; we're going to tangle with a titanium tortoise who is tricky to tackle unless we tarnish his.... carapace. 8P Enter the next room when you are ready, and once you walk about halfway through it, the boss battle begins. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
1510 | 250 | 150 | ALL | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Bio Missile (physical attack, counterattack) Toxic Breath (poisons target) Big Press (physical damage, counterattack) |
How To Win:
Reading is important. RPGs used to have this thing called "talking to townspeople and examining things" that was used to gather information on how to defeat monsters, how to find important items, etc. Some people still use it today, and hopefully, you have been reading the in-game text and reading the books on the bookshelves that I have been recommending you read. If you haven't... then start now. One of the books in Claiborne tells you how to beat this sucker, and I'm not telling you how here. Just fooling with you. But please, start reading the books if you haven't already. First of all, to lower Trask's defense to a more fair number, hit him with Fire elemental Arcana (either through Cremate or a Fire Gem). This will heat his huge metal shell up (though it will not toast the turtle inside). Next, freeze his shell with Ice elemental Arcana (Refrigerate or an Ice Gem). Voila! No more high defense! Not as satisfying as the destruction of Neslug's shell in FFX, but pretty good nontheless. Now finish him off with physical attacks (Arcana is no good), but BE CAREFUL. Trask is a hard hitter, and counterattacks every time you attack him with a powerful Bio Missile attack, so only have Jet and Clive attack him while Gallows keeps the team healthy and happy. For a bit more fun, cast Fragile on Trask to lower his DEF even more. He won't last long. Don't forget the Lucky Card routine; I did! And get into the habit of doing it from now on for bosses! |
Heal Berry Revive Fruit X 2 Blue Bracer Booster Kit Gimel Coin Mini Carrot |
After trouncing Trask, head south and ascend another stairwell, gathering orange gems to refill a bit of vitality. At the end of the stairs, head into the next room.
Climb the ladder up to the top, then walk on over to the hanging cage and grab on. Climb over to the raised part of the floor that's sticking out, and rotate the camera to make sure you're directly under it. Drop down, and walk over to the area where the chest is and drop down again. Open the chest for a Heal Berry, then drop down and climb the ladder back up. Climb back to the raised part again, then walk south to the next cage and hang on. Climb the cage over to the western part and drop down at the end, then head north to another cage. Climb this one northeast and drop down on the platform, and grab the Revive Fruit X 2 out of the chest. And then..... climb the ladder AGAIN, and do the whole room over one last time (I know it's irritating, but you have to do this to get all the treasure!) until you reach the third cage. From there, flip yourself up to on top of the cage, and you'll be facing two doorways. Take the northern-most door first; it leads downstairs to more treasures! Go on in, then descend the stairs to reach a room with two chests. Open one to get the Blue Bracer, then open the Duplicator chest with a Duplicator for a Booster Kit. This adds 10 more ECN points to your ECN gauge! Now mosey on back to the two door room and take the other door. Ascend the stairs (we're ALMOST there!) and enter a room with an interesting torch puzzle. It's not hard to figure out, but I'll tell you how to do it anyway. First, stand north from the second torch, and put both torches out with the Freezer Doll. This will fool around with the floor, raising certain sections and lowering others. Now, stand east from the second torch (EAST, not north) and Tindercrest it. Finally, walk as far north as you can, then turn around, and put out the torch with the Freezer Doll. Now it's a straight walk from the platforms to a staircase leading out. Ascend the stairs, grab the gems, then save your game when you reach the top. In the next room, empty the chests for a Gimel Coin and a Mini Carrot, then head to the center of the room to trigger a short scene, then keep going to trigger a much larger scene. A familiar adversary attacks, but this time, he's fighting you solo! Believe it or not, he's harder alone! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
1800 | 310 | 380 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Heretic Stab (physical attack to one, counterattack) Multiblast (physical damage on all, sometimes a counter) Sniper Shark XR (physical attack to one) Rising Nova (strong physical attack to one) Heal Berry (recovers 300 HP) |
How To Win:
Begin by casting Fragile on him to lower his Defense. In fact, do this on every boss from now on unless instructed otherwise. Next, have Virginia get enough FP to Mystic a Lucky Card. From there, start whittling down his 1800 HP with physical hits, and heal with Gallows when necessary. There's not much else to it other than that; keep your HP up, and hold off on attacking him with Virginia too much; this does little damage, and just provokes him. Have Virginia cast Turbulence on your team members to help them out instead. Clive and Jet should be able to take him down before he does TOO much damage to your party, though those Rising Novas add up quickly. When Janus is nearly defeated, he'll attempt to use Heal Berries on himself, so hit him with all you've got when you reach that point. |
After the battle, you'll see a scene involving the true villians in WA3. A very painful looking scene occurs, and you'll be prompted to save your game for Chapter 2. |
Chapter 2:
Rescue Claudia?
After the Ka Dingel disaster, you'll find your party alive and drinking in Claiborne, where Clive tells his story and the reason he began a Drifter. Afterwards, your party agrees to try and find some more leads on what the hell happened at Ka Dingel by stopping by a town to the west called Little Twister. Unfortunately, Gallows forgot the location because he fell asleep on the caravan leading him there. 8P For more information, talk to everyone in town. If you haven't bought those horses, you'll need them now; Little Twister is on the other side of a gulch that only horses can leap across (and they don't bridge the gulch because Little Twister is a criminal haven, and they don't want thieves over in Claiborne). Head out onto the World Map.
Claiborne - Little Twister
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Axe Beak | 140 | 12 | 14 | NONE | NONE | WIND | NONE | NONE |
Oak | 240 | 15 | 18 | THUNDER | EARTH | FIRE | WATER | NONE |
Orc | 220 | 13 | 15 | NONE | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: The Little Twister region enemies won't give you much trouble. Simply selecting Shoot over and over will defeat an Oak fairly easily (do not cast Pressure on them; this "waters" them and gives them a mean paralysis attack). Axe Beaks are relentless, fast attackers, but they don't hit for much. Orcs have high defense, so mix in some Arcana. If you've got a lot of HP, cast Cremate on an Orc for a humorous counterattack. I don't eat pork products aside from the occasional bacon strip; how about you? |
3500 Gella |
After a short scene (pay attention to the text, and you'll be able to determine who the next 2 bosses are), climb onto your horse and ride west to reach the gorge. Run at it as fast as you can with the horse, and hit it straight. You have to come at it from the right angle, or the game won't let you jump, so rotate the camera beforehand to straighten things out. From there, go southwest past the train tracks and the large "tower", and search co-ordinates X: 6629 Y: 7782 for some spending money. From there, head northwest a little more and search around X: 6181 Y: 8351 to find Little Twister. |
Little Twister
Revive Fruit Potion Berry Duplicator Peppy Acorn Grab Bag Gimel Coin |
(Wild ARMs fun fact; in the original Japanese version of WA3, this town was originally called "Titty Twister". Virginia had better protect her nipples...) As you could probably tell from the music played in this town (it's an EXCELLENT track, one more reason to buy the OST), you'll get the feeling that this town isn't very friendly. Well, it's not, but that doesn't stop anyone from giving out information, so begin by talking to the brightly dressed guy at the entrance. Apparently, a girl named Claudia was kidnapped? Maybe there's a reward for her safe return? Now look around town. Notice that most of the houses are boarded up? That's because this town is a haven for crooks and no-goodniks, and people are moving out. Head over to the building with the "awning", which is called the Honey of Roses saloon, and head on in and talk to the girl over the counter. This is Angela, and she's willing to give us some information on the Claudia situation; for a price. Select Chat, then select "Point to a 500 Gella bottle" to "refresh her memory" and trigger a scene. Afterwards, chat with Angela AGAIN to learn the location of the ruin where Claudia has been spotted. Now, it's time to buy some stuff. Talk to Roykman (he won't be around for a while, so shop NOW!), and buy some Pinwheels, Toy Hammers, Medicines and Peppy Acorns from him. Trust me on this one. Now to clean the town of all its hidden treasure. Check the two barrels west from the Save Robot for a Revive Fruit, then run to the far eastern part of town and check the barrels next to the Sheriff's Office for a Potion Berry. Next, enter the building beside the office, and look around for a valve. Give it about 7 or 8 clockwise spins to open the back door of the building, and head on out. This is the back part of the city, where all the "businesses" run. From the exit, toss the crate out of the way, then walk around the stone wall, keeping close as you do so as not to walk off screen. Head west and open the chest containing a Duplicator, then follow the stone wall southwest past a small shack. Note this location; this is the Black Market, and although you cannot shop there yet, later on you will be able to buy all kinds of crazy crap. For now, go inside and check the barrels at the bottom of the stairs for a Gimel Coin, then exit. Veer southeast more, still clinging to the wall as you do, until you reach a trio of crates. Toss them south (make sure it's SOUTH) to find a Grab Bag, then go north and through the part where the wall splits. Check inside the small building nearby to find a barrel with a Peppy Acorn inside, then head back to the main part of town. When you're ready to go, leave town. |
Little Twister - The Unclean Mark
Get on your horses and travel northeast until you reach co-ordinates X: 7282 Y: 9538. Search around here to uncover the next dungeon. |
The Unclean Mark
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Gerbug | 200 | 20 | 25 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Orc | 220 | 13 | 15 | NONE | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE |
Pordarge | 90 | 10 | 12 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Pordarges and Orcs should be standard fare by now. Just use Pressure on Orcs and physical hits on the weak Pordarges. Gerbugs are kind of tough; they have a lot of HP, and can do a fair amount of damage with physical attacks (plus they can inflict Poison). Have Virginia and Gallows use Arcana rather than Vortex to wipe them out, or use any spare Earth Gems you might have. Clive and Jet should physically attack, and you should concentrate on one at a time. Mimics are one-time enemies that appear when you open certain treasure chests, and can be easily beaten by shooting over and over again. They are capable of doing a large amount of damage, so be careful! |
Dragon Fossil 3000 Gella Heal Berry X 3 Heart Leaf Duplicator X 2 Gimel Coin Gella Card X 2 Lucky Card X 3 |
From the beginning of this oddly named dungeon, head north through the first room. In the second room, you will meet up with a woman named Claudia who is searching the ruins for an artifact... but wasn't she kidnapped? Hmm... anyway, your team agrees to help her through the dungeon. She will not participate in battle in the dungeon, but she will attempt to help you through the puzzles... the key word here is "attempt". After speaking with Claudia, look around the room to spot 4 triangular crystals. These react to bombs, and all 4 must be bombed to open the locked door, but there's a catch; each one only stays "bombed" or lit up for a limited time. You'll have to walk to each one and place a bomb quickly; don't wait for the bombs to explode before you move on to the next one. When you've opened the door, move on in to the next room and move north a bit, but rotate the camera a bit to spot a Duplicator Door to the west. Open it up and claim the treasures inside; a Dragon Fossil, 3000 Gella, Heal Berry X 3 and a Heart Leaf. Exit the room and keep heading east, then enter the doorway with candles around it and descend the stairs. In the next room, you'll find a narrow walkway and something that looks like a huge steel pipe. It's a trap, but I'll tell you how to avoid it. First, walk to the point in which the pipe will "hit" you, and Claudia will appear and offer to hit the switch nearby. Once she does, hold down on the control stick to walk away; the huge pipe is closing! If you are hit by it, you lose a massive amount of HP, so make sure you dodge! After the near death experience, talk to Claudia to get things moving again, and head through the newly opened southern door. In the next room, make a short detour through the eastern doorway to find a room with 4 chests containing: Duplicator X 2, Gimel Coin, Gella Card X 2 and Lucky Card X 3. The chest with the Duplicators is trapped by a Mimic enemy, and its attacks half the HP of the target. Fortunately, it doesn't take too long to defeat, so simply keep shooting at it until it bites the dust while Gallows heals. Leave the room when done, and move on to the next one. In the next room, you'll see a crystal switch over a pit, and although it seems impossible to reach, it isn't. Simply line Jet up with the switch, and toss the Boomerang so that it flies OVER the switch. When the Boomerang hits the wall, it will fall down and activate the switch; and best of all, it comes back! Go through the newly opened door. In the next room, Claudia will head towards a floor panel that she believes is holding the door shut. Take a deep breath, then talk to her and she'll activate the switch. Now, prepare to RUN! The switch opened the door, but it also makes the floor behind you crumble, and the stuff underneath is damage floor! Quickly face North (north is indicated by the red part of the compass!) and press and hold X to RUN! Talk to Claudia at the exit of the room, resist the urge to toss her into the pit, and move on to the next room, descending the stairs and collecting the gems. In the room after that, switch to Clive, and hit the floor panel to release the "wall" blocking your way; the unfortunate part is that the wall of blocks starts to roll over to you! Quickly place a bunch of Bombs in succession, and when they all hit the "wall", the wall will explode and you will be able to move on. The next room features a block and a switch, but you cannot move the block on to the switch because you do not have the Tool to do so. Therefore, skip this puzzle for now, but make note of it! Move on to the next room. This puzzle is a toughy; you have to activate 8 bombable crystals this time, but the reset timer seems even shorter!< The easiest way to do this is to think of the crystals as groups of 2; and place a bomb in between each 2. You'll have to be fast though; once you're done placing the third bomb, make a run for the fourth group of crystals and place the bomb quickly! And make sure you hit two crystals with one bomb!
O Bomb O O Bomb O
In the next room, toss the Boomerang at the switch from atop the "stairs", and try to pass through the trap. Claudia will attempt to help you again, telling you the trap is disarmed. Hardly! Run through as quick as you can from the center of each trap to avoid being speared. When you reach the end, use a Gimel Coin to save your game, and refill your HP, then head through the door. Talk with Claudia one more time, then grab the greenish crystal that looks like an Inanimate Carbon Rod from the wall, and quickly move out of the way! The four corners of the room will fire an electric beam, and you don't want to be caught up in that. Now talk with Claudia one more time, and something happens... |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
1200 | 390 | 420 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage) Annihilator (VERY powerful attack against all targets, only used when one person is KO'ed) |
How To Win:
Begin the first turn by using a Gella Card on her, casting Fragile, and getting Virginia's FP up to Mystic a Lucky Card. Nothing works extremely well on her, so just keep physically attacking while keeping Clive's HP up, and you'll be fine. She won't last long. |
After a very dirty trick, Robed Woman gets away, and the ruins start to shake. Heal up, save your game, and move into the next room. Head down the stairway into another room, and get ready to face... well, you'll see! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2500 | 540 | 580 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Negative Rainbow (non-elemental damage to all) Dark Spear (physical attack to one, counterattack) |
How To Win:
Meanwhile, have Clive and Jet focus on attacking, being careful while attacking him on Negative Rainbow turns; he seems to counterattack more then, and his counterattacks hit for over 100 damage. With Fragile cast on Janus, his DEF should be lowered enough so that your team can take him down before he takes you down. Just keep your HP up, and don't be afraid to use Heal Berries in times like these! This is a tough fight, and it might take you a try or two to win. |
After the fight, our heroes have a team meeting over a campfire and try and take in what just happened. All of a sudden, a mysterious light points you to your next destination, which is southeast of here. But first, head back to Little Twister and save your game! |
Into the Darkness
Little Twister
Looks like Claudia is safe and sound (and sorry!) Talk to Claudia in the Saloon; she has new things to tell you about the next dungeon. Ooooh, it's a Guardian Shrine.. guess what that means? Before you move on, I highly suggest you upgrade your ARMs! You should have a lot of Gella saved up by now, so go ahead and upgrade your heart out; you won't be needing the money anytime soon. Afterwards, prepare for the next dungeon, which is thankfully MUCH easier than the previous. |
Little Twister - Lunatic Garden
From Little Twister, ride your horsies southeast and search around X: 7790 Y: 6580 to find Lunatic Garden. Inside, we'll find a new Tool for Gallows, and a new Medium. Are you excited? |
Lunatic Garden
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Marid | 120 | 14 | 16 | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Oak | 240 | 15 | 18 | THUNDER | EARTH | FIRE | WATER | NONE |
Strategy: Oaks are the same as always; wear them down with physical hits and Refrigerate and Vortex Arcana, taking care not to cast Pressure on them. Marids are another matter. They will attempt to make water based attacks much more powerful with Water Zone, and then fire Hydro Launcher at your party members, doing a dangerous amount of damage. Make sure you have Water Ward activated and hope that the Marids target that character. Marids attack in groups and have no weaknesses, but they also don't stay alive long. Unfortunately, they are also known to cause Forget status with Sweet Sigh, so I hope you bought some Toy Hammers back when I suggested it earlier. If Marids and Oaks appear together, watch out for Oak's Paralysis Attack; Water Zone will allow them to use it. |
Gella Card X 3 Steady Doll (TOOL) 3500 Gella Tiny Flower Revive Fruit X 2 Migrant Seal Growth Egg Lucky Card X 2 Gimel Coin Gimel Coin Duplicator |
This dungeon isn't a madhouse as the name would imply; rather, it is a testing ground for a new Tool you will find. From the start, go north underneath the arch and hit the hard to see floor panel (rotate the camera if you need to) and head north through the newly opened door. Open the chests for a Gella Card X 3, the Steady Doll Tool, and 3500 Gella. Activate the Tool by pressing Square to get the hang of it; the Steady Doll flies in front of Gallows, and then flies back. It can be used to hit far away or unreachable switches, and if you throw it into a wall, you can move it freely. Now head back one room. There are two switches in this room on the other side of some rather short pillars. You cannot walk over the pillars, but your new Tool can help; toss the Steady Doll over the smallest pillar on the western side of the room to hit the switch and lower the barriers blocking the door! Use a Duplicator to open the door, then open the chests (use the Steady Doll to grab the third chest by standing on the raised part of the floor and tossing the doll at the chest). Your rewards are a Tiny Flower, a Revive Fruit X 2 and a Migrant Seal! Now exit the room and head to the east, where you'll find another set of pillars and the barrier and whatnot. Toss the Steady Doll over the low pillar to lower the barrier, then enter the door. The next room has a switch and a block, and I'm almost certain you know what to do. Problem is; the switch and block are unreachable! No problem, though! Throw the Steady Doll at the block and it will push over a space! Do it again from the other side, and you've got yourself an open door! Up the stairs and in the door then! Proceed up some more stairs, and through another door, then through another door. You should now be on top of the "arch" we passed through earlier. Progress! The next room has two blocks stacked on top of each other, a lone block, and three switches. Again, you must use the Steady Doll. Stand on the raised part of the floor and toss the Doll at the higher up block to knock it down a level, then get down to the lower level and push the blocks around with the doll and get them all on top of switches. Enter the next room and climb the stairs to another room. You'll notice a small part of the wall sticking out; hmm... looks like a loose brick or a switch, doesn't it? Climb up the small staircase and toss your Steady Doll at it! This will open the next door. The next room features a button on the floor, but stepping on it will do no good; we need to hit it REALLY hard! Walk around the room and up the ramp to reach the higher up part, and there will be a walkway for you to walk down. Head down there, and position yourself at the edge of the path, with the button in front of you. Drop down and land on it to activate the stubborn button, then head through the newly opened door, opening the chest near the door (it's hard to see, rotate if you need to) for a Growth Egg. Grab the two chests in the next room for a Gimel Coin and a Lucky Card X 2, then head to the southeast part of the room. See the switch over the small pillars? Yes, we have to Steady Doll it, but make sure you are standing in the southeast corner! This switch raises the part of the floor we are standing on, and doing this is the only way to get up to the higher level. Pass through the next two rooms, and ascend some stairs, picking up the gems along the way. Look! Light! Head through the doorway, and you'll be taken outside for some fresh air and a not so tricky puzzle; there are 3 crystal switches that are activated by throwing crates at them, and they stay lit permanently. The first switch is up a small staircase west from the center of the room, the second is in the eastern part of the room on a pedestal in plain sight, and the third is in the southwest corner of the room behind the wall with the entrance door. Toss the crates at these switches (one of the crates contains a Gimel Coin), and open the chest in the room for a Duplicator. Do not worry if you miss with a crate; simply exit the room and re-enter to reset the puzzle. When you are done, head through the newly-opened exit. In the next room, simply toss the Steady Doll at the switch, then drop down to the lower part of the floor. Head through the next room, and SAVE YOUR GAME! In the next room, walk straight past the odd piece of machinery and up the stairs. Head through the doorway to witness evil at work, and to begin a boss fight against another robed person. Who are these people? Why, I can't tell you that. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
1650 | 480 | 500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Disorder (confuses target) Tri-Injury (causes forget, downhearted and disease statuses to target) |
How To Win:
It's hardly over though. Do the usual Gella Card and Mystic + Lucky Card deal, and hit him with Fragile when you can to speed things up. However, be ready to use Pinwheels to cure Confusion status, because Slickster likes to use Disorder to confuse your team members and make them attack each other. Confusion must be cleared up IMMEDIATELY, or things can go incredibly wrong incredibly quick. Also, make sure you have some Toy Hammers, because his Tri-Injury attack inflicts Disease, Forget and Downhearted Status all in one shot! Take my advice and choose to cure only the Forgetfulness status; after all, Slickster will keep inflicting status ailments over and over again in the battle, and if you just let Disease and Downhearted lie on your characters, you won't actually have any trouble with the battle; you can cure it after battle and save a lot of items this way. Even better, wait until you know he is near death (count the damage you do), and cure it during the round before you kill him. Thankfully, Slickster is incapable of causing any actual damage, so you do not have to worry about keeping your HP up. |
Upon winning the battle, Slickster bails and your party chases after him, but not before acquiring the Moon Spark Medium. Equip the Moon Spark on whomever you want (I suggest Virginia), put 4 Personal Skill points into "Dark Ward" and save your game. Clear up any outstanding status ailments, then backtrack all the way through the dungeon until you reach the room with the stubborn floor switch room, and get ready for another boss fight! Don't let the name throw you off; this Angolmois isn't as tough as he used to be! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
10000 | 600 | 650 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Agony Effect (non elemental damage to one target) Screaming Mad (darkness damage damage to one target) 7th Moon (big non elemental damage to all targets) |
How To Win:
Angolmois' attacks are certainly nothing to sneeze at, but they also aren't all that powerful, save 7th Moon, which deals about 200 to your whole team. Heal after being hit with this, obviously. His other two attacks are Screaming Mad and Agony Effect, and Screaming Mad is the more common one. It deals Darkness elemental damage to one target, and if that one target happens to be the person with your new Medium, make sure you have the Dark Elemental Ward ability on to negate the damage!
After a short scene (he's just pissed off because he wasted a perfectly good monster on such a waste of a good fight), our team will be back in Little Twister once again. |
Crossing the Sea of Sand
After listening to our team's latest conversation, you'll appear back in the Honey of Roses Saloon. Talk with Claudia again, and ASK about the waterway. Talk with the other people in town for more information on this waterway, which is where we are heading next. And MAKE SURE you talk to Cormano (who dresses in bright colors just like Cormano in Sunset Riders!) for information on a mining town known as Little Rock.
Before you leave, do a little bit of ARM upgrading if you can. When you're all good and ready, leave town. We're heading for the waterway.
Little Twister - Sand Canal
Sand Canal is ridiculously easy to find; take your horse northwest up the span of cliffs to the co-ordinates X: 4123 Y: 10942. It's hard to miss; there's a large narrow land mass that looks like it's "reaching" over to the other side. When the land fails and you need to get to the other side of a body of water, you build a canal, right? Before entering, save your game, because your enemies have beaten you to the canal and are waiting for you. |
Sand Canal
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Cave Taurus | 280 | 22 | 25 | THUNDER | EARTH | WIND | NONE | NONE |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Variety takes a vacation in Sand Canal; Cave Taurus is the only enemy you will be fighting aside from the Mimic hidden in a particular treasure chest. Cave Taurus wins the award for stupidest enemy in Wild ARMs 3; taking combat lessons from Dark Cloud, it only uses one attack over and over ad nauseaum. Take advantage of its weakness with a Vortex spell on the first turn, and have everyone else attack. It hits for a fairly small amount of damage, which can be easily healed by Gallows. |
As soon as you enter the Sand Canal, you'll catch something creepy and green out of the corner of your eye. Proceed a little further, and you'll find the reason why I told you to save your game prior to entering the canal. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Jasna's Attacks: Deathbringer (instant death to one target if it hits) Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Heal (recovers about 100 HP to Jasna) |
Vendidurt's Attacks: Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Brass Zapper (physical attack to one) |
Wisrapt's Attacks: Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Brass Zapper (physical attack to one) Protect (doubles target's MGR) Weasel Size (cancels target's turn) |
How To Win:
On the first turn, cast Fragile on Jasna and attack with everyone else. If someone is killed by Deathbringer, you might want to reset the game and try again. On the second turn, have Virginia Mystic a Lucky Card if she has enough FP, and again have everybody else attack. Jasna will attempt to heal this turn, but he can only heal around 100 HP, and you should be doing much more than that each turn. If you can take Jasna down in the second combat round, give yourself a pat on the back! Now it's just the other two. Take care of Wisrapt the same way you did with Jasna (he's the annoying one), and ignore Vendidurt. Use a Gella Card on one of the knights, and heal when necessary. Continue with the physical attacks, and the knights will fall rather quickly. If Wisrapt and Vendidurt are bothering you, try casting Sleep on them. It has a 75% chance of working. |
Holy Root Name Tag Lucky Card X 2 Gimel Coin |
After the victory, the knights will retreat. Not completely, though, so be prepared to face them again. If you're hurting from the fight, head back to town and rest, then come back!
Ready to proceed? Good! Head through the first room to the next one, which is full of flowing sand. Gallows will be your savior for most of this dungeon, so keep him as the lead. Now head over to the canal, and you'll notice a switch out on a small block in the "waterway". See the white block floating in the sand beside it? That switch makes that block move. A lot of puzzles in this dungeon involve riding blocks across the sand, and this one is no exception. Stand on the white block, and CAREFULLY position Gallows so that he is facing the switch diagonally, then throw the Steady Doll. Wheeee! On the other side, you'll see a Duplicator Door. Open up, then step inside for 2 chests; a Holy Root and a Name Tag. Leave the room, then walk along the walkway to the next room. Move those crates out of the way in the next room and proceed until you see a crystal switch out in the sand. Toss the boomerang at the switch (it's a little tricky with the stone pillar in the way), then go through the door. In the next room, head to the end of the room and open the chest for a Lucky Card X 2, then head over to the raised bridge. There's no switch or anything for moving this bridge (and no Engrish talking lizard duo to battle), so position yourself in front of the wide part of the bridge and run top speed into it. You may suffer some short term memory loss, but hey, you can walk across! Now head into the next room, past the impressive sand waterfall, and over to the other side of the room, where you'll find a few crates surrounding a treasure chest. Chuck the crates into the sand (it's not a crime if no one sees it, right?) and open the chest for a Gimel Coin. Yes, there's a boss nearby, so save your game. When you're ready, head for the next room, which is under the waterfall. Walk in a bit, and you'll be attacked again. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
840 | 120 | 140 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Jasna's Attacks: Deathbringer (instant death to one target if it hits) Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Heal (recovers about 100 HP to Jasna) |
Vendidurt's Attacks: Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Brass Zapper (physical attack to one) |
Wisrapt's Attacks: Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Brass Zapper (physical attack to one) Protect (doubles target's MGR) Weasel Size (cancels target's turn) |
Wisrapt's Attacks: Wizardry Brand (physical attack to one) Khordah Avesta (big magical damage to entire target) |
How To Win:
The second part is different, however. A FOURTH knight shows up, and he is really quite dangerous. His Khordah Avesta attack does about 150-200 damage to your whole party, and he will use it often. However, before you go filling him with lead, keep in mind that Jasna is still your primary concern, and Jasna must be defeated first. If Jasteuch is bothering you, hold off on using the Lucky Card (it's okay if you miss doubling Jasna's EXP), and have Virginia get enough FP (32) to cast Sleep. Sleep has a 100% chance of working on Jasteuch, and you can concentrate on taking down Jasna this way. When Jasna is defeated (and he actually dies this time!), focus on Jasteuch, then the other two. Keep your HP up just in case, and you'll come out of this battle victorious. |
Gella Card X 2 Heal Berry 4000 Gella Duplicator Seed Powder X 2 Gimel Coin Soul Feather |
After the battle, head north and exit the room. In the next room, grab the gems and head through the room, keeping your eyes peeled for a door on the western side. Head inside for two chests containing a Heal Berry and a Gella Card X 3, then go back out and head up the stairs and through the door to the next room.
In this room, step on the switch on the floor. The white blocks will start moving! Now follow these steps CAREFULLY. - With careful timing, step onto the eastern block, and when it reaches the other moving block, walk off and onto the other block. This will take you to a small platform with a chest containing 4000 Gella! - Dive into the sand to get back to the start of the room, then ride the northern block. When it intersects with two other blocks, head to the northernmost one and ride THAT block to another 2 intersecting blocks. Ride the eastern one there to reach a small island and a treasure chest with a Duplicator, then get back on the block and head back south. Take the west moving one this time, and then ride north twice to reach a chest with a Seed Powder X 2. - Dive back into the sand, then take the north block until it hits the other two blocks, then take the western one. From there, take the western block until you reach another block going north. Take that to a stone platform, and take another northern block to reach a floor switch. Step on it, and dive into the sand. Now the black blocks are moving! - Ride the north block at the beginning until it hits the first "intersection" again, then ride the black block. Keep riding black blocks over to the northeastern part of the room to reach another floor tile. Now the blue ones move! - From the start of the room, ride the blue block to the exit. Phew! That was dizzying, wasn't it? Now, in the next room, you have to cross a bridge made of blue, black and white blocks. The problem is; the blocks keep rising and sinking! Only two colors of blocks will be "up" at a time:
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
N/A | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Dark Spear (physical attack to one, counterattack) Proton Beam (magical attack to one) Ultranegative Rainbow (lowers entire team's HP to 1, sometimes kills.) |
How To Win Lose:
you cannot defeat Janus in this fight!Read his opening remark to determine your fate. You have 3 turns before he uses Ultranegative Rainbow, then he runs, leaving your party in sore condition, and no EXP. Pwned.Meanwhile, he will use Proton Beam to attack, and Dark Spear to counter. There is no need to heal, attack or do anything in this battle, so just sit back and guard for three turns. Attacking him will invoke his counterattack, and you don't want him to kill anyone in this battle. You'll need all the strength you can muster after this battle to get to the next town in one piece. |
Sand Canal - Little Rock
Your party may be sore and tired after the battle, or they may be on full HP, depending on how much VIT was used at the end of the last battle. Either way, your goal is to get to Little Rock as soon as possible. Skip the battles, and travel west to an area that appears to be surrounded by a huge rock formation, and look for a niche at X: 25324 Y: 12503. Search there to find Little Rock and solace for your sore feet. |
Into the Light
(Tired, foot-sore and down to low HP, our heroes arrive at Little Rock. Not THAT Little Rock!)
Little Rock
Duplicator Mini Carrot Dragon Fossil Heal Berry Name Tag Gimel Coin |
I bet that Inn is looking really inviting right about now, huh? Head north to the Saloon (called the Rolling Stone), and as you enter, you'll see Martina. Chat with her, then talk to the guy over the counter and choose Stay. Note that by talking to this same man and choosing "Listen" will allow you to listen to most (but not all) of the music tracks you have heard in the game so far. Keep visiting throughout the game to hear more! After resting, check the barrels in the room for a Gimel Coin, then head outside. Talk to everyone in town, particularily the guy in yellow named Kovahn. He knows the location of the Guardian Shrine that we are supposed to go out and protect. For fun, talk to people with Jet as the lead character. Remember Pike from Jet's intro? This was his hometown, meaning Doomed to Obscurity is nearby. Now, check the crates in the southwest part of town for a Duplicator, then enter the ARMsmith's shop and check the barrel for a Mini Carrot. Next, go to the mine shaft on the east side of town and check the barrel to the east of the sandbags for a Dragon Fossil. Next, head up the stairs near the saloon and check the barrels under the "roof" for a Heal Berry, then head back west and enter the shaft to the north, checking the barrels inside for a Name Tag. Finally, notice the treasure chest that's across from the broken down walkways. You can't reach that yet, but I'll let you know when you can. Chat with Roykman and buy a Call Whistle off of him. Save your game, and when you're ready, head out of town. |
Little Rock - Doomed to Obscurity
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Cursed Corpse | 320 | 28 | 30 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Trilobite | 240 | 19 | 22 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: You might want to skip encounters entirely in this area. Cursed Corpse enemies are fairly generic enemies who can be defeated by straight shooting, but they have a rarely used attack called Fear Touch that causes paralysis. Trilobites, on the other hand, use Insect Breath to reduce the target's HP to 1, then sometimes attack with Dried Out to finish you off! If you choose to fight, use your strongest attacks to take the enemies down as soon as you can, taking care of Trilobites first (try Refrigerate on them!) Arcana is pretty ineffective on Cursed Corpses, but that's because you don't have Arcana they are weak to... yet. |
5000 Gella |
I know we are supposed to be heading to the Guardian Shrine, but trust me, this detour is certainly worth your time. Call your horsies, then ride them north around the huge canyon walls. Check co-ordinates X: 782 Y: 13852 for a nice treat of 5000 Gella, then keep going north until you reach the edge of the land. From there, head west along the edge until you reach co-ordinates X: 23935 Y: 16103, and search. |
Doomed to Obscurity
Migrant Seal |
Remember this place? Sure you do! Ignore the front door, and take the stairways up the pyramid-like structure. When you reach the top, take the stairs into the pyramid. Now, do you remember this room? Remember when we tried to grab the chest, but the floor gave away? Well, this time, stand near the edge of the hole and use the Steady Doll to grab the treasure chest containing a Migrant Seal! Leave the dungeon, and climb back on your horsies. |
Doomed to Obscurity - Glimmering Emblem
Head back to town and rest if you need to, then head to X: 25363 Y: 15489. Search there to uncover the Guardian Shrine. Save your game, and prepare for a tough dungeon! |
Glimmering Emblem
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Fairylight | 30 | 10 | 12 | LIGHT | NONE | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Hobgob | 160 | 20 | 24 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Be thankful the enemies here have low HP. Hobgobs are brawlers that occasionally counterattack, and do a fair amount of damage. In addition, the Hobgobs have a very mean attack that they rarely use called Go Gob-to-Gob! This attack does damage equal to the amount of damage you have dealt to all of the Hobgobs on the battlefield. Kill the Gobs as quickly as you can to try and prevent this. Fairylight is a lot less dangerous, but is also not to be taken lightly. They will either waste their turn making funny faces, or they will attack one person with Bright Blast, which does light-elemental damage. They die fairly easy, but they also tend to dodge your attacks from time to time, so use Arcana with Virginia and Gallows, while shooting the Hobgobs with the other two. If you are really lucky, they might drop Light Rings! |
4200 Gella Mini Carrot Heal Berry X 2 Gella Card X 3 Lucky Card X 2 Growth Egg Duplicator Gimel Coin |
This dungeon is pretty tough when it comes to enemies, and the puzzles are no laughing matter either. Begin by heading north to the next room, and read the hard to see glass slate protuding from the ground. Our goal is to activate those two crystals, but we'll have to go upstairs to do so. Head back to the first room, and take the western staircase; we'll do this one first. In the next room, you'll notice a raised part of the floor with blocks all around. Use the Steady Dolls to push one of those blocks aside and reveal a crystal switch! From here, toss Jet's Boomerang at the switch (rotate the camera to a favorable position first), and the door to the next room will open! Head on in, and in the next room, note the design of the room. There are two lowered parts of the floor divided by a raised part, and both parts have three blocks and a staircase up. Mirror image? Light? Does it make sense? This dungeon is all about mirror and light puzzles! 8P Now, pull the blocks on the floor to the northern "niche" to construct a three block bridge connecting the raised parts of the floor. Walk across, and notice how the blocks on the other side have been placed in the same arrangement! These types of blocks are mirror blocks, and they "synchronize" with blocks on the other side of the room. Walk across the second bridge, then take the exit out of the room. Grab the chest in the next room for a Gella Card X 3, then head north and approach (but do NOT jump off) the edge. See that grimy window? Time for a little Windex! Spray the window with the Freezer Doll (don't question the logic, just do it!) and the window will be wiped clean, shining light on the crystal below! A-ha! Now jump down, head back to the center room, and take the staircase to the east. In the next room, grab the chest for 4200 Gella, then ascend the next staircase and enter the next room for a tricky puzzle. See the candles on the floor? Now, see the candles on the other side? You have to create a mirror image, so light the candles as seen the image below (be aware that the Tindercrest will keep going if it lights a candle and might activate more; use the Freezer Doll to put other candles out), and the door should open!
![]() Now run through the mirror, and... it shatters. You didn't expect another dimension, did you? Head through the newly opened door, and use the Steady Doll to grab the chests for a Mini Carrot and a Heal Berry X 2. Go through the next door, and spray the window to clean it up. Jump down, and head through the newly opened door! In the next room, collect the gems and dash through the mirror to shatter it, then head north one more room. Guess what? Another set of puzzles awaits us! In the room north of here, a large two-part wall is in the way, so we'll have to climb the ladders on the left and right sides to reach the switches to lower the walls. Start by climbing the left ladder, and make sure you open the chest containing the Lucky Card X 2. Head into the next room for another mirror block puzzle. This time, you need to build a bridge with the blocks while making sure you keep one of the blocks on the button on the floor to hold the door open. To accomplish this, build the bridge FIRST, cross over to the other side, THEN move one of the blocks so that the block on the other side hits the button. Finally, make a two block bridge to cross over the two space hole in the floor (keep one on the button!), and leave the room. In the next room, stand near the staircase and use the Steady Dolls to knock the blue block down and off the raised part of the floor, then head across the raised part to the southern part and use the Dolls again to knock the other blue block down. Next, toss the Doll into one of the higher parts of the raised platform to stop it, then move it over to the chest and open it up for a Growth Egg! Finally, use the blue blocks to connect the part of the floor you are on to the raised part on the eastern side of the room. Walk across and exit the room. Hit the switch in this room to lower the first part of the wall. Now drop down and head back to the room with the ladders, this time taking the opposite ladder. After climbing the ladder, head through the door to a room with another puzzle. A raised platform contains a mirror block and a floor button, while a mirror block lies in a lower section of the floor. Move the lower block so that the higher block covers the switch, then enter the next room. Now, dash through the mirror and take a look of the formation of the candles. Use the Tindercrest to make the mirror reflection of that torch formation (as shown in the picture below), but then.. something's missing. Head to the opposite side of the room and look at the two blocks. We have to copy THAT too, so head to the southern side of the room and toss the northwestern crate. Door open! Go in!
![]() Grab the chests in the room for a Duplicator and a Gimel Coin. Exit the room through the new exit, and you'll spot the switch you need to flip. Flip away, then jump down and head through the newly opened passageway. Save your game, because something that's not really all that difficult is coming up. 8P Now head north a couple of rooms, dashing through a mirror in the way. Looks like we were too late... but we do get a new Medium for visiting! Flash Hit is one of the best Mediums in the game, and the Arcana it grants you are some of the best spells in the game. Spectre does light elemental damage to a target, but that's small potatoes compared to the Valiant spell. Valiant raises the target's attack power by the target's Max HP minus the target's current HP, so the less life you have, the more attack you get! This really makes a difference in later boss battles, so get used to using it now! Equip it on Gallows! Of course, the enemy has sent something to deal with you, but with your new Medium, it's a joke. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2000 | 900 | 1100 | NONE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Eyeball (physical attack to one) Dark Matter (dark-elemental damage to one) |
How To Win:
Meanwhile, expect retaliation from... well, not much at all. Mono-eye only has two fairly weak attacks, and he can only hit one character at a time. You have very little to worry about. If your HP starts to sink, Gallows should be able to heal any damage dealt to you. It's really that easy! |
After an awfully easy victory, head north a screen and examine the huge machine. Kinda makes you sick, doesn't it? But don't let it get you down. After all, you'll need your strength for the boss that's waiting for you outside of the door. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2400 | 1200 | 1400 | NONE | LIGHT | DARK | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Eyeball (physical attack to one) Dark Matter (dark elemental magic damage to one or all targets, used as a counterattack) |
How To Win:
No problem, right? Use the first few turns to get FP up for a Mystic + Lucky Card and to get Gallows' FP up to 36. Try to hold off on attacking with Clive and Jet, because Hecto counterattacks with Dark Matter every time you hit him. Once Gallows hits 36 FP, have him start casting Reflect on your team members, beginning with Clive. What this will do will is allow your team members to attack, and when Hecto retaliates, his Dark Matter will bounce off the Reflect spell and hit him! A few Dark Matters later, and victory is yours! |
Now give yourself a pat on the back. You've earned the Flash Hit Medium, and completed one of the tougher dungeons in the game. From this point forward, boss battles will be a fair bit easier with clever use of the Valiant spell, and the Spectre spell works very well on lots of enemies, so you will have the upper hand for a while. You've made it through the grinder; and if you keep being stingy with your Heal Berries and healing every few battles with Arcana, the rest of the game should go smoothly. Just remember; save those berries by healing only when absolutely necessary, fight all your battles and then some, and you'll do fine. Above all else... never give up! You're about to reach the point where the game starts to get really fun!
Watch the scene that plays, then ride your horsies back to Little Rock. Along the way, try out your Spectre spell on the Cursed Corpses for a bit of fun! You've earned it! 8P |
The Filgaia Theory
Little Rock
Speak to either Gaspar (the old man up on the top part of town) or Goodwin (the bald man standing near the ARM shop) for information on a ruin that's just DYING to be explored. Mind you, this isn't as much a ruin as it is a forgotten research lab, but it's a ruin nontheless. Rest at the Rolling Stone, and listen to some tunes to relax for a bit. Stop by the ARMsmith for ARM upgrading if you have some cash, and when you're all ready to depart, head out to the World Map. Also, before you go, I highly recommend activating the Initiative Personal Skill on the Flash Hit Medium. This will increase the amount of surprise attacks you get on enemies, and will make travelling that much easier. |
Little Rock - Leyline Observatory
Travel northwest again as you did before to reach the Glimmering Emblem, but then keep going west alongside the edge of the land until you reach the end. Search co-ordinates X: 22793 Y: 14389to find Leyline Observatory, then head on in. |
Leyline Observatory
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Bonedrake | 670 | 100 | 120 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, FIRE, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Comic Book | 110 | 24 | 28 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Cursed Corpse | 320 | 28 | 30 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Targum | 105 | 22 | 26 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Strategy: Looks like the researches who departed long ago left not only their corpses, but their comic books and magazines too! Comic Books and Targums are weak to fire, but don't bother with fire elemental Arcana, because Jet's magic power is quite low. Use Moor Gault to wipe out huge groups of them when they appear. Targums use spells like Inspire and Refrigerate to do elemental damage to you, but Comic Books should be dealt with first; they are much more irritating, using HP Robber to try and steal HP and Glassblower to attempt to inflict Glass status on you. Cursed Corpses are enemies you should be familiar with, so deal with them with Spectre attacks. Finally, the mighty Bonedrake enemy must be dealt with quickly. Use Spectre to hurt it with the element it hates, and shoot shoot shoot till it's no more! If you let it live, it will use Rotten Breath, which hits all team members. That sucks. |
Lucky Card Heal Berry X 2 Radar (TOOL) Magicleanser X 3 Call Whistle X 3 Dragon Fossil ID Card Gimel Coin 4500 Gella Gella Card Dragon Fossil Holy Ankh |
After watching the opening scene, you're ready to start exploring. Don't you just LOVE the music in this dungeon? It's possibly my favourite track from the OST... Head north past reception and enter the next room to find a hallway. Walk down the hallway and take the first door to the west to find a room with 2 chests containing a Lucky Card and a Heal Berry X 2. Read the books in the room; in fact, read ALL of the books in the dungeon, as they will fill you in on the backstory and provide you with GUIDING WORDs. When you're done reading, check the lockers in the northern part of the room to find old socks, old labcoats, old candy wrappers and an old Tool called the Radar! The Radar is a Tool for Jet, and it scans the screen you are currently on (everything in your range) for treasures, then highlights them in green and beeps. Very useful for finding things you might have missed. By the way, you can't open the rusted locker, so don't ask. Exit the room the way you came, then head through the east door this time. Inside you will find a control panel, which is controlling the lock on the elevator that leads up a floor. If you read the memorandum in the other room as I instructed, you'll know that the password is the name of the current staff member who is on password shift. Bryant was last, and now it is Inkapilia. So enter "Inkapilia" as the password, case sensitive, to deactivate the lock, then head out of the room and go north and around the bend. Press X at the elevator door to take a ride on the wild side.. well, not really, it only goes up. When you reach the top, head south down the hall and take the first door west. Inside, read the whiteboard for an important notice and a clue. There's treasure in this room, so check the cabinet next to the bookshelf for a Dragon Fossil, then open the chests in the southern side of the room for a Call Whistle X 3 and a Magicleanser X 3. When you're done, exit the room and go south all the way down the hallway and through the door. Read the books on the shelves, then check the mess of papers on the desk in the eastern side of the room for an ID Card. Shame on you, Bryant... always leaving your stuff out. If you're interested, view the computers on the east side of the room for some scrambled data. When you're done with this room, head back into the hallway and check the east walls for a control panel. Walk in front of it, bring up the menu and select the ID card to allow access to the nearby elevator. Board the elevator (the one next to the panel) to go up another floor. Now, head all the way south through the third hallway and enter. Open the chests in this room for a Gimel Coin, 4500 Gella and a Gella Card, then check out the bookshelves. The one on the left contains a very important plot element, and the one on the right is.... PR0N! OMG! WTF! You can open this book of smut if you have a Duplicator handy, and you might as well, but don't expect anything risque yet. You can't actually "read" this until your Migrant Level is 18 or higher (isn't that clever?), and "reading" it will result in a tough hidden boss battle. So unlock it for now if you want, and remember it for later. When you're all done in this room, and after the dissapointment sinks in, leave the room, go back through the hallway and take the first door west. The door leads to another room with desks and stuff. Open the chests for a Dragon Fossil and a Holy Ankh, though you will have to battle a Mimic duo for the Ankh. Check out the bookshelves for some more backstory regarding the Guardian Shrines, as well as a book about ARMs. When you're done reading, leave the room and head north around the corner and through the door. Your team will split up here, and you will have control of Virginia. Now view the computer terminals placed alongside the walls for some important information about the research that was conducted here long ago. Seems that they were trying not only to study the planet, but to create something.. hmm. Speak to Gallows and Clive, then talk with Jet, and he will reveal a hidden door. Don't ask how he knew where the door was... you'll find out sometime later. Head through the door, and travel north past a series of large glass tubes. Check the east wall and read the books, paying attention to the one about the GUIDING WORD, then head through the door to the north. In the next room is a laser barrier; to pass it, examine the control panel next to the laser, and input the password "Guiding Word" (case sensitive) to shut off the laser. Now you may pass, but use a Gimel Coin before you enter the next room. In the next room, which is the final room of the dungeon, don't miss the bookcases in the southern side of the room; one of them has a book with a little bit of information on the next boss you will face. Also, check out the desk on the opposite side of the room. See that little spot on the desk? That's not a stain; it's half of a photograph. Take a look at it, then stand in front of it and bring up the menu. Select the Right Half from your inventory, and the two photo halves will be together at last! After a touching scene, followed by a very funny scene, your enemies teleport in. This time, they've brought a new friend to test your party. Relax, he's not a hard boss... yet. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2600 | 2000 | 2400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: High powered barrier erected (makes Asgard invincible until the turn after "Optimize Data" attack is activated) Optimize Data (turns invincibility off next turn) Barrier Knuckle (physical attack to one) Iron Fist (physical attack to one) |
How To Win:
However, Asgard is also difficult to damage. He gets his turn fast (usually after Virginia), and he usually activates his high powered barrier, which means he will be invincible until the turn after the next. Meaning, you can only damage Asgard on turns that he damages you. Have Gallows extend a Valiant spell to your whole team, and attack every turn, unless he used his barrier during the last turn.That way, if Asgard attacks you, you will hit him with each of your characters (and if they have lost some HP, Valiant will cause extra damage). If Asgard puts up his barrier, no big deal; just reload your ammo during the next turn and try attacking again. Don't bother with healing until you hit about 300 HP, because Asgard usually won't hit a person for much more than that. Keep chipping away at Asgard, and if you're feeling lucky, unleash a Gatling attack, and you'll come out of this fight just fine (well, kind of.. he does pull a dirty trick at the end.) Asgard will get away, but you'll fight him again sometime. |
After what looks like the end of our party, you'll be rescued by a familiar group. After a couple of very well done story scenes (and a surprise visit from a certain someone), Clive will propose that the team takes a trip to his home town. Remember that land bridge near the observatory? We need to cross that next. Your team is fully healed, so there is no reason to stop at Little Rock for rest. |
Leyline Observatory - Humphrey's Peak
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Moss Fungus | 220 | 23 | 28 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | THUNDER | WATER |
Twin Tail | 170 | 26 | 30 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Once you cross the land bridge, the Corpses and Trilobites stop showing up, and the Twin Tails and Moss Fungus take their place. Twin Tails are annoying, but cute little pests who like to use Grav on your team members. Problem is; it usually works. They also cast Sleep, and occasionally waste their turns doing nothing. Thankfully, they don't have much HP, so zap them with Inspire and shoot them with your attackers. Moss Funguses either waste their turns floating, or they attempt to poison your team members. Take them down first. Note that none of the enemies in this area can actually kill you, but the poison can. Therefore, if you had Poison Ward for each team member, you could level up here penalty free! |
Saddle up and ride your horsies southwest from Leyline until you hit a land bridge, then cross over. From there, head southwest along the edge of the land, making note of the chasm, and keep going until you reach a beach. Near that beach at co-ordinates X: 23183 Y: 12021, search and you shall find... Humphrey's Peak! |
Meet Clive's Family
Humphrey's Peak
Humphrey's Peak - Gemstone Cave
Gemstone Cave
Humphrey's Peak
Humphrey's Peak - East Highlands Station
Dune Canyon Station - Fortune Gear
Fortune Gear
Fortune Gear - Dune Canyon Station
Dune Canyon Station
Dune Canyon Station - Millenium Puzzle # 1
Millenium Puzzle # 1
Humphrey's Peak
Bring Back the Flame!
Humphrey's Peak
Now that we've checked out the Gemstone Cave and the Fortune Gear dungeons, it's time for something new. If you haven't equipped Clive with the new Medium yet, do so. You might also want to set him up with the EXP Boost, Gella Boost and Luck Boost Personal Skills, though this will take a lot of Personal Skill points. I recommend you do, though. Having a character with a luck stat of Best is extremely beneficial when treasure chests show up, and Gella Boost gives you a 25% chance of winning double the Gella at the end of a battle. EXP Boost means quicker level ups, so that's a good thing, too!
After the scene in Humphrey's Peak, you'll be instructed to talk to Albert. Remember him? He's the one in blue who was fixing the Memory Figure earlier. Chat with him, and agree to take on his mission. You are to visit a ruin called the Heritage of Faraway Lands and find the Kizim Fire. Once you're done talking, speak with Albert one more time to confirm the location. We'll be heading out there next, but first, we'll head to another Millenium Puzzle. |
Humphrey's Peak - Millenium Puzzle # 9 - Faraway Lands
Ride your horsies west past the train tracks to co-ordinates X: 20606 Y: 13469. That's just west of the train tunnel. Search here to find Millenium Puzzle # 9.
This one is a flight of stairs tougher than the first puzzle, but after all, it is Puzzle #9 we're talking about. I figured this one was close, so why not solve it now? Besides, if you solved the puzzles in order, you would have to complete them late into the game, and that would be no fun! Give this one a try on your own, and if you can't figure it out, Here's the solution. Once you get the prize, SAVE IT! A LVL Apple can be used to make a character advance a level. However, they are very rare, and are best saved for the very end of the game, for gaining the last few levels before 100. So hold onto it! Ride your horses southwest until you reach an area where you can spot Dune Canyon on the cliffs above you. Search around here (co-ordinates X: 20872 Y: 10887) to find Faraway Lands. |
Faraway Lands
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Unknown | 300 | 96 | 100 | ALL | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Vacuumon | 230 | 64 | 70 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: For such a cool looking (and sounding) dungeon, Faraway Lands has one of the most irritating enemy sets in the game. Unknowns block out half the damage from elemental attacks... but here's the kicker; they can only be hurt by Arcana! Use Devastate to do about 200 HP damage to them, and have everyone cast any attack Arcana in possession. Don't worry about their attacks; they will try to hit you with a "gradual petrify" type attack, but that merely gives you 4 turns to end the battle; something that isn't hard to do in the least. Vaccumons, on the other hand, are irritating little buggers who either waste turns, cast Grav to lower your HP, or, on rare occasions, kick you out of the dungeon completely! Zap them with Inspire and wear them down with shots from your ARMs. |
Name Tag Full Carrot 5500 Gella Gimel Coin Heal Berry X 2 Lucky Card X 2 Mighty Gloves Duplicator Robber's Ego Gimel Coin Dragon Fossil Gella Card Kizim Fire |
NOTE: The eagle-eyed strategist will notice that you cannot actually "die" in this dungeon, aside from in the Mimic battles. That is because the Mimics are the only enemies that can actually damage you. Grav only reduces HP by a percentage, so it cannot kill. However, should you let a fight drag on, you will succumb to Bronze or get booted back to the start, so fight to win!
After a short scene, Virginia starts to feel something strange about this place, but shakes it off. Someone is here already.. it seems. Head north from the beginning, through the first door. In the second room, climb the stairs up, and make a 180 degree turn back through the south door at the top level. Enter the door, and you'll be back at the start, but a level higher! There's a Duplicator Door here; you know the drill. Inside lies a Name Tag, a Full Carrot (VERY valuable), and 5500 Gella. Hold on to that Carrot; we're going to breed it later! Not "with" it, you sick freak! Head back the way you came, and take the door in front of you. In this next room, look for a floor button, and stand on top. Well, I'll be! They must be a REALLY old civilization if they ran parts of their ship on such primitive engines! While standing on the switch, toss about 5 or 6 Tindercrests into the "furnace" to power up the generator, then exit through the western door. In the next room, grab the first chest for a Gimel Coin, then jump up onto the ceiling cage, climb across to the other side of the room, and drop down for some more treasure! You'll find a Heal Berry X 2 and a Lucky Card X 2 in these chests. Now, jump down to ground level and exit due south. You'll be back in the room from earlier, only this time, that differently coloured part of the floor is now a fully functional elevator! Check the control panel next to it, and ride down, down, down to the depths below! There's a bit of a problem; the next room's exit is blocked by a huge block, and we can't move it! Don't worry; you'll find something that will help you with that soon. For now, climb up the stairs to the tiny platform. From here, you'll be able to jump up to the cage! Do so, and climb across the cage until you are underneath the floor button (check for your shadow). Now, let go of the cage and show that button that being stubborn and stuck only results in being hit harder. This will open the door, so climb back up the fence and hoist yourself up, taking care not to toss your lunch in the process. Up on the cage, enter the door and open the lone chests for the Mighty Gloves Tool, just the thing you need for moving really heavy blocks short distances!< With these, press Square to grab a nearby block, and then you will be able to place it a space away from you in any of the 4 directions! A bit hard to explain, but try it out and see what I mean! Oops! Looks like someone didn't want you taking that chest! A stronger-than-usual Vaccumon appears, and this one seems to have one thing on his mind; ending your treasure raid! Send Hoover to the junkyard with an Inspire and a Devastate before he huffs, puffs and blows you away! Once that's dealt with, head out again, jump down the fence, and test your Mighty Gloves on that heavy block. You can move it out of the way, but you can't walk while you're holding it, so don't try. Head through the new door; a puzzle awaits! It's common knowledge that in a RPG game with puzzle elements, the dungeon where you acquire a puzzle solving item will have you using that item over and over again, and it couldn't be more true here. Lift the box up with your Mighty Gloves, and place it on the platform, then walk up and carry it to drop it on the floor button. Get used to using the Gloves in this way; since you can't technically "take" the blocks anywhere, you have to lift, put down, lift, put down, repeat to get the blocks where you want them to be. Head through the newly opened door. Now here's a new concept; ice blocks. Use the Mighty Gloves on them to shove them, and they will move endlessly in that direction until they hit something. You need to make all 4 hit the floor buttons, so.. do this. Starting from the north block and working your way south, push all of the blocks up north. If done correctly, the blocks will all be grouped together at the northern part of the screen. Push them all east once and they shall all hit the floor buttons! Head for the door, grabbing the chest on the way out for a Duplicator. Ascend the stairs up (redundant?) into the next room. Looks like someone did a crappy job stacking boxes. Ignore it for now, and take the door to the northeast for some treasure. Here you'll find a Mimic trapped chest (but that should be no problem for you at this level) containing a Robber's Ego, and a Gimel Coin. The Robber's Ego is a very cool Gear that increases your chances of successfully disarming a trap chest! Now, back to the room with lots of boxes. You'll have to use the gloves to clear a path through, because there's a floor switch there we need to step on. It's not hard to figure out; it's just a lot of work. Luckily, the Mighty Gloves make warehouse work as easy as the foreman's job (yelling at warehouse workers), so get lifting, then hit that switch, and lift your way back to the start of the room, where the door to the northwest has opened! Go on in! In the next room, go south to find some easy to miss chests containing a Gella Card, and a Dragon Fossil, then head north through the door. Do NOT, and I repeat... do NOT drop down a level. Just go north through the door, or repeat a section of the dungeon all over again. Descend the stairs in the next room, and head through the next door for a puzzle. It's not hard, but it's a bit of a trick puzzle. Move the blocks onto the buttons with the Gloves, but since the blocks are 3 spaces away from the buttons, you have to move the block to the button on the OPPOSITE side. Once the door opens, head inside and save your game. Proceed through the small room, and grab the Kizim Fire in the next room. If you can't see it, turn the TV on or get your eyes replaced with eyes that WORK. 8P After claiming the Fire for your own, your team will have a discussion about the Order's motives when all of a sudden, the lovely Melody appears. Along with her is the learning computer, who dropped by to bash your skulls in! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
4500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Melody's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one character) |
Asgard's Attacks: Iron Fist (physical attack to one) Barrier Flood (big non-elemental damage to entire party) Wide Barrier (instant death to entire party) |
How To Win:
After the first turn, Melody joins the battle. She will use Eliminate Scanner to.. well, eliminate your team members, and I'm sure you remember what happens if you lose a teammate in a Melody fight. Do NOT attack Melody though, because Asgard will just block and take hits for her like a Golem should. Keep plugging away at Asgard, and DO NOT heal your team members no matter what. You are going to die in this battle after a certain point, but you have to do enough damage to Asgard before it will trigger. Being on low HP will allow Valiant to end the battle on the third turn if you attack enough. |
After Asgard unleases his ultra-mean Wide Barrier attack, the battle ends. However... I won't spoil the scene, but a rematch with Asgard begins. You'll be fully healed at 80% of your Max HP (which has been reduced to 80% of your actual MAX HP), but that can't be helped. Besides, Asgard is overloaded, so this fight won't be too tough. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2600 | 3500 | 4000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Asgard's Attacks: Iron Fist (physical attack to one), |
How To Win:
After your victory, a lot of questions will arise. Keep playing the game, and they will be answered. For now... |
Faraway Lands - Humphrey's Peak
Head back to town and speak with Albert. Mission Complete! (FFX-2 fanfare plays). You get your payment, the Ark gets their Flame, and Albert offers you a new mission. Now he wants you to deliver the Flame to the Order's headquarters! Sounds easy enough... but it's on an island. We need a way to travel the sea of sand!
We'll get to that, but there's a bunch of cool stuff we should get done first. Head on over to East Highlands Station, and take the train to Westwood Station. Then, ride your horses northeast from the station until you reach the other side of the "wall" that Serpent Coils is behind. Search co-ordinates X: 11626 Y: 9033 to find Millenium Puzzle 19. |
Millenium Puzzle #19
Yes, I know it's 19 and we haven't even completed #2 yet, but it was on route to where we were headed, so why not? Besides, solving the puzzles early is a very good idea; it gets them out of the way, and gets you items to boot.
The clue here is to get the stuff you don't like out of the way first. In other words, do the hard work before the easy stuff. Give this puzzle a spin, and if you're lost, Click Here for the solution. Winning this one will get you a Vambrace! |
Millenium Puzzle # 8
Now, get back on your horsies and head to Little Twister, leaping the chasm to the west of Claiborne as you did before. Once you're in the Little Twister area of the World Map, head northeast to co-ordinates X: 8445 Y: 8762, and search to find another puzzle!
In this puzzle, make sure that you don't jump down to the lower area unless you absolutely have to. Give this puzzle a spin, and if you're lost, Click Here for the solution. Winning will net you a LVL Apple! When you are done, ride your horsies to The Unclean Mark, near Little Twister. |
The Unclean Mark
Name Tag Duplicator Elder Record Grab Bag |
Run through the dungeon while enjoying the luxury of easy encounters and already-solved puzzles that you dealt with long ago. Keep going until you reach a puzzle that you weren't able to solve earlier; the one with the floor button and the block. Now that you have the Mighty Gloves Tool, use the Gloves to move the block onto the button, and head through the newly opened door. Inside lie 4 chests, containing a Name Tag, a Duplicator, a Grab Bag, and an Elder Record! The Elder Record is a very useful Gear that adds a skill that reduces FP cost for Arcana, so equip it on one of Gallows' Mediums. Now, head out the way you came. When you're done, head back to Little Twister, and follow the chain of events listed in the table below. |
This may seem like a lot of running around (and it is), but it is also getting a lot of little things out of the way that have to be done to complete the sidequests, so bear with me and follow these steps in this order.
Now that you're all done that, head to Jolly Roger. It's not far from here. |
Jolly Roger
First of all, head to the saloon and talk to Martina one more time.
Now, head to the ARMsmith and talk with the perky Emilia over the counter. Chat with her, and hand over your Dragon Fossils. Emilia will give you the Sandcraft! Now you can travel the seas of Filgaia and reach the Ark of Destiny! Read what Emilia has to say though. Your Hovercraft is vulnerable and weak, and there ARE enemies out in the sand ocean. As you collect more Dragon Fossils, you will be able to buy better equipment and armaments for the craft. In fact, now that you have reached this point in the game, Dragon Fossils will be dropped quite commonly by most of the enemies in the game. If you're up to it, you could buy yourself the most powerful cannon in the game by fighting Gobs around Midland Station for about an hour. At any rate, sandcraft battling, customizing and controlling are all very simple to understand and get the hang of. Please read up on it if you are confused on what to do. Take it easy out in the dunes for now, because you can be killed if you try and push yourself. For now, set Virginia to be the gunner, and Jet to be the Deckmate. This way, you'll be able to shoot quick, and reload shortly after. Watch the turn order and fire all ammo at once to attack. Wait through the Harpooner and Helmsman's turns to build FP, and reload with the Deckmate. When the enemy's turn is next, select Defend. You should be able to take down the enemies in the general area, but don't go out too far. Try and hug the land masses, and make sure to Autopilot your ass back to Jolly Roger if you're in trouble. There, you can heal your Sandcraft for a fee. |
Aguelite and Germatron Get!
Jolly Roger - Ark of Destiny
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Strategy: Kobolds take a while to kill, but they are by no means difficult. Use Vortex to hit them with their weakness, and wear them down with attacks until they die. Their Leyline Cannon is nothing to worry about. |
5000 Gella |
Jump on your Sandcraft and begin heading directly southwest past the land mass with the green grass. Sooner or later, you'll see a small island with 2 beach landings and some huge canyon walls. Land here. Use the map I enclosed if you need help! Try and skip encounters, because fighting in an basic sandcraft isn't really save. If you get too damaged, autopilot back to Jolly Roger!
![]() Follow the path outlined to reach the Ark of Destiny island. Once you land, search co-ordinates X: 10310 Y: 1492 for 5000 Gella, then head north to the "wall". Search around co-ordinates X: 9004 Y: 2274 to find the Ark of Destiny. Go on in. |
Ark of Destiny
Warp Star Map Scope Dragon Fossil X 10 5000 Gella |
It's not proper form to keep a holy man waiting, no matter how.... strange his faith may seem, so head north from the entrance and keep going. Inside, you will meet up with Albert and Lamium. Give up the fire, and you will receive 5000 Gella.
Afterwards, the leader of the Order will begin his speech on his faith and what he believes in. He has a very interesting view on life and how to attain spiritual happiness, and I recommend you listen to what he says. That is until Linda runs in with urgent news. One of the Order's survey points (Survey Point #17) is being raided by jewel thieves (guess who?), and Lamium offers you 10000 Gella to send the thieves packing. Of course, he will only give you the money once you complete the mission. Talk to Albert for directions to your destination. Leave Lamium's room, because we are going to grab some treasures. I know that it's wrong to take from a holy place, but they left the chests in plain sight... what do they expect? Well... maybe not. There are lots of chests in the Ark of Destiny, and we will only be able to get 3 of them at this point. Most of the chests are behind Duplicator Doors, and they also require certain Tools to obtain. For now, we can only get a few, so head west from the first room on the Ark of Destiny and take the stairs down to the bottom floor. Open the first door with a Duplicator and open the chest for a Warp Star X 3 (no Kirby though!), then head through the second door and open the chests for a Dragon Fossil X 10 and a Map Scope! With the Map Scope and the World Screen, you can switch between 3 different World Map viewing options with the Select Button! VERY useful for finding exact co-ordinates! Now leave the Ark. Wild ARMs Fun Fact: Aguelite and Germatron existed in Wild ARMs 2, as well. Together, they powered an engine called the Emma Motor that could make something as huge as a nobleman's mansion take to the skies! |
Ark of Destiny - Survey Point # 17
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Sandcrab | 400 | 78 | 82 | FIRE, THUNDER | NONE | WATER | NONE | EARTH |
Strategy: Kobolds aren't much of a threat, but Sandcrabs are a little more dangerous, so take them down first with Pressure and normal attacks. |
10000 Gella |
Head south a VERY LITTLE bit from the Ark, and you'll see a beach leading up to a small island. Park your craft here!
![]() Whatever you do, DON'T CROSS THE LAND BRIDGE ON THIS ISLAND! The enemies on the other side would be glad to lower your HP by large amounts, and you need your strength for the dungeon ahead. Just search behind the 2 massive grey rock things at co-ordinates X: 11767 Y: 22805 for 10000 Gella, then search at X: 10342 Y: 23477 for Survey Point #17. |
Survey Point #17
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Captor | 420 | 83 | 88 | NONE | FIRE | WATER | NONE | NONE |
Urchin Bug | 95 | 20 | 22 | EARTH | NONE | WIND, ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Captors are fairly weak monsters that have an annoying habit of cancelling turns. Unfortunately for them, they fall very quickly to physical attacks. Urchin Bugs are a little tricky, though! They are fairly strong against physical attacks, but weak to Wind and Ice Arcana. Summon Fengalon on them, because they appear in large groups. You can also try Extension + Refrigerate, but be aware that they often attack as separate enemy groups, and thus Extend won't hit them all. Take them down quickly, because they can do respectable damage to individual characters with Rock Gazer, which deals earth-elemental damage to single targets. Of course, they may very well run away! |
Gella Card Heal Berry Gella Card Gimel Coin Lucky Card Mini Carrot Heal Berry Lucky Card Heal Brrry Gimel Coin Lucky Card Gimel Coin |
NOTE: Since this dungeon meets an unhappy fate, there are no chests in this dungeon; only treasures hidden in crates and barrels. Jet's Radar Tool is useful for finding where the items are hidden. Seems a little quiet, don't you think? Before entering the mine, walk across the rock ledge to some crates near the entrance to the mine, and toss them aside (AWAY from the walls) to find a Gella Card. Drop down and go on in the mine.
The next few screens are INCREDIBLY straightforward, so I'll just let you stroll through them alone. Make sure you use the Radar though; check to see if there is treasure in every crate and barrel before moving on! Once you reach the third room, you'll have a little run-in with Maya before she walks away without even hearing Virginia out. In the next room, use a Gimel Coin to save, because there's a boss in the next room. Looks like someone else has been raiding the mine! This time, Malik summons a group of artificially created farm animals to keep you busy. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
1300 | 750 | 780 | NONE | NONE | WIND | NONE | NONE | |
1400 | 750 | 800 | ICE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE | |
1100 | 750 | 770 | NONE | FIRE | WATER | NONE | NONE | |
1200 | 750 | 800 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Hound's Attacks: Bite (physical attack to one) Decelerate (lowers target's Evasion) |
Donkey's Attacks: Stampede (physical attack), |
Feline's Attacks: Toy with a Cat (physical attack to one) Quicken (raises target's speed) |
Flier's Attacks: Peck (physical attack to one) Eraser (clears all positive statuses on your entire team) |
How To Win:
Donkey coughs up a Bullet Clip, which gives the Auto Reload personal skill. Quite a nice skill, if I say so myself!
After the battle, Maya and Virginia will agree to a ceasefire to stop the lone Prophet from getting the Aguelite and Germatron. So head north one room, and grab the treasures hidden in the old barrels and crates on the sides of the room. Get it all now, because this is your only chance. Head into the next room, and the path splits into two. Maya will take the more northern one, while you take the southern. The idea here is to work together (and with Maya and Virginia, that's quite a challenge!), so light the candles along the way with the Tindercrest, and Maya will step on the switches, allowing you to travel further along the path. Complete this room, then pass through the next one, being sure not to miss the treasures inside the crates. You'll have to work with Maya again, but this time you need to be quick on your feet! Climb up the stairs and walk along the narrow path, lighting the candles along the way while Maya stands on the floor buttons. The buttons don't stay pressed, and Maya won't wait for you, so move it! Light the first candle, then when Maya steps on the second button, stand on the platform that the button lowered and toss a Tindercrest diagonally to the second candle and quickly pass by the now lowered section of the platform. The candles are only lit for a short amount of time! Once you pass that, follow the rest of the platform to a floor switch, and hit that to open the door. Follow Maya, and head through the next room, being sure to find the 2 treasures the room holds. The next room features a bunch of crates and stuff. There are 2 items inside the crates, so don't miss them. Clear this easy room, then prepare for a tough little puzzle. Again, the path splits into two, but this time, there are spiked blocks slowly chasing you! What you have to do is get to the first candle, and light it as quick as you can. Once you do, Maya will hit a button for you and allow you to go a little further. Light the next candle, and Maya will leave without you! Virginia will yell at her, and Maya will come back to help. HOWEVER, you must now hold the spiked blocks off! Hold R2 to stay put in one spot, and start shooting the spiked blocks with Tindercrests. Don't focus on one; you must keep the one away from Maya, and the one away from you. Once Maya hits the button and leaves, you can just start firing at the one after Virginia, but for the most part, you need to be quick and you need to watch them both carefully! Generally, Maya's doesn't take much work to hold off, though; just a few shots should do it. Once you complete this toughy of a puzzle, a real toughy of a boss fight awaits you in the next room. SAVE YOUR GAME BEFORE MOVING ON! Enter the next room, and Malik will be waiting for you. Unfortunately, Maya skips yet another battle and heads off to get the crystals, while you're left fighting Malik's minions. Except this time... it's tough! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
3600 | 1550 | 1600 | LIGHT | NONE | DARK | NONE | NONE | |
3600 | 1550 | 1600 | DARK | NONE | LIGHT | NONE | NONE | |
Humpty's Attacks: Protect (increases target's magic resistance) Shield (increases target's physical defense) Critical Heal (fully restores target's HP) Reflect (reflects Arcana from target back to caster), |
Dumpty's Attacks: Phantom Hazard (dark-elemental damage attack to all targets) Maelstrom (water-elemental damage attack to all targets) Crack Tremor (earth-elemental damage attack to all targets) Volcannon Trap (fire-elemental damage attack to all targets) Storm Blade (wind-elemental damage attack to all targets) |
How To Win:
Humpty must be defeated first. He doesn't attack you, but he casts all kinds of supportive Arcana on himself, and will use Critical Heal on Dumpty if Dumpty takes damage. Meanwhile, Dumpty will continue to do big damage to your team every turn with his attack-all elemental spells. So how do you win? Extend + Valiant will help even the odds. If the boss is going to be hitting you for lots of damage, might as well show him the error of his ways, right? Begin the battle by Mysticing a Lucky Card, attacking with Jet, casting Extend + Valiant on your team and using a Gella Card on either boss. Dumpty will hit your team for about 200-400 damage, but this only serves to power up Valiant. For the next few turns, focus on attacking Humpty with every character. If someone's HP falls to about 300, make sure Virginia heals them at the beginning of next turn with a Heal Berry. And... that's pretty much it. Dumpty will continue to pound you with magic, but you'll be doing so much with your attacks that you'll take him down in no time. Speed things up with a Gatling if you get the chance! Wild ARMs Fun Fact: Humpty and Dumpty were in the first two Wild ARMs games as random enemies, and they actually fought pretty similar to the way they do now! |
Now that you've won, save your game again. Heal up the best you can, because another battle awaits in the room after the next. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2040 | 1100 | 1200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2190 | 1100 | 1200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
1900 | 1100 | 1200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
1750 | 1100 | 1200 | NONE | FIRE, ICE | WATER | NONE | NONE | |
Maya's Attacks: Pike Thruster (physical attack to one) Phalanx (physical attack to one), |
Todd's Attacks: Divide Shot (halves target's HP) Psycho Crack (physical attack + confuse to one target) Black Fenrir (physical attack to one target) Heal Factor (used whenever one of Todd's allies takes damage, and heals them completely), |
Alfred's Attacks: Homemade Bomb (physical attack to one), |
Shady's Attacks: Baking Breath (fire elemental damage to one) Blizzard Breath (ice elemental damage to one), |
How To Win:
But she's not your first target. As usual, Todd must be defeated first and foremost, and you must defeat him quickly. Start with the usual procedure, though Fragile may not work on him, and make sure you use Extend + Valiant to help out. Watch out for his Divide Shot move, and make sure you clear up confusion status IMMEDIATELY! If anyone's HP gets into the "red" numbers, heal right away. Keep attacking Todd until he gives up the ghost (where's your "Todd" now?), and then, focus on Maya. You can actually defeat her this time without ending the fight, so focus your attacks on her to bring her down to earth. Afterwards, deal with Alfred and Shady, who are both absolutely nothing to worry about. |
After the boss fight, and a touching scene.... well, you'll see. You have 15 minutes to escape from the dungeon, so get moving! Skip the battles along the way, and run through each room as fast as you can! If you choose to battle, note that time doesn't tick when you're selecting commands, but it does when the battle animations are playing. That's why avoiding battles is a VERY good idea.
Upon making it out alive, you'll be back at the Ark of Destiny. Lamium, who is in an unusually happy mood after what happened to the survey point, is willing to forget what happened as long as that 10000 Gella that he offered for the mission stays in his hand. Your party accepts, apologizes, and talks with him for a bit more. He tells a tale about how he once ended up in Boot Hill, Virginia's hometown. That's where we're going next. |
It's About Time
Ark of Destiny
The library is now open for your studying needs. Read all of the books on the shelves, making note of the top shelves above you. You can't reach those yet, but you will be able to sometime. For now, read the books and don't bother opening the Duplicator locked one.
One of the shelves in the library must be checked in order for the game to continue. Inside lies a list of the last 7 members of the Council of Seven, and some of the names on the list may shock you. Your party decides that Boot Hill is the next place to be headed, and you should speak to Linda in the main room for further direction. Rest up before you head out, then leave the Ark. |
Ark of Destiny - Midland Station
For an easy way to Boot Hill, use one of the Warp Stars you received earlier, and teleport to Midland Station. Since Virginia has rode this train before from the station near her home, you can now purchase a ticket to Southfarm Station. |
Southfarm Station - Boot Hill
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Bogle | 300 | 62 | 70 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Cob | 325 | 67 | 80 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Bogles are just souped up versions of Gobs that have a fairly low hit rate, so they aren't hard to take down with a few attacks. Gallows should Extend a Spectre spell to hit groups of Cobles to kill them faster. Cobs are stronger versions of Bogles, and again, they aren't really a threat, but take them down first. |
Boot Hill is rather easy to find. From Southfarm, head south a little, and then west until you hit a beach. Search around co-ordinates X: 15827 Y: 467 to find it. |
Boot Hill
Gimel Coin Warp Star Name Tag Gimel Coin Tiny Flower Heal Berry Revive Fruit |
Despite the name, Boot Hill is a very peaceful and inviting town. That isn't going to stop us from claiming the items that were left strewn about the town. Hey, finders keepers, right? Head into the ARMsmith's place and check the crate for a Gimel Coin, then head inside the second house, and check the barrel nearest to the bookshelf for a Warp Star (no Kirby though). Outside, dash into the southern side of the tree to drop a Heal Berry down, then check the wooden box near the crops for a Name Tag. Next, head to the graveyard north of town, and check Virginia's mother's grave. Someone keeps leaving Tiny Flowers here... hmm. Armengard is walking around outside. Talk to her and read her text; she has a different message for every day of the year! For a list of all the messages, click here. Also, talk to everyone and read the books. The people here don't seem to be able to settle with the fact that the world is what it is. It's sad, isn't it? Anyways, head for Virginia's house, which is the huge one in the north part of town. Virginia and your party will speak to Tesla about matters concerning Werner, Virginia's father. After a long chat, lead Virginia outside to the rest of the party, then head back inside and check the barrel for a Revive Fruit. Stay at the house for full healing, then head outside again. Go around the house (but inside the fence) and check the crates for a Gimel Coin. Now that you've gotten everything, head out of town. Guess who followed you? Janus, cocky as ever, tells you what the Prophets are up to, and gives you a faint clue on where to head next. Unfortunately, Gallows was never the sharpest tool in the shed, and he never DID pay attention in school, so we'll have to head back to Baskar for instruction. But there's something we should do first. |
Millenium Puzzle # 13
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Horned Beast | 470 | 96 | 100 | NONE | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Strategy: Kobolds are the same as always; just cast Vortex and use physical attacks, ignoring their weak Leyline Cannon. Horned Monsters are brainless beasts who do nothing but Stampede over and over again, so freeze them with Refrigerate and attack them with physical attacks. |
Travel south and then west from Boot Hill, following the way of the land as it curves until you hit a wide open area. Check out co-ordinates X: 13160 Y: 2722 for a Millenium Puzzle.
Now here's a fun puzzle! Give it a shot, and if you can't figure it out, well... that's what solutions are for, right? Solve it for a Lion Shield! |
Millenium Puzzle # 13 - Baskar Village
Use a Warp Star to teleport to Midland Station, then head to Baskar from there. Talk to the people in town, and you should get a pretty good idea of what Guardian is under attack now. Now go and talk to Granny Halle, who can point you in the right direction. Your destination is Infinitum, home of Dan Dairiam, Guardian of Time. FYI, I once pondered naming my cat Dan Dairiam or Cait Sith, but ultimately settled on Domi.
After the scene ends, Gallows has a plan. The party thinks he's nuts, but he has complete faith in it, and Gallows has his heart set on it. Wait until you see what it is! Save your game, and head outside. |
Baskar Village - Infinitum
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Manticore | 433 | 86 | 90 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Manticores are irritating. They cause Poison status with Poison Tail, and use Sky Twister to do Wind-elemental damage. Get rid of them as quickly as possible, ignoring the Kobolds. Virginia should use Inspire, while Gallows uses Spectre. Luckily, they don't last too long. If they cast Turbulence, summon Grudiev and some other Guardians to take them down. |
Infinitum is on the continent west of Baskar, but we'll have to run back to Jolly Roger to get the Sandcraft. Board the craft, then travel northwest, following the map I made.
![]() Now that you've landed, search at X: 9389 Y: 10881 to find Infinitum. |
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Delphin | 470 | 88 | 90 | EARTH | NONE | WIND | NONE | NONE |
Manticore | 433 | 86 | 90 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Premium Delphin | 500 | 96 | 100 | THUNDER | NONE | NONE | NONE | EARTH |
Strategy: Delphins attack with earth-elemental Arcana, and are weak to Wind, so cast Vortex for some good damage, and take them down with attacks and Arcana like Spectre. Deal with Manticores using the same strategy as you did on the ones outside. A Premium Delphin is a rarer version of the Delphin, except it's easier and it tends to run from battle. Maybe it has something valuable on it? |
This is a Gallows "character development" type dungeon, where he comes to realize a lot of things. Read up on everything he says, because this is what RPG stories are all about; people with good intentions who learn about the world, themselves, and the enemies who threaten the planet. Scenes like this are what make the Wild ARMs series' stories so great, so enjoy them.
It's also full of puzzles that deal with perfect timing, so good luck! From the start, head north through the first room, then up the staircases. You'll reach a room with lots of gears. The idea here is to turn the various valves to line the gears up with each other, then step on the floor switch to get the machine running. Turn each valve so that the gears move 3 times, and then step on the switch. The door opens! Don't be shy; go in! Now climb the stairs, using a Gimel Coin when you reach the top. Head through the door when you are good and ready. You'll meet up with the leader of the Prophets, and as you probably would have figured, he chooses to sic a legendary beast on you rather than sully his hands battling. You might call him a scaredy-cat, but why fight when monsters can do it for you? 8P |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
330 | 24 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Pyrodrake's Attacks: The Giant Groans (physical attack to one) Caloric Sphere (fire-elemental damage to one) Volcannon Trap (fire-elemental damage to all), |
How To Win:
Gella Card X 2 Adventure Book 3 Potion Berry 7000 Gella Gimel Coin Revive Fruit Gimel Coin Growth Egg Duplicator Lucky Card X 3 |
Now, before we move on, there's a very easy to miss treasure room nearby. See the blocks along the wall? Move them aside, then bomb the wall they were behind. There are 4 chests in here, and they'd love to be opened. Get to it, and you'll be rewarded with 7000 Gella, a Potion Berry, a Gella Card X 2, and Adventure Book 3! Now exit the secret room, and stack the blocks so that they form a 4-block bridge. Cross the bridge, and go all the way around the walkway to find a strange looking thingamajig. Only Baskars can operate them, so switch to Gallows and press X. The profanity-operated jewel lights up, and the door opens! Head up the elevator (the Baskar don't shun technology, I see) and into the next room.
There's a few things to do in this room. First, walk along the walkways to the east and west to find chests at the end, containing a Gimel Coin and a Revive Fruit. Second, rotate the camera so that you can see under the "bridge". There's a crystal switch hanging from the bottom of the bridge, so Boomerang it to get the pendulums on the bridge started. Now, walk onto the bridge and allow yourself to be hit by the first pendulum so that you land on the floor tile that's out of reach. It's a bit painful, but it's the only way. This starts up the second pendulum, so get back on the bridge, walk past the first one, and get hit by the second one so that you land on the platform that houses another crystal thingymabobber. Gallows has to say the magic word to activate it, so switch to him, and the door opens! Now walk past both pendulums and take the newly opened room exit. Head through, then up the stairs and into the next room. This next set of puzzles must be taken slowly and carefully, or you will just end up repeating it ad the name of the current dungeon. Step on one of the teeth of the first gear in the room, and step off when you reach the other walkway. Make sure you walk here, or you will fall. Follow the walkway up the stairs, then step on one of the teeth on the next gear (do not use the ones with the wooden poles on them), riding until you see a small platform with a railing. Step off there, and hit the switch to start a swing moving. Head back on the gear's teeth, and prepare for a tricky part. You need to step off one of the teeth and step onto the swinging platform. Be patient and wait until you KNOW you will make it onto the swing, then step over. Hit the floor switch on the other side, then ride the swing back. You need to step onto one more swing, so follow the same strategy as before. Was that tough? It took me forever the first time. Now, walk down the walkway and activate the crystal with Gallows, then head into the next room. Go up the stairs (sensing a recurring room design yet?), and head into the next room. This next puzzle.. it's about time. Get it? 8P What you have to do is light the numbered candles in order from 1 to 12, walking around the clock. Use the Tindercrest, and make sure you don't hit two candles with one shot. By the way, you have to do this reasonably fast, or the candles blow out. Once the clock is fixed, head through the door, up the elevator, and a little past the chock, you'll find 4 chests containing a Gimel Coin, Growth Egg, Duplicator, and Lucky Card X 3. Save your game now. There's a 2 part boss battle coming up! Head through the door, and prepare for another battle with the thinking machine. No, I don't mean the Dreamcast! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5600 | 4200 | 4500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Asgard's Attacks: Fortress of the Gods (does nothing, performed every turn) Barrier Knuckle (strong physical counterattack to one character), |
How To Win:
Well, yes.. but you want to come out of this fight in the best shape possible, because there's a nasty surprise waiting for you afterwards. Begin the battle with the usual strategy (Fragile, Mystic + Lucky Card, Gella Card, Extension + Valiant), then let him have it, but count how much damage you do so as not to kill him too quickly. You want to get Virginia's FP to 25, so use Gallows to heal your party or use Heal Berries. Make sure that if someone attacks Asgard, they have enough HP to take the counterattack, which normally does about 500 damage. Take this battle slow.... but do it right. Remember, you have all the time in the world... |
After your victory, Gallows runs off to try something. You have to keep Asgard busy for 3 turns now! Unfortunately, that Glumzamber to the chest really pissed him off. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Asgard's Attacks: Barrier Storm (strong physical damage to entire party) |
How To Win:
The Two-Headed Serpent of a Dungeon
Upon completing Infinitum, we are entrusted with the Time Guardian's powers. Equip this magnificent new Medium on Jet, then board your Sandcraft and head back to Baskar Village, which is a short hover east of here.
Baskar Village
It's time to move in and attack the Prophets on their own wretched turf. However, their base is surrounded by a natural fortress of impossibly tall mountains, and to make matters worse, it's on an island!
But don't fret. There's a way there via a two headed serpent. This may not make much sense to you, but if you have been reading the books and talking to people during the game, you will have heard the tale of a 2 headed beast named Nidhogg. This beast existed in the olden days of Filgaia, and was quite a ferocious beast as they say, but the story has deeper meaning. Namely, there is a duo of underground routes that lead under the mountain range and into Prophet territory! Speak to everyone in town for a few clues, then leave town and head to Little Twister any way you can. |
Little Twister
Go on over to the Saloon. You remember Claudia, don't you? Well, she's quite knowledgeable about Nidhogg Pass and how to point it out. Speak with Claudia, and she will tell you the location of the two "giants" who went out to slay Nidhogg. These "giants" are statues located on the World Map, and both of them appear to be "facing" something on the World Map. The point where their point of vision intersects is where Nidhogg Pass is! Our next goal is to find those statues.
Now head back to Jolly Roger. |
Jolly Roger
Of course, we have to find the statues first. Here's a map of where they are.
![]() Now, before we head out, I'm going to make a helpful suggestion. Get your Dragon Fossil total up to 50, then buy the Ark Smasher in Jolly Roger. There are Sandcraft enemies coming up that don't take no guff, so you'll need to be willing and able to kill them quickly. The Ark Smasher will certainly help you. You should have a high Dragon Fossil total already, but if you need more, fight Gobs around the Midland Station area. They almost always drop a Dragon Fossil after a battle, and they're easy to take down, to boot! Get 50 Fossils, then purchase the Ark Smasher. Done? Okay then! Consult the map below for help with finding the statues.
![]() One of the statues is north of Boot Hill at co-ordinates X: 19733 Y: 3204. The other statue is on a small island BETWEEN the Sand Canals at co-ordinates X: 3473 Y: 11489. Upon discovering a statue, check it with X. Check them both, and the path to Nidhogg will become quite clear. Of course, we still have to find the dungeons. |
To Nidhogg Pass
To get to the Prophets' base, we must complete both of the Nidhogg Pass dungeons. You see, they both lead to each other in the end, and each one has a switch at the end. We must travel to the end of each Pass and flip the switch to open the door to the third Nidhogg Pass, which leads to the enemy's hideout. It's a little tricky to understand, but follow my walkthrough and the maps enclosed, and you'll do fine. 8)
Of course, heal up before you go. When you're ready, board your Sandcraft from Jolly Roger, and follow the path below. ![]() Once there, land your sandcraft on the beach and search the forested area. Nidhogg Pass should appear! Take a deep breath, save your game, and then enter! |
Nidhogg Pass Part 1
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Amduscias | 520 | 111 | 120 | ICE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Helterskelter | 485 | 104 | 110 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Mushussu | 580 | 52 | 26 | FIRE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Danger, Will Robinson! Amduscias enemies must be taken down swiftly and with extreme prejudice! They have a mean attack called Lance Thrust that instantly kills the target if it connects! They don't use this TOO often though, but you'd be better safe than sorry, so take them down first and foremost with your strongest attacks and Arcana. Helterskelters are powerful warriors that use Geist Gust to attack, but you can stop them from using it by casting Eraser on them. Use Spectre to wipe them out. Mushussus are nothing special, though they may try to put your characters to sleep. Freeze them with Refrigerate. |
Go ahead... try and walk to the next room. I DARE you! Heh, just kidding around. Once you walk halfway through the first room, you'll be attacked by the Nidhogg. Don't worry; he's pretty easy.
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8000 | 4000 | 4400 | NONE | NONE | LIGHT, DARK | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Mow Down (physical attack to one) Luminous Moss (confusion to one target) Downhearted (causes Misery status to one target) |
How To Win:
Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Fragile, a Gella Card, but hold off on the Valiant. Why? Because Nidhogg has a very hard time actually getting your team to critical HP. Nidhogg is weak to Light, so cast Spectre to hit him where it hurts. You can also cast Grav, but it only works 50% of the time, but then again, Virginia has nothing better to do other than to cure status ailments. He takes a while to beat, but just keep attacking and casting the aforementioned Arcana, and clearing up statuses as soon as you can, and the battle will go over smoothly. |
Migrant Seal Mini Carrot Adventure Book 4 Gella Card X 3 Potion Berry Revive Fruit |
Now, head south through this room and the next to reach a room with an unstable looking rock bridge. Tiptoe across slowly, but when you reach the halfway point of the bridge, allow it to collapse. There's a Duplicator Door down here! Open it and go inside, then climb the stairs to find 3 boxes of goodies. Open them to add a Migrant Seal, a Mini Carrot and an Adventure Book 4 to your items. Exit this room through the top. See, doesn't it help to be a klutz sometimes?
Now drop down and take the door facing west, where you'll find with the bridge, only you're on the other side. Grab the chests here for a Potion Berry and a Gella Card X 3 (use the Steady Doll), then leave the way you came and follow the southern path and enter the door. A simple block puzzle awaits us here. Switch to Clive, and grab the block on the ledge with the Mighty Gloves, then stack it beside the other one to build a bridge. Cross over, grab the Revive Fruit from the chest, and enter the door. Flip the switch in the next room, and you've completed the first Nidhogg Pass! Now leave the dungeon the way you came, then autopilot back to Jolly Roger. |
To Nidhogg Pass Part 2
Heal up in town, because you'll need your stamina for the next Pass. When you're ready, board your Sandcraft from Jolly Roger, and follow the path below.![]() Once there, land your sandcraft on the beach and search the forested area. Nidhogg Pass should appear! Take a deep breath, save your game, and then enter! |
Nidhogg Pass Part 2
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Amduscias | 520 | 111 | 120 | ICE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Helterskelter | 485 | 104 | 110 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Mushussu | 580 | 52 | 26 | FIRE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Danger, Will Robinson! Amduscias enemies must be taken down swiftly and with extreme prejudice! They have a mean attack called Lance Thrust that instantly kills the target if it connects! They don't use this TOO often though, but you'd be better safe than sorry, so take them down first and foremost with your strongest attacks and Arcana. Helterskelters are powerful warriors that use Geist Gust to attack, but you can stop them from using it by casting Eraser on them. Use Spectre to wipe them out. Mushussus are nothing special, though they may try to put your characters to sleep. Freeze them with Refrigerate. |
This dungeon opens pretty much the same way as the first Nidhogg Pass. In fact, another Nidhogg awaits, so be prepared for another battle.
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8000 | 4000 | 4400 | NONE | NONE | LIGHT, DARK | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Mow Down (physical attack to one), Luminous Moss (confusion to one target), Downhearted (causes Misery status to one target) | ||||||||
How To Win:Nidhogg's physical attacks are weak. However, he is capable of messing with your party by causing Confusion and Misery status. Cure Confusion right away, and cure Misery if your magic users are affected by it. Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Fragile, a Gella Card, but hold off on the Valiant. Why? Because Nidhogg has a very hard time actually getting your team to critical HP. Nidhogg is weak to Light, so cast Spectre to hit him where it hurts. You can also cast Grav, but it only works 50% of the time, but then again, Virginia has nothing better to do other than to cure status ailments. He takes a while to beat, but just keep attacking and casting the aforementioned Arcana, and clearing up statuses as soon as you can, and the battle will go over smoothly. |
Lucky Card X 3 Grab Bag Tiny Flower Name Tag X 2 |
Here's where the differences come in. Walk through the first room, and in the next room, you'll spot a large pond. The door is barricaded in this room! Where's the switch to open it? Well, the switch is hidden pretty well; rotate the camera around and you'll spot it hiding down near the pond. Perhaps it's sunbathing? Stand on the edge of the cliff, making sure you're directly in line with the barrel over on the side. Now, face the water, hold UP, and toss the Boomerang as you hold it. This will cause the Boomerang to do a 180 and fly into the wall, bouncing off it and hitting the switch. Enter the door, and pass through the room. The next room features a lot of crazy terrain, but make sure you don't miss the chest with 3 Lucky Cards over to the south of the door! Drop down the ledges heading south and enter the door. In the next room, don't miss the Duplicator Door to the south. Inside you'll find chests containing a Grab Bag, a Tiny Flower (Mimic guarded), and a Name Tag X 2. Leave the room, and head back to the previous one. Here's an easy puzzle; light the various braziers with the Tindercrest, but each one is on a different level. Stand on ground level to light the lowest, stand halfway up the stairs to light the second, and stand about 3/4 up the stairs to light the third. That will open the door. Inside, flip the switch to complete Nidhogg Pass 2, and watch as Nidhogg Pass 3 opens up! Go on in! |
Nidhogg Pass Part 3
Duplicator Galecrest (TOOL) 8500 Gella Amulet Potion Berry Gimel Coin Full Carrot |
The enemies in this final stretch of Nidhogg Pass are the same as the ones before, so I won't repeat the info again. From the start, you'll notice a few raised platforms with one-space gaps in between them. Believe it or not, we'll be crossing over those, but first we need the appropriate tool! Head south and enter the door, and open the chests for a Duplicator and the Galecrest Tool! This wondrous Tool is used to breeze you over small gaps (no larger than one space), but keep in mind that once you use it, you won't stop going till you hit something! Try it out; exit the room, face directly east, and use the Tool! You'll teleport over the pit and over to the other side, where the exit to the room is! Now head through the next room, even using the Galecrest to zoom through if you want (though I like to fight the battles.) The room afterwards has a somewhat tricky puzzle to solve. See, there's a giant block in the room that we can use to create a Galecrest suitable area, but we need another one. There's one we can use, but there's a switch we need to hit to get it. First, head south through the room, ignoring the button (this will be a problem later), then grab the chest for 8500 Gella, then head to the southwest corner of the room and flip the switch. This moves the block into place. Now, head back to the start of the room, but MAKE SURE YOU GALECREST OVER THE FLOOR BUTTON! This button moves the block back to where it started, and you don't want that! Climb back up the stairs and Galecrest your way across to the other side of the room. In the next room, we'll have to use our Galecrest and our Mighty Gloves. Begin by tossing the crates out of the way, then step on the floor button. Now, use the Mighty Gloves to build a 2-block bridge over to the central platform, then Galecrest over to the door. The next room features 3 shoddy bridges, so Galecrest across the bridges to hit the floor tile, grab the chests containing the Potion Berry and Amulet, and finally exit the room. Galecrest across the pit in the next room, and keep going. Now HERE's a tricky puzzle. In the center of the room, you'll find an ice block, a pushable block, and a Mighty Glove block. What you must do is set them up in a way so that you can reach the door on the other side of the room. First, push the Ice Block south, then west. Push it south again, then finally give it a good shove west to get it right where we want it; the corner of the room. Next, grab the Mighty Glove block and place it a space away (not beside) the ice block. Finally, push the last block a space away (not beside) the ice block. It should look something like this: ![]() Now, Galecrest across the first two blocks, then Galecrest across the last one, hitting the candle. Walk slowly around it and in the door. Pretty clever! The next room is fairly simple. Start by Galecresting over the pit to the west, then enter the door and open the chests (use a Duplicator for one) to obtain a Gimel Coin and a Full Carrot. Save your game now, then head back a room and drop down. We need to make a Galecrest suitable bridge over to the other side, so begin by tossing the wooden crates out of the way. Next, head up the stairs and Galecrest into the block on the raised platform. Drop the block down with the Mighty Gloves, then drop down yourself and stack one block against the platform at the start of the room, and the other a space away (not beside) that block. Now, head back upstairs to the start of the room, drop down onto the first block, and Galecrest across! A boss fight awaits in the next room, so it's a good thing you saved. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5000 | 4300 | 4500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Watching Your Move (does nothing, performed every turn) Rule of Vengeance (each time you hit Leehalt, the amount of damage the hit did is also done to whoever hit him) |
How To Win:
The strategy for defeating Leehalt is simple; make sure you never hit him for more than your current HP! Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card and Gella Card, but don't cast Valiant! Sure, you'll do a lot of damage with it when your HP runs low, but so will he! Now, you have 2 choices. Either defeat him slowly but surely by doing a bit of damage at a time (having everyone attack each round, then using a Mystic Potion Berry when your life runs low), or you can take a chance by counting how much damage you do to him, and attempting to "finish him off" with a strong Valiant attack. The first way is slower, but much safer, and will keep you in good condition for the fight after this, so I suggest that. Note that if you use Gatling, Leehalt will only return the damage of the first hit. |
After a dramatic scene, the lone Prophet escapes, leaving you to deal with an extra from the movie Mars Attacks! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
3200 | 2270 | 2400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Outer World (halves entire team's HP and makes Balazs invincible until end of turn) Agony Effect (non-elemental damage to target) |
How To Win:If you've been following the story, you're probably wondering: "How the hell does this thing keep a low profile?". Yet, as stupid looking as it may be, Balazs is a very tricky fight. His Outer World ability is incredibly strong, as it halves your entire team's HP and makes him invincible until the turn ends. The worst part is that he's faster than everyone but Virginia! And if your team's HP get to around 250, he'll start to pick your party members off with Agony Effect. However, he doesn't have much HP, so try out this strategy. Begin by Mysticing a Lucky Card, using a Gella Card, casting Valiant on Virgina and guarding with Clive. You'll be nailed by Outer World, but don't fret! Now all you have to do is defend with all your team members EXCEPT Virginia, who should shoot every turn. When Virginia's HP hits about 350, use a Heal Berry on her, and have the other team members heal each other should they hit about 250 or so. Meanwhile, attacking with low HP with Valiant cast will make short work of this troublesome foe. |
Another scene plays, and this one is quite sad. After a few more scenes (including one that hints that something big is going to happen), our team finds themselves in a small location called Greenlodge. This is a safe haven outside of the Prophet's dungeon, and you can heal fully anytime by using the First Aid Kit. By the way... for the entire next dungeon, Virginia is cursed by a permanent status effect that stops her from using or acquiring VIT points, so her HP will not fill up after battle. You'll have to take very good care of her. |
Tree of... Life?
This is it... the day of reckoning. Say yer prayers, Lyn... err, never mind. Before we attack the Yggdrasil (that's the Prophets' base), we're gonna go have some fun with a Millenium Puzzle! First, go back to Greenlodge and check the barrel outside for a Potion Berry.
Greenlodge - Millenium Puzzle 15 - Yggdrasil
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Ape Vargon | 27 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Shrieker | 430 | 1 | 2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Assuming you have a high magic power stat, you should be able to wipe out groups of Shriekers with a Moor Gault summon. This will at least soften them up quite a bit, but make sure you kill them quickly so that they do not get to use Sweet Sigh on you (causes Amnesia). Ape Vargons are what the name implies; big, stupid gorillas that do nothing but physicaly attack, or in some cases, run from battle. Unless you absolutely must fight, I suggest you skip encounters in this area. |
This area is heavily forested, so you will have to refer to the pointer to tell where your character is (Virginia's is so cuuute!). You can't use your horses either... 8( At any rate, head to co-ordinates X: 4500 Y: 18258 and search to find the Millenium Puzzle 15.
The idea here is to break away parts of the "floor" with the blocks on the side, but make sure you PUSH them!. Try it once, and if you just can't figure it out, Click Here for help. Winning nets you a 10-Gal Hat! Equip it on a character with spare Personal Skill Points, and with this Initiative working in unison with the other one you should already have equipped, you now have a 50% better chance of getting a preemptive strike! When you're done, head north near the lake until you spot an unforested area. Search here to uncover Yggdrasil! |
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Clay Puppet | 440 | 89 | 92 | FIRE, THUNDER | NONE | WATER, WIND | NONE | EARTH |
Cockatrice | 590 | 116 | 120 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | NONE | EARTH |
Mimic | 800 | 150 | 200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Okypete | 410 | 94 | 98 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Fill up your Earth Ward Personal Skills as much as you can. The enemies in Yggdrasil don't fool around, and since Virginia is at the mercy of her disease, you'll have to be extra careful. Clay Puppets won't hesitate to hit you with single-character Earth attacks, so take them down with Vortex or summon Fengalon on them. Okypetes are annoying, causing Disease status and stealing items, but they don't hit very hard and they don't last long. Save them for later, UNLESS they take something; in that case, take them down before they run from battle with your precious items. Cockatrices may not be able to turn you to stone, but they can hit you with poison and paralysis too, so spin em around with Vortex. |
Lucky Card X 3 Duplicator |
I'll warn you now; Yggdrasil is the longest dungeon in the game. There are 5 boss battles along the way, and they only get more difficult, with the exception of the last. This is a big turning point in the game's story, so enjoy the wonderful scenes along the way. 8) The first room features a large staircase, so climb up and when you reach the top, walk west until the bannister ends. Looks like someone didn't finish safeproofing this room! Actually, this gives you the perfect spot to jump down from above and hit the rusty floor button, opening the door. The next room features automated defense systems that will electrocute you should they detect your presence. Stay out of their range and blow them up with Bombs, the Boomerang, or Tindercrests. Make sure you kill ALL the components! Head into the next room, and take the stairs to another room. This time, head a bit around the corner and rotate the camera. Now THAT's strategic placement! Hide around the corner and use the Boomerang to take out the defensive drones, then go all the way around the corner, and climb the ladder up to the top, grabbing the treasures for a Duplicator and a Lucky Card X 3. Drop back down, SAVE YOUR GAME, and enter the new door. After a short scene in which Clive shows off his rapier wit (I've actually done something similar to that before!), Melody is infuriated and attacks! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
4800 | 2500 | 2700 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Venom Strike (poisons target, also used as a counterattack every time Melody is hit) |
How To Win:
By this point in the game, if you've been fairly lucky, you should have enough Moonstones to put Poison Ward on every one of your characters. If you can, do so for this battle, and power it up to full, because Melody will attempt to poison your party members every turn she gets, and every time you hit her! Begin the battle as you normally would: Mystic a Lucky Card, Gella Card, Fragile and Extend + Valiant, then just keep attacking. If you are protected from poison completely, then there is no way you can lose, so just attack endlessly until she gives up the ghost. If she poisons you, let it drain some of your HP while you continue to attack. As your HP drops, your Valiant-blessed characters will be doing more and more damage. |
Revive Fruit Gimel Coin X 2 Mini Carrot Gella Card X 2 |
Now head into the next room, grabbing the gems along the way. In the next room lies a tricky puzzle.
"Red is the color of fire, and Blue is the color of water. Water does not float on fire.", What you must do here is hit the poles floating over the coloured tiles to light them up, but you must only light up the ones with the red tiles underneath. Now, you can spend an eternity on this one, or you can use this easy solution; start from the entrance, and stand to the left or right of the puzzle and toss a Tindercrest at the first row to light all of the things up, then head to the southern row and light up the entire row. Next, stand either north or south of the puzzle, and light up the second and fourth columns of the puzzle. Enter the door, and take the elevator up. In the next room, look across the pit to spot 2 chests, and use the Steady Doll to grab them for a Revive Fruit and a Gimel Coin X 2. Next, walk west and go through the door to the door to the south, and open the chests for a Mini Carrot (guarded by Mimics) and a Gella Card X 2, then leave the room and take the other door. Take the stairs up, and in the next room, walk slowly along the narrow passageway, freezing the steam vents with the Freezer Doll. At the end, SAVE YOUR GAME. Now, set up your personal skills so that you are as protected as possible against misery, amnesia, disease and especially confusion, then step into the next room. If you can give Gallows protection from misery, things will run a lot more smoothly.
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5200 | 2750 | 3000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Tri-Injury (causes amnesia, disease and misery to target) Annihilator (non-elemental damage to entire party) Chaotic Dimension (confusion to entire party) |
How To Win:
This battle may require a few tries, depending on whether or not Malik decides to use Chaotic Dimension. This rarely used ability confuses your ENTIRE PARTY, so if he does decide to use it, you'd better have a few characters with Confusion Ward status on, or you're going to have a heck of a time getting out of this one alive. Malik will spend a few turns causing negative statuses with his Tri-Injury attack, so expect to suffer a lot of status ailments in this battle. Furthermore, he also attacks with Annihilator, dealing about 350 damage to your entire party. The best way to win is to open with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Gella Card, a Extend + Valiant (this is where Misery Guard is a MUST) and a Decelerate spell, and then just keep attacking, ignoring the statuses aside from Confusion. Do not heal unless you KNOW that an Annihilator will kill you, and just keep shooting. With a bit of luck, you'll pull through. |
Potion Berry Lucky Card X 3 Gimel Coin X 2 Name Tag Baselard |
Head into the next room, ascending the stairs and grabbing the gems. Keep going through the door until you reach a hallway. Halfway through, the walls close in! Destroy the barricades by placing a multitude of bombs at once, then keep going. In the next room, first Galecrest or tiptoe across the narrow bridge and head through the door, and grab the chests for a Potion Berry, a Lucky Card X 3 and a Gimel Coin X 2, then head back out.
The puzzle here is to get a block on the floor button, and we have an ice block and a Mighty Glove block here. Lift the top block off with the Mighty Gloves and place it one space south, then shove the ice block into the block you lifted, and shove it again across the bridge. Ascend another staircase, and in the next room, use caution rounding the corners, because there are some security drones here. Toss the Boomerang from around the corner to bust them up, then climb the ladder and open the chests for a Name Tag and a Baselard. Judging from past experiences, bosses like to show up in rooms after ones like this, so SAVE YOUR GAME. And heal up too! This fight is TOUGH!
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5600 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Watching Your Move (does nothing) Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Rule of Vengeance (each time you hit Leehalt, the amount of damage the hit did is also done to whoever hit him) |
How To Win:
This is all about conservation. Note that Leehalt offers no EXP or Gella, so that should be a clue that he isn't the real boss. You still have to take him down, but right afterwards, another boss steps in, and you must fight him with no regeneration or any time to prepare! Dealing damage to Leehalt will also do that amount of damage back to you, so be careful how hard you hit him. The best way to take him down is to allow Jet to get a high amount of FP up while keeping his HP at about half. Have Jet keep attacking while Gallows and perhaps Virginia heal him and everyone else defends. Now here's the fun part. Leehalt will have sustained a pretty high amount of damage by the time Jet hits about 50 FP, so have Jet Reload his ammo and have Gallows cast Valiant on him. Next turn, have Jet use Gatling to deal a huge amount of damage to Leehalt, most likely ending the fight! And with this strategy, your team will be in good shape for the coming battle. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
6800 | 6500 | 7000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Negative Rainbow (lots of non-elemental damage to party) Proton Beam (lots of non-elemental damage to one person) Dark Spear (physical damage to one person) |
How To Win:
You should be in pretty good shape at the beginning of this battle, but Jet will be worn down. Use the first turn to heal Jet, use a Gella Card, defend with Jet to reload, and use an Extend + Valiant spell. Save the Mystic + Lucky Card for the second turn. Afterwards, fight Janus pretty much the same way you have before. Keep your HP up above 600 at all times, but don't heal unless you absolutely need to. Keep shooting at him, not having to worry about counterattacks, because he doesn't have them anymore! Strangely enough, he will use Dark Spear, his weakest attack, most of the time, so this fight is actually pretty easy in comparison to others; just don't get too confident! |
Cait's Boots Gella Card X 2 10000 Gella Booster Kit Gimel Coin |
Ascend another staircase, and prepare for a tough puzzle. You will need either good memory or good finger dexterity and a pencil and paper for this one, so be prepared! The room at the top of the stairs contains a puzzle consisting of a floor button and 8 columns around it. Step on the button, and the 8 pillars will light up, one at a time, in a random order. You must approach the columns in that order and press X to activate them. Get one wrong, and you'll have to start over! Now, this won't be hard if you can easily remember 8 things that are relayed to you quickly, but I can't, so I use this strategy. Grab a pen and paper, and step on the switch. Imagine a part of the paper as the puzzle itself, and when a pole lights up, write the number in a rough position and do this for each pillar. For example, if the first pillar to light up was the bottom, move your hand down the paper and write 1 really quickly, and if the second is on the top left, move your hand up to the top left and quickly write 2. A little hard to read as an end result, but this trick works VERY well. Upon solving this magnificent bastard of a puzzle, take the door to an elevator up.
The next door requires you to Boomerang a crystal switch to open, but there's a block on top it. To make the best of the situation, use the Steady Doll to move the block one space away, then bounce the Boomerang off the block and onto the switch. Take the door to the south first to claim some treasure; a Cait's Boots (Mimic guarded), a Gella Card X 2, and 10000 Gella. Now head through the next door, ascending the next flight of stairs. In the room at the top, the walls will attempt to push you into the deep ravi.... abyss! So use the Galecrest to breeze across the room, then climb the ladder and claim the treasures; a Gimel Coin and a Booster Kit! Use a Duplicator to open the Booster Kit chest, then exit the room from the door below. A scene will play, and... well, see for yourself. A few subtle hints will be dropped, and Jet's role in the story will be somewhat revealed. Now head through the next room and up the stairs, and you'll spot a set of 9 tiles on the ground. This is one of those "Lights Out" style puzzles; you have to turn them all red by stepping on them, but each time you step on one, the ones in horizontal or vertical range also switch colors. For an easy solution, imagine the tiles as a number pad from 1-9, and step on them in this order: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 8, 5, 2. Then save your game. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
3800 | 2800 | 3000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
3800 | 2800 | 3000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
3800 | 2800 | 3000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target), |
How To Win:
Begin the battle with the usual; Mystic + Lucky Card, Gella Card on ONE of the Prophets, an Extend + Valiant, and perhaps a Fragile spell. From there on out, just keep shooting, taking down the Prophets one at a time. Keep your HP above 400, and target the Prophet you like least first. 8P This fight won't last very long. |
After a long story scene (one in which Wild ARMs 1 fans will be overcome with nostalgia and, in my case, theories, you will appear back in Boot Hill. Virginia's status ailment will be cured, and the game will continue.
Now stop for a moment. You are now about halfway through Wild ARMs 3, and from this point forward, the game will start to become a little less linear. Throughout Chapter 3, you will travel from dungeon to dungeon as you have been doing since the beginning, but also, there are many other things that can be done along the way, or some things that HAVE to be done along the way. The point I am trying to make here is about the walkthrough. With a few exceptions, my walkthrough will be following the story from this point forward and not jumping ahead to grab stuff or do certain tasks early. However, feel free to branch off on your own at any time and jump ahead in the game if you wish, but be warned that jumping ahead too much will result in some difficult battles if you are underleveled. As well, I will not be stating the obvious as much in the walkthrough, because I can now safely assume that you know what you're doing when I tell you to ride your horse here or use the Tool to do whatever. Still, I want you to enjoy Wild ARMs 3, and I want you to be free to decide what to do, but I also want you to keep playing, because Wild ARMs 3 is a wonderful RPG that shouldn't be abandoned at this point in the game, because the best is yet to come. Here is a list of the tasks that can or must be done during Chapter 3 of the walkthrough. Print it or write it out for future reference.
Chapter 3:
History Lesson # 1
As mentioned earlier, you will begin in Boot Hill. Speak with everyone in town, and when you're ready, head out to your Sandcraft, located on the southern beach. Board and then autopilot back to Jolly Roger.
Jolly Roger - Ark of Destiny
Name Tag X 2 |
Our next destination is the Ark of Destiny, but we're going to do something first. Talk to Herman, who is on the wooden deck reaching out to the beach, and make sure you catch everything he says. This will open up a town that we'll visit later in the game called Laxisland. Of course, you are free to do that now, but this walkthrough will continue without you.
Take the Sandcraft back to the Ark of Destiny and speak with Lamium for your next mission, then speak with Albert to narrow down the location. While you're here, speak to everyone here, then go down to the basement, and use a Duplicator to open the Duplicator Door to the west of the huge orange wall. Use the Galecrest here to float over the holes and open the chest for a Name Tag X 2, then leave the Ark. |
Ark of Destiny - Iron Dragon's Nest
Board your Sandcraft and head directly north, then alongside the land until you spot a beach leading to a large mountain range. Search the wall here at co-ordinates X: 13628 Y: 6446 to find the Iron Dragon's Nest, then head inside. |
Iron Dragon's Nest
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Basilisk | 510 | 95 | 100 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Black Pudding | 475 | 102 | 110 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, FIRE, THUNDER, ICE, DARK | NONE | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Okypete | 410 | 94 | 98 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Basilisks will attempt to either poison your party members or bronze them, so pump up your Poison Ward skill and dispatch of them quickly! Extension + Freeze hurts them like the dickens, so use that. Black Puddings, on the other hand, can only be hurt with Arcana, and they are weak to light, so send these Jello Pudding Cup rejects to the land of dead pudding with an Extension + Spectre, or better yet, a summon of Stare Roe! |
Potion Berry Radical Sneakers (TOOL) |
This dungeon is short and sweet, packed with story sequences and pretty much devoid of puzzles. Your goal is to get to the back of the cavern, hitting switches to open the three fire-protection walls, and then finally arming the explosives to blow the mine to bits. You will then have to escape within 20 minutes. It's not as hard as you might think; in fact, it's really quite easy. Begin by walking through the first room, and toss a crate at the triangular prism atop the ledge. Hit it to open the door, then keep following the path, watching the story scene along the way until you hit another locked door. The floor tile you need to open the door is in between the crates, so bomb em, toss em, stick em in a stew and hit the tile to proceed further. Keep going, opening locked doors along the way by hitting the switches that are in plain sight. When you reach a set of 5 crates, bomb them open for a Potion Berry. Eventually, you will reach a chest. Open it for a surprise; the Radical Sneakers Tool! You can now jump up ledges and use those weird greyish tiles you've been seeing all over, so test these babies out by jumping up the ledge over in the eastern part of the room. Next, jump while standing on the tile to spring launch up to the highest platform, then save your game! Now, step forward with all your courage and hit that switch! Now high-tail it out of here! You have 20 minutes to escape, and time ticks away during battle animations and while outside the Menu screen. Run out of the dungeon, skipping encounters and using the jump pads and jumping up the various ledges as you see them to take the shortcut out of here. Basically, follow the trail of white gems out! Once you reach the entrance, something that's been chasing you since you armed the bomb decides he'd like to stay in the mine.. forever! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2000 | 9000 | 10000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Baryon Corrida (non-elemental damage to one character) Evil Gaze (paralyzes target) Cocytus (ice-elemental damage to entire party), |
How To Win:
BUT, there's a catch. Before you can do damage to him, you must hit him with either Spectre or a Light Gem to "open him up" and make him vulnerable to attacks until the end of the turn. Whether or not his shell is open or closed during a turn also dictates what he will use as an attack; if it's closed, he will use Evil Gaze to paralyze your team members or Baryon Corrida to do a bit of damage, but if it is open, he will use Cocytus. Start the battle by having Virginia use a Light Gem on him, and have your other team members use a Gella Card, cast Fragile, and an Extend + Valiant. This will negate his opening Evil Gaze, and will have him damage your party. Next turn, Mystic a Lucky Card and have Jet use a Light Gem to open him up while Clive and Gallows attack. Continue this pattern, using Light Gems to open him while attacking with everyone else, and he may not even last 3 turns. |
Duplicator |
That was fun, wasn't it? Head back to the Ark and speak with Helga, who is hiding on the stairs to the west. The combined total of the reward money with the money gained from the boss, AND the money from the Yggdrasil equals a LOT of cash, doesn't it?
Go down to the basement, and use a Duplicator to open the Duplicator Door on the south wall; the third one from the west. Use the Radical Sneakers on the jump pad and open the chest for a Duplicator! How... redundant. We're going to go get a few things that we couldn't get before due to a lack of Tools, so get on your Sandcraft. |
Ark of Destiny - Little Rock - Sand Canal
Migrant Seal Grab Bag Nine Lives |
This time, take your Sandcraft over to the Little Rock area, heading west until you spot a beach near Humphrey's Peak. Dock here, then ride your horsies back across the land bridge and over to Little Rock. Talk to everyone in Little Rock, then head up to the top part of town and use the Galecrest to reach the chest you couldn't get earlier. Inside is a Migrant Seal, then leave town and head for the Sand Canal entrance to the east. Once inside, go through the first screen, and you'll reach the stubborn button you couldn't activate before. Stand on top of it and use the Radical Sneakers to pound that puppy down, then enter the door and open the chests (one is Duplicator locked) for a Grab Bag and a Nine Lives. Once you're done, head back out, and get back on your Sandcraft, then autopilot back to Jolly Roger. |
History Lesson #2
The next dungeon in the game features a tough boss fight, so we're going to go get a little something to give us the upper hand. This next step is completely optional, but we'll have to do it sometime, and it is extremely beneficial to do so now, so I highly suggest you go ahead and do it. First of all, take the train to Southfarm Station. Now, did you talk to Tesla in Boot Hill last time? If you haven't yet, go and speak with him. If you have, head south of Southfarm Station and search co-ordinates X: 15723 Y: 24722 to find Gob's Hideout.
Gob's Hideout
Tiny Flower Wolf Idol Gimel Coin Duplicator |
From the start, walk north two screens, then head east and up the stairs, and all the way across the balcony, Follow the path to the room with the weak floor. Tiptoe over to the small ledge with the ladder, approach it from the east, and use the Sneakers to jump up! Now open the chests for a Tiny Flower and a Wolf Idol, then toss the crate for a Gimel Coin. That Idol holds great power! Head out of the room through the door, descend the stairs, and rotate the camera to spot a chest! Open up for a Duplicator, then light the torch to head back to one of the hallways. From there, simply run out of the dungeon. Now, take the train back to Midland Station. Head to Fallen Sanctuary, but save your game first! |
Fallen Sanctuary
Head back to the outdoor area with the huge stone monoliths. Though you may have not noticed before, there are actually 8 monoliths! The 4 you didn't visit represent the Guardian Lords, and you need to find the Idols to battle them and receive their powers. That Idol we got from Gob's Hideout works on the northeast monolith, so use the Radical Sneakers on the jump pad to get up there and use the Idol in front of the monolith. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
18000 | 8400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Large Moon (physical attack to one), Lifedrain (drains HP from target and adds it to Luceid's), Dark Destruction (powerful dark-elemental attack on all characters), Dark Luceid (Non-elemental magic damage that damages target based on the amount of elemental types that target has halved or resistance against) | ||||||||
How To Win:Considering that we're doing this early, this is going to be quite a tough fight. However, it's all worth it in the end. Dark Luceid has attacks that can seriously damage your party, but on the other hand, he also has an attack that won't really do a whole lot, and he even has an attack that won't do ANYTHING. What he chooses is completely random. Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Fragile spell, an Extension + Valiant and an attack. Luceid may nail your team with Dark Destruction, dealing about 500 damage to everyone, but this can be nullified with Dark Ward. However, if Dark Ward is on Virginia, take my advice and only power it up to about 50% of its power. You want Virginia to take a bit of damage so that Valiant can work. Afterwards, just attack with your Valianted characters, recasting it when needed (Luceid has a LOT of HP). If your HP dips below 500, heal immediately. And that's pretty much it. |
Was it worth it? Certainly! You now have the incredible Lust Jaw Medium, so Invoke it on Gallows. Also, you are now prompted to choose two of your Mediums to power up. Basically, what this does is levels your Silver Mediums up to Gold status, increasing the stat bonuses they give and increasing their power. Choose any two you like, and don't worry, we'll have all-gold Mediums in a matter of time.
When you're ready, head back to Baskar Village and heal. |
Baskar Village
Now talk to Granny Halle. After nearly falling asleep during her lecture, she orders Shane to escort you to The World's Footprint for another history lesson. You'll have to find it and take him there though!
Baskar Village - Jolly Roger - The World's Footprint
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Drill Mandrill | 680 | 136 | 140 | EARTH | NONE | WIND | NONE | NONE |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Strategy: Everything in this area is weak to wind, so Fengalon will have a field day here! Take care of Drill Mandrills ASAP though, because they have a brutal attack that paralyzes all of your allies. |
Board your Sandcraft and take the route outlined on the map below.
![]() When you land, head southeast and around the bend, then search co-ordinates X: 9347 Y: 15544. The World's Footprint should appear. |
The World's Footprint
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Apocrypha | 370 | 72 | 80 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Christine | 340 | 72 | 80 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Wiseman | 385 | 72 | 80 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Apocryphas are Arcana abusing magic books that attack in large groups, so summon Moor Gault if you feel there are too many of them. Is that burning literature I smell? Wise Men can be taken down with normal attacks and Inspire Arcana, and make sure you get them fast or they'll give themselves and their allies a whole mess of positive statuses. And as for Christines, use anything Light elemental based on them. Need I remind you to summon Stare Roe? 8) |
Warp Star X 2 Lucky Card X 2 Gella Card Gimel Coin Growth Egg Weather Vane |
This is another fairly straightforward dungeon, focusing more on story than puzzles (though there are some tricky ones!), but I'd be glad to walk you through it.
From the start, walk two rooms north, and you should see a stone slate. It's dirty and illegible, so use the Freezer Doll to wipe it off and read a message about showing respect to your forefathers. Hit the switch, and tiptoe (hold Circle) to approach the open door, then walk in. Failure to do so will result in the door closing. Upon passing through, you'll spot a large mural on the wall, and a bit of ancient Filgaia history will be explained. When the lecture comes to a conclusion, head through the door to the next room, ignoring the Duplicator Door hidden behind the blocks. You cannot get that opened yet, but I will let you know when you can. Continue north a few screens, past another mural until you reach a room with 9 floor tiles on the ground. Read the stone slate for the following clue:
N - S 2 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 W - E 2 1 3 2 3 2 1 1
9 2 4 3 7 1
Walk through the next room, watching another scene. In the room after that, look for the door near the end of the hallway that takes you to some treasures: a Warp Star X 2, and Lucky Card X 2 and a Gella Card. Walk to the next room for another scene, then walk through another hallway, taking note of another side door that houses more chests: a Weather Vane, a Gimel Coin and a Growth Egg. The Weather Vane has a valuable Personal Skill that helps you avoid Ambush and Danger, so set it up, then head into the next room. Another story scene will play, and afterwards, you will head to the next room. Here's a puzzle that may look familiar to fans of the classic Wild ARMs; there are 4 colored blocks and four tiles, but one of them doesn't match the tile color. Use the Mighty Gloves to carry the green to the green space, the yellow to the yellow space, the silver to the silver space, and the white to the red space. Now, "ignite the white ship and paint it red" by hitting the white block with a Tindercrest, then save your game and move on. Keep going until you hit the final mural, and think about what you'd like to see on it for a minute. When you're ready, head out the dungeon the way you came. Wait a sec... there's something holding us up. What... you thought they were dead? |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
4800 | 3300 | 3500 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE | |
5400 | 3300 | 3500 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE | |
3500 | 3300 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Scarecrow's Attacks: Hellsize Masquerade (instantly kills target), Arcana Disposal (casts Reflect on Scarecrow) Raven (physical attack to one character), |
Steamgear's Attacks: Psychedelicor (confusion to one character) Grasper Mach (physical attack to one) Undulation Cannon (non-elemental damage to one target; possibly negating MGR), |
Leonhardt's Attacks: Supressed Curse? (dark elemental magic attack to one character, used as a counterattack) Critical Heal (fully restores entire enemy party's HP) Blade Arm (physical attack to one) |
How To Win:
Here's what to do. Assuming you went and got the Lust Jaw Medium early, make sure it's on Gallows, and power up the Weakness Personal Skill to full. Next, use the first turn Mysticing a Lucky Card, having Jet and Clive use Light Gems on Leonhardt, and having Gallows summon Stare Roe. What this will do will first do damage to Leonhardt, which will cause him to heal. After that, Augoeides will hit the entire enemy party for lots of damage, nearly killing Scarecrow and Leonhardt, then the last Light Gem will kick in, killing Leonhardt! Next turn, have Virginia use a Gella Card on any of the bosses, then have everyone shoot at Scarecrow. This will take care of him. Afterwards, it's just a simple matter of disposing of Steamgear, who has a weakness to Inspire attacks. And thus, one of the hardest battles in the game is won by an clever strategy, courtesy of Dalton of Zeal. 8P |
Doesn't it feel good to pwn a boss that's notorious for stopping many players from proceeding with the game? After a scene, you'll appear back in Baskar Colony. There will be a lot of talk regarding finding the Guardian Lords, so before we do the next dungeon, we're going to acquire another one; it's on the way, anyways. |
Paying Respects
Check your inventory for an item named Map Shred, and take a look at it. It points out the location of the next dungeon we are to visit. However, the first thing we are going to do is get ourselves another Medium, so board your Sandcraft parked on the beach west of Baskar Village, and autopilot back to Jolly Roger.
Jolly Roger - Balal Quo Naga
If you do not have the most powerful cannon for the Sandcraft yet, PURCHASE THE ARK SMASHER NOW. That's an ORDER. You should have enough Dragon Fossils now, so buy it and MAKE SURE YOU SET IT IN SHOP!
Chat with Emilia in town, and she will tell a sad tale. Her sweetie was onboard a merchant ship attacked by the ferocious Balal Quo Naga, who rules the Sea of Sand. She wants you to avenge her dearly departed boytoy, and with the Sandcraft she built! Since it's on the way, we'll go ahead and do it. Now, board your Sandcraft, and take it to the spot circled on the map. ![]() Time to face off with the scourge of the seas; Balal Quo Naga! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
100000 | 20000 | 24000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Critical Heal (fully restores HP) Current Spark (instantly destroys the Sandcraft) |
How To Win:
As soon as your Gunner gets their turn, Fire All Ammo. You win. Fail to kill it, and he will fully heal. Then you lose. I cannot make it any simpler than that. Luckily, Fire All Ammo should be doing more that 200000 damage. |
Balal is destroyed, more or less. Love has prevailed, and Virginia even gets a cool Suitcase from the wreckage! Don't open it; it's not yours! Instead, take the Suitcase to Emilia and Chat with her. Inside is the Goddess Idol! Now head to Fallen Sanctuary! |
Fallen Sanctuary
This time, head for the monolith in the north-west corner of the outdoor room. Save your game, and then stand in front of the stone monolith and select the Goddess Idol.
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
16000 | 8400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Silver Fleuret (physical attack to one), Copy Ability (used on first turn to teach Raftina all of your team's attack Arcana), Weaken (forces all elemental weaknesses on your team), Sacred Blood (heals Raftina for 4001 HP), Various elemental attack Arcana on all characters | ||||||||
How To Win:Raftina sure knows how to kick ass! Attempting to fight Raftina without a well thought-out strategy can result in fatalities. However, follow my strategy below; it works like a charm! I don't mean it only gives you luck if you believe in it... I mean it works really well! Spend the first turn by Mysticing a Mini Carrot, casting Fragile, defending with Gallows and defending with Clive. On the second turn, have Virginia Mystic a Lucky Card to the team while Gallows casts Extension + Valiant and everyone else blocks. Before the third turn, go to the Mediums menu and disable all Elemental Ward Personal Skills (trust me on this one!), then switch the team order so that Gallows goes first. Have everyone shoot, except for Gallows, who should use Extension + Reflect. What this will do will allow Raftina to do enough damage to almost half-kill your team, but it will also cast Reflect so on the next turn, her Arcana will not be able to hit you! In the meantime, you will be shooting Raftina, doing a LOT of damage in the process. Turn 4 should be devoted entirely to shooting retaliation free. On the fifth turn, have everyone Gatling. This should do enough damage to win the fight. If not, just keep attacking for a few turns. |
Good job! Now, head back to Jolly Roger and rest up. Invoke your new Medium and set some of your new Personal Skills up, particularily SOS FP Boost! Raftina is a great summon; use her to heal your entire party! More FP equals more healing!
Jolly Roger - Ruins of Dreams
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Grabsk | 770 | 153 | 160 | ICE | WATER | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Kobold | 1280 | 120 | 130 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Strategy: Grabsks have an annoying habit of cancelling your turn, so zap them first with Inspire. |
Simply board your Sandcraft and follow the map below.
![]() You'll see a small island with a beach here. Land on the beach, and search co-ordinates X: 20141 Y: 16768 to find it. If it doesn't appear, use the Map Shred then try again! |
Ruins of Dreams
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Grabsk | 770 | 153 | 160 | ICE | WATER | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Myconid | 550 | 108 | 110 | WATER | EARTH | FIRE | NONE | THUNDER |
Zaebos | 630 | 122 | 130 | NONE | NONE | WIND, ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: The enemies here can be dangerous if given half a chance. Grabsks have an irritating habit of cancelling turns, so cast Inspire to take them down, fast as lighting! Myconids are a definite hazard; being able to cause Confusion status to your entire party at once. Take them down quickly, and summon Moor Gault on groups of them. Zaebos have a powerful attack called Bloodsucker, so don't let them use it! Take them down with Vortex and Refrigerate Arcana. Last and certainly least is the Imitator, which is just a stronger (hardly!) version of the Mimic enemy, and guards the chest containing the Amulet. |
Gella Card X 2 Revive Fruit 12000 Gella Lucky Card Duplicator Potion Berry Name Tag Amulet Mini Carrot Gimel Coin Grab Bag |
Though I will question the reasoning behind the name, I won't disagree that this dungeon is lots of fun. Let's begin! From the start, walk under the cage, and have Jet use the Radical Sneakers to jump up and hang on. Swing upwards to the top, and enter the west and east rooms for treasure: a Gella Card X 2, Revive Fruit, 12000 Gella, Lucky Card, and a Duplicator! Drop down and enter the next room, where a door is locked and a valve rests nearby. Let's see if you remember what to do! Got it? No? Turn the valve clockwise! Head through the room, and proceed down the stairs. Keep going, and you'll eventually spot a pathway blocked by laser beams. Attempting to walk through results in first degree burns to the pelvic area, so head east instead. In this room, climb the stairs to find a pile of crates. Take a crate, rotate the camera a bit, and you'll see a bluish triangular prism thing in the "pit" below. Take the crate down the stairs and stand at the far west end of the bottom of the stairs, then toss the crate straight. Direct hit! Now head into the newly opened door, and you'll see a group of machines here. Those are the laser mechanisms that power the barrier, so bomb the machines to turn off the lasers below. Bet they didn't see THAT coming! Head back downstairs and walk through the laser-free hall. In the next room, climb the staircase and hop up to the fence (pressing X will do), then flip on up and get the Potion Berry from the chest, then drop down, walk underneath the second cage and Radical Sneakers jump up. Swing up and Boomerang the switch, then drop down and enter the next room. Descend the stairs, and dash into the wall button to open the door. Watch the scene in the next room, and MAKE SURE you take the door to the east before continuing! Grab the treasures in there; a Name Tag, a Mini Carrot, and an Amulet! Hold onto that Amulet; you'll need it for the boss fight! Now head into the room down the stairs, and grab the chest containing a Gimel Coin in the corner. Walk over to the north side of the room, and drop down off the cage onto the floor below. See that button? You have to jump up to the cage, then drop down off the cage onto the button. In the next room, switch to Jet and give him the Boomerang, then walk across the narrow platform. The floor will begin to retract into the wall! Quickly rotate the camera so that you can see the southeast corner of the room, then toss your Boomerang at the switch there! Walk into the next room, and save your game. Now make sure your Fallen Ward Personal Skill is set to full, and equip any Amulets you have on other characters and activate the Status Guard Personal Skill. The next room provides an important plot point, and a very tricky boss.. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
13800 | 10000 | 12000 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Head Butt (physical attack to one) The stench of death! (does nothing, but signifies that he will use Humbaba Curse next turn) Humbaba Curse (instantly kills entire party) |
How To Win:Humbaba has weak physical attacks, but this isn't the problem. The problem is that every 3 turns, he will use Humbaba Curse, which kills your entire team. Fallen Ward will prevent this. But only one character has Fallen Ward, right? Well, there's one more thing that can help you; Status Guard. This Personal Skill allows you to completely block out status ailments as long as you are guarding, and if you've gotten all the treasure up to this point, you should have 3 Amulets, which contain this wonderous skill. Give one to each person on your team (except the guy with Fallen Ward), and activate the skills. Now, when Humbaba gives the cue that he's going to use the Curse attack, have everyone but the guy with Fallen Ward defend for the next turn, and you'll survive! On other turns, make sure you cast Fragile, Mystic a Lucky Card sometime, use a Gella Card, and attack with attackers and use Arcana with the rest. Humbaba is weak to every element. |
Before you head down the stairs after killing the boss, take the other door. There's a treasure chest there containing a Grab Bag, so don't miss it! The dungeon will end after descending the stairs and entering the other room. Board your Sandcraft and Autopilot back to Jolly Roger. |
Brotherly Love and Creeping Chaos
You should be back in Jolly Roger now. Heal up, and when you're ready, board the Sandcraft again.
Jolly Roger - Fila Del Fia
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Decarabia | 730 | 144 | 150 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Dust Man | 340 | 68 | 70 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, FIRE, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: If you could tell me a better place than this to build up MTC, then I would be glad to hear it. The enemies here are not as easy as you might like, but you may very well want to stop here a few times just to summon Stare Roe on the HUGE groups of Dust Man enemies that attack here. Just watch your condition! |
Follow the route outlined on the map below. Are you getting sick of doing this? Well, you'll be getting aerial transportation soon enough!![]() Land on the beach there, and you should see what appears to be a massive crater. That's our target! Run over to the crater, heading inside. Search around the center of it (co-ordinates X: 10465 Y: 18319) to unveil Fila Del Fia. Now if you'll excuse me, I suddenly have a hunger for bagels with creamed cheese.. |
Fila Del Fia
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Barbarossa | 580 | 115 | 120 | NONE | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Walking Dead | 680 | 129 | 130 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Zaebos | 630 | 122 | 130 | NONE | NONE | WIND, ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Never, under ANY circumstances, EVER, EVER, EVER hit a Barbarossa with an Inspire Spell. It does nothing, and retaliation is fierce! Now that that's off my chest, I can tell you that Walking Dead has a paralysis attack, so show them the light with a Spectre blast and physical attacks. Zaebos is the same as before; cast Vortex and Refrigerate to take them out. |
Gella Card X 2 Grappling Hook Potion Berry Lucky Card Warp Star X 3 15000 Gella Migrant Seal Adventure Book 6 |
Ahh, the city of brotherly love, cream cheese, and that movie I never saw. Lovely, isn't it? Start by heading north to reach a strange room with a wall in the way, and a lower passageway. Why is there a wall? What's the lower passage for? And what are those things near the ledges that are sticking out from the ceiling? The answer will come as soon as you drop down to the lower area and open the chests in the next room, containing a Potion Berry, a Gella Card X 2, and the Grappling Hook Tool for Clive! Now head back, and walk directly under the metal thing hanging from the ceiling. This is a grappling hook point, so use the hook to pull up to the ceiling, just like Batman! Now face the direction you want to descend and press Circle. Head over to the wall and do the grapple thing again to leave the room. Now, check the odd-looking computer terminal (the one with the wire or rope thing coming out of it) to open the door. After Clive says a few words, you'll never see this dungeon in the same eyes ever again! In the next room, climb up the ladder and open the chest for a Lucky Card, then look around... better yet, look UP. There's a Ring Pop hanging from that upwards-facing pipe! Use the Grappling Hook while directly underneath the diamond shaped switch to hit it and activate it, proving that the Boomerang is an obsolete and out-of-work tool. In the next room, tread carefully across the floor, because it falls if you run across it. When you reach the northern end of the room, note the crack in the wall behind the white gems. Bomb the crack and head inside for chests containing 15000 Gella, a Migrant Seal and Adventure Book 6, then head back out and down the staircase in the eastern part of the room. Steady Doll across the pit to get the chest for a Warp Star X 3. Moving on, check out another one of those computer thingies, and past that, you'll find a puzzle which requires the Mighty Gloves and the Grappling Hook. Use the Mighty Gloves to move both of the blocks one space north, then grapple up and descend onto the piled blocks. That's usin' yer noggin! I promise I'll never talk like that again if you save your game now! Walk through the room and into the next. It seems that the bosses don't even make introductions anymore. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
14000 | 12000 | 13000 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Backstab (kills target instantly, not very accurate though. Only used in Stealth Mode) Lazy Lick (causes Misery status. Only used when NOT in Stealth Mode) |
How To Win:
Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Gella Card, a Fragile, and a Refrigerate spell (his weakness). In fact, have Gallows cast Refrigerate every turn. Even though the boss has abnormally high MGR, you should still be able to do a fair amount of damage. Have only Clive or Jet attack him, because attacking him with Gallows and Virginia is a waste; it will just turn him invisible with little to no damage done. Instead, have Virginia cast Grav or Feeble Mind, and have Gallows keep casting Refrigerate. If Gallows is inflicted with Misery, cure it immediately. Other than that, there's not a whole lot you can do other than just keep at it. He'll succumb to the Refrigerate spells soon enough, and if someone is knocked out by Backstab (though it may never happen!), quickly cast Revive. |
Pocketbook Gimel Coin |
The puzzle contained in the next room is one of the most difficult challenges I have ever faced in my 20 years of videogaming. Requiring perfect timing, control and accuracy with the Grappling Hook, I spent an hour on this puzzle ALONE before I finally pulled it off... an hour of frustration, chaos and cursing. What you must do is climb the stairs and spin the valve all the way, which turns the crystal switch that's up near the ceiling the right way. Quickly, you have to run down the stairs and underneath the crystal switch (you need to be able to stop on a dime), then VERY quickly fire the Grappling Hook. It's an incredibly difficult ordeal...
Until I realized you could turn the valve all the way, then freeze it with the Freezer Doll. That way, the crystal switch never flips back. Damn it, I'm an idiot! Now head through another screen with a computer, and keep going. You'll wind up in a room similar to the one where you first used the Grappling Hook. Drop down twice to the lowest level and check the room for two treasures; a Pocketbook (guarded by an Imitator, but who gives a flying Rat Monkey's ass?) and a Gimel Coin. Now, grapple back up, then head to the opposite side of the room and through the door. Check the computer terminal in the corner to complete the dungeon, as well as learn the story behind what Fila Del Fia was once powered by. We have to get to that thing before the Prophets do... but they're not the only team seeking precious gems... Head back to your Sandcraft, and autopilot back to Jolly Roger, then head to the Ark of Destiny. Before the next dungeon, there's something we really should do with this new Tool. |
Ark of Destiny
Full Carrot |
Go down to the basement, and use a Duplicator to open the Duplicator Door to the east of the huge orange wall. Use the Grappling Hook here to get up to the chest, and open the chest for a Full Carrot.
Now, remember how I said we couldn't read the books on the top shelves in the library? Well, that later is now. Head to the library, and approach the westernmost bookshelf. See the grapple point? Alley oop (grapple up) to the top, and walk along the bookshelves. Read them all, even opening the locked one if you like, but MAKE SURE you read the one titled Mu and Lemuria Monthly. This will start up the Telepath Tower sidequest for later. Leave this off for too long, and you'll miss it completely. Now, try and drop off the bookshelf and land on Susan's head! |
It's a Trap!
At this point in the game, I recommend you start saving up Gella. You see, once we have access to the Abyss dungeon, there's a really cool moneymaking trick we can do that should give us enough Gella to upgrade our ARMs any way we like. However, as the old saying goes, it takes money to make money, so we'll need a lot before we can get the trick to work.
Anyways, your next destination is Claiborne.
Speak with Myra at the saloon to learn of an abandoned tower nearby. We'll be heading there in a bit. |
Claiborne - Caging Tower
Now, head northwest from Claiborne, searching at X: 9319 Y: 9133. The Caging Tower magically appears! |
Caging Tower
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Barbarossa | 580 | 115 | 120 | NONE | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE |
Gorg | 1500 | 272 | 300 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Nybbas | 840 | 162 | 170 | NONE | DARK | EARTH, LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Take down Nybbas first, because he is capable of causing Glass status, and being turned to glass aint got no class. Actually, it sucks. Nybbas is weak to light, so Extension + Spectre is good on large groups of them (summon Stare Roe!). As for Gorg, he's got a lot of HP, but he isn't too strong. Just freeze him with Refrigerate. |
Lucky Card X 2 Revive Fruit Potion Berry Gella Card Gimel Coin AP Ammo Grab Bag |
Ignore the chests in the first room for now. We can't get them yet. Instead, head up the stairs and through the door. Head up another set of stairs, and you'll see why they call this place Caging Tower. You see, there are traps that appear in random parts of the room every few seconds, and they try to ensnare you and draw you into a battle (which locks you in the cells on the third floor; dash into the cell door to escape). If you get caught in an anti-escape orb, spin the control stick to break free! Your goal is to bomb the machine that's creating the orbs (it's the thing that looks like a cone with a white circle around it), and it's up on the top of the stairs. Climb up there and bomb it to bits, then open the chest for a Lucky Card X 2. Get used to escaping from orbs now, because the ones later on are MUCH faster! In the next room, there's a door halfway up the stairs, so head inside and open the chests for a Potion Berry and a Revive Fruit. Head upstairs when you're done, and walk through the room with the cells, taking note of the door on the side. That's the elevator, and we'll have to get up to the top to power it up. At any rate, head into the next room, climb the stairs, and you'll find another room with trap bubbles. First, head to the northeast corner of the room and use the jump pad to reach the chest (Gella Card), then drop down onto the other walkway and use that jump pad to reach the generator. Upon clearing that room (it's becoming apparent that this tower likes to trap things), head halfway up the next flight of stairs and check the room for 3 chests containing a Gimel Coin, an AP Ammo (REALLY good Gear!) and a Grab Bag. Head to the top of the stairs and SAVE! This time, Maya isn't using a book to fight, but she's as strong as ever, so be ready for a good fight! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
6000 | 3100 | 3200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
6400 | 3100 | 3200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
5400 | 3100 | 3200 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
5000 | 3100 | 3200 | NONE | FIRE, ICE | WATER | NONE | NONE | |
Maya's Attacks: Vantage Rage MM (physical attack to one) AW-RSTN87 (stronger physical attack to one) Calamity Jane (very powerful physical attack to one) |
Todd's Attacks: Black Fenrir (physical attack to one) Psycho Crack (physical attack that confuses target) Meteor Drive (physical attack to one) Divide Shot (cuts target's HP in half) |
Alfred's Attacks: Homemade Bomb (physical attack to one), |
Shady's Attacks: Baking Breath (fire-elemental damage to one) Blizzard Breath (ice-elemental damage to one) |
Alfred, Todd and Shady's Team Attack: Wild Bunch (big non-elemental damage to entire party. Used every turn, but only if Todd, Alfred and Shady are alive, and if it is used, Maya forfeits her turn.) |
How To Win:
But who do you take down first? That's easy; Todd. He has the most HP, but take care of him now, and when he's gone, the three will revert back to their old attacks. Todd's attacks are certainly the meanest to contend with, so take him out as soon as you can. Begin the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Gella Card to any one boss, a Fragile spell to Todd, and an Extension + Valiant. You'll be nailed by Wild Bunch, but it can't be helped. On the next turn, focus your attacks on Todd. If you're lucky, he'll go down this turn! If not, just keep at it, healing if your HP gets too low (say, less than about 500). When Todd calls it quits, your next target is Maya. Alfred and Shady still have their same old attacks, and they haven't really gotten any better at dealing damage, but Maya's attacks all hit hard, particularily her Calamity Jane attack, which she uses quite often. Not to mention, it's without a doubt the coolest attack ever seen in an RPG! A good way to damage all three of them is to have Gallows (assuming he has the Weakness Personal Skill and Schturdark equipped) summon Schturdark to do a fair bit of damage to Maya and Alfred, while dealing big damage to Shady. Meanwhile, use Valianted attacks on Maya, but heal if she hits you, because she's capable of doing over 1000 damage with a hit! And that's that. Alfred and Shady won't last long at all after Maya's down. |
Mega Berry Black Pass Growth Egg 17000 Gella Duplicator Gimel Coin Call Whistle X 3 |
After a lovely scene, check the room for a floor button. That's the elevator start-up mechanism! Jump on the button, then approach the elevator, press X, and choose Floor 1. Head over to the west to spot 2 chests (one is Duplicator locked) and open them for a Mega Berry (breed this in the Garden!) and a Black Pass (now you can shop at the Black Market!) Take the elevator back up to the 5th floor (the third floor is the room with the cells), then head out the door you haven't entered yet.
Climb the stairs, then switch to Clive and equip the Grappling Hook. Head northwest along the narrow walkway, and look for the grapple point, then hook up and drop to the chests containing 17000 Gella, and a Growth Egg (guarded by Imitators). Then, drop down the southern side, and keep heading south then east to another grappling point. Zip up and bomb the generator, then leave the room. Climb the stairs, and prepare for another trap room; the hardest one yet! Use the first jump pad to grab the Gimel Coin and the Call Whistle X 3 from the chests, then use the middle one to reach the Duplicator chest. The generator is on the far northern part of the room. Blow it to bits, then leave the room through the new door. Don't bother saving, just head upstairs and watch the dramatic scene. Poor Shady! Those who have played Wild ARMs will be able to predict what happens here. 8P Now head back to Claiborne. |
Remember Dessinsey? The guy who sold you the horses? He's in the house at the entrance of town, so head into the house near the entrance of town and speak to Dessinsey. The place he mentions (where monsters are dissected) is our goal, but..... it can only be reached by air. |
Remember what Dessinsey said? We will need aerial transportation to reach our destination, cuz its very location screams provocation! Yes, I know.. I'll never be a poet. 8p
Anyways, before we get started, there are a few things that need to be done before we can begin. If you have been following my walkthrough word to word and doing all the stuff I have told you to, you can skip the steps shown below. Otherwise, make sure you have done the following:
All done? Good! Now we can continue.
Claiborne - Laxisland
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Elbucky | 790 | 68 | 34 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Masa Gnome | 790 | 68 | 34 | WATER | NONE | FIRE | NONE | THUNDER |
Strategy: The enemies here are mere annoyances, so don't even bother fighting them. Elbucky causes Misery status and helps his allies with Great Booster, while a Masa Gnome can use Aspsyxiation to kill your team members instantly! |
Any way you can, get your Sandcraft back to Jolly Roger. Now, follow this route.![]() Easy enough, right? Now, MAKE SURE YOU LAND ON THE EASTERN BEACH, then head northeast. Search co-ordinates X: 17780 Y: 19029 to find the town of Laxisland. Lots to do here! |
Revive Fruit Kramer Dolls (TOOL) Name Tag Gimel Coin Revive Fruit |
First things first; head to the ARMsmith, checking the barrel outside for a Revive Fruit. Chat with him and agree to take his cursed treasure; the Kramer Dolls! These things are used to call random encounters, and can also be used to stimulate and anger bosses hidden inside those holographic archives! Cool, huh? Oh, he also tells you about a mountain to the south where a dragon lives. Hmm... a dragon... Head to the northwest corner of town and talk to the guy with the grey hair. His name is Roswell, and he mentions something about invaders from beyond the heavens. MAKE SURE you ASK him! Later on, we'll be talking to him again to start the Telepath Tower Sidequest! Now, head to the northeast corner of town; there's a bunch of crates that can be bombed for a Revive Fruit. Head inside the central building, and talk to the two people over the counter. Chat with one to learn something VERY important about dragons; something you must remember for the next dungeon. Then, check the barrel near the stairs for a Name Tag, and the barrel upstairs for a Gimel Coin. This town is cleaned out, so rest at the Inn, then board your Sandcraft. |
Laxisland - Dragon's Lair
We're off to see the dragon! Head south from Laxisland and... well, look for the massive volcano; it's very hard to miss! There's a beach on this island, so land there, then search co-ordinates X: 17996 Y: 13136 to find the Dragon's Lair. Ignore the enemies outside; you'll need your strength for this dungeon! |
Dragon's Lair
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Necrosaurus | 910 | 172 | 180 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | THUNDER |
Thunderdrake | 1490 | 272 | 290 | NONE | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE |
Virsago | 900 | 190 | 200 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: The enemy to watch out for is Thunderdrake. Its Electrigger is quite a shocking attack to your whole party, and you can't actually hit it until it is hit by a thunder-elemental Arcana. So cast Inspire on Thunderdrakes at the beginning of the battle, then take them down as quickly as you can. Virsagos should also be dealt with in the same matter, except they aren't really all that much trouble. Necrosaurus is fairly powerful, but Spectre can take him out pretty quickly, though Dark Luceid works much better. |
Call Whistle Gimel Coin Potion Berry Gella Card 10-Gal Hat Duplicator Name Tag Lucky Card |
This dungeon is very confusing, so please follow the steps below exactly. As you wander the dungeon, beware of the steam coming out of the ground!
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
15000 | 13000 | 14000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Cerebral Matter (boosts her RFX and EVA stats) Epidermal Shell (increases her DEF and MGR stats) Mighty Might (doubles her attack) Missile Might (non-elemental damage to one character) |
How To Win:
Of course, begin the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card and a Gella Card, because this boss is worth a LOT! On the fourth turn, cast Eraser, Fragile and Extension + Valiant, and from that point forward, just keep attacking. On Lombardia's seventh turn, she'll do absolutely nothing for three turns before reverting to status pluses, so you should be able to take her down by then. BUT... that's not all! Once you deal the finishing blow, the "interview" begins. Tuck in your shirt, spit out that gum and get ready to answer the questions correctly..... or die. Here are the answers.
Congratulations! You have acquired the airship of Wild ARMs 3! Get used to flying and turn up the music; this track rules! When you're all good and acquainted with Lombardia, fly south of Boot Hill and you'll find a plain that's blocked off by mountains. Head there and search co-ordinates X: 17679 Y: 24129 to find the Dissection Facility! If you run into any Gremlin enemies, summon Stare Roe on them, or cast Spectre, because you can't use ARMs while they are on the battlefield! |
Disaster Girl of the Wasteland
Dissection Facility
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Chimera Fray | 740 | 180 | 200 | NONE | NONE | ICE | FIRE | NONE |
Chimera Geo | 680 | 140 | 150 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE |
Chimera Muse | 680 | 140 | 150 | NONE | NONE | FIRE, THUNDER | WATER, ICE | NONE |
Chimera Wing | 180 | 200 | 34 | NONE | NONE | EARTH, WATER | WIND, THUNDER | NONE |
Strategy: Though they look little like chimeras, the enemies here are not to be taken lightly. Each one attacks with the element it represents (Fire = Fray, Muse = Water, Geo = Earth, Wing = Wind), and if you are silly enough to hit a Chimera with the element it has an Active attribute to, they will begin to use spells that target your whole team! So have everyone use Arcana that the Chimeras are weak to. If you're lucky, you'll get some elemental rings here! |
Name Tag X 3 Potion Berry 18000 Gella Mini Carrot Heal Berry Gimel Coin Lucky Card Nectar Big Grab Bag Gella Card X 2 Potion Berry Gimel Coin Holy Root |
Don't miss the Duplicator Door in the first room; open it up and take the Name Tag X 3 inside the chest. Then take the north door, and mind the HUGE gap. Take the door to the right, and you'll be confronted with a puzzle. The huge block can be pushed around with the Mighty Gloves, and it can be used to bridge the gap leading to the door, but what about the door in the northeast corner? Easy; use the Mighty Gloves to push the block three spaces east into the barrels, then Galecrest across! Grab the Potion Berry in the room, then push the huge block south six spaces (so that you can get out of the northern area), then push it back north so that it bridges the gap. Walk on over and out the room.
Keep going, and you'll reach a room with a bunch of old prison cells. We don't have the police master key, but we do have a body that doesn't feel pain if we run into solid objects, so dash into the cell doors and grab the chests inside for 18000 Gella and a Mini Carrot, then bomb the crates for a Heal Berry. Examine the door and Todd will open it for you by cutting it in half, then kicking away the bottom part. If only every door opened like that! Go on to the next room, then in the one after that, open the chest for a Gimel Coin, then head up the small flight of stairs in the same room. The switches in this room can be reached with the Steady Dolls, and they raise and lower the three "walls" that you should be able to see on the ground. Stand on the middle "wall", face the switches, and toss the Steady Doll straight to stop it, then hit the left switch to raise yourself up! Now, on the higher level, walk over to the door and go in, then through the next one to a chest that contains a Lucky Card. Now, return to the room with the switches, drop down on the right side, and hit the switch on the left. This will lower the wall blocking the exit, so... exit! Now, examine the door in the next room for an impressive display of Shady's flying ability, then head through the door. The next room features two more of those massive blocks; push the one that's resting against the wall AWAY from the wall to find a hidden door! Go on in, and open the chests for a Big Grab Bag and (use a Duplicator) a Nectar, then note the red and blue thing in the room. If you're feeling confident and have every character with the Dark Ward Skill, play the Kramer Dolls here to fight an optional boss. Leave the room, and push the gigantic blocks around so that there's a one space gap between them, then Galecrest across them and to the other side of the room. Grab the chest on the other side for a Gella Card X 2, then head through the new door. There are more jail cells here, so dash into the cell doors to reach a chest with a Potion Berry, and proceed north a room. To the west is a Duplicator Door, so save your game, (there's a Gimel Coin in the crates in this room!) then open it up and go inside. A tricky boss fight awaits you. Grab the Holy Root from the chest when you win. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
2400 | 7000 | 7500 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | |
2400 | 7000 | 75000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Sadas's Attacks: Don't Forget About Me! (sacrifices himself to do damage equal to his current HP to one target), You ain't layin a finger on him! (jumps in the way of attacks aimed at Sadas Jr, taking the damage instead) |
Sadas Jr's Attacks: A Journey of Self Discovery (does nothing, but signifies that Sadas will explode on you) Life is Wonderful (revives Sadas with full HP) |
How To Win:
Sadas blocks all attacks directed towards Sadas Jr. In addition, Sadas explodes on a target every turn like any good father should. Therefore, you can only hurt Sadas Jr. when Sadas is down, and Sadas Jr. revives Sadas the turn after he self destructs. Also, Sadas has extremely high defense, but is weak against all types of Arcana. Here's a simple way to win. Assuming you have the Lust Jaw Medium, equip it on Virginia and equip the Weakness Personal Skill to full. Now, have her use an Arcana on Sadas to kill it, while Jet attacks Jr. Do this every turn, and you can't lose! The Arcana will always kill Sadas, halting his attack, and Jet will eventually kill Sadas Jr. Of course, you may not have the Lust Jaw Medium, and you probably want to double the EXP and Gella from this battle, so do it this way instead; have Virginia cast an Arcana on Sadas to lessen the amount of damage it does when it explodes, and have Jet use a Gella Card while Gallows casts Extension + Valiant and Clive attacks. Sadas will do a lot of damage, but it won't be nearly as bad, and that character will be blessed by Valiant! Next turn, have Virginia Mystic a Lucky Card, and take down Sadas Jr. |
Now, head back to the big room. Check the book on the floor and another scene will play, and Alfred will "blow up the door" leading to the last room of the dungeon. Head inside, and check the small panel next to the computer terminal at the east side of the screen, and watch as the screen fills up with the Blue Menace! Watch the scene here, and you'll get a good example of why I love this series so much! It's so creative, so action-packed and fast moving, and the story is just so intriguing! But most of all... the games are always so much fun! |
Adlehyde's Royal Treasure
You'll begin outside of the Dissection Facility. Our next goal is one you should remember; Ruins of Memory! But head to Baskar Village and rest first; we'll need our strength!
Ruins of Memory
Begin by running north two screens, then take the northwest door beside the smashed statue. Head south a room, then west and across the bridge. From there, head north one screen and rotate the camera to spot a doorway that leads southeast. Head through there.
Now, read the plaque on the wall. It mentions that many have reached for the top to acquire the Teardrop, but all of them instead had to wipe a tear from their eye. Well, we're not crying because we've got the Grappling Hook! Grapple up and descend onto the area above. The next room features another Lights Out puzzle; this time with statues. To solve this easily (try it once yourself first!), check the statue in the middle first, then check the ones on the far ends. Run over the bridge in the next room to reach an art gallery. Such beautiful use of the color red in that big painting, huh? It almost feels as if the "FIRE" is alive! Why, wouldn't the easel used to prop up that canvas while painting be good "TINDER" for a "FIRE"? Oh, you figured it out? Just light the painting on fire with a Tindercrest. The next room can be tricky if you don't know what to do. Open up your Inventory, and select the Paperback. A keycard was being used as the bookmark! That Keycard is used for the locked door in front of us. Enter, and... look at that impossible gleam... it's as beautiful as the mother ocean.. it's the one and only Teardrop... crystalized stellar energy at its purest form. Powers floating cities that manufacture cream cheese, opens doors, causes ugly ball-and-chain wielding goblins to burn down villages and ultimately get cut in half.. sorry, got lost in my thoughts there. Take the Teardrop. Now, leave the way you came. A scene will play, and it's one of the coolest ones in the game. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
6000 | 5300 | 5500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
5600 | 5300 | 5500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
5800 | 5300 | 5500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Leehalt's Attacks: Watching your move (does nothing, performed every turn) Rule of Vengeance (each time you hit Leehalt, the amount of damage the hit did is also done to whoever hit him) |
Melody's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Venom Strike (poisons target, also used as a counterattack every time Melody is hit) |
Malik's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Disorder (confusion status to one target) |
How To Win:
Start the battle with a Mystic Heal Berry, a Gella Card, an Extension + Valiant, and finally, a Decelerate spell on Malik. This way, you can hit him with attacks. He's your first target because his Confusion status can cause serious problems to your team. If Confusion hits, heal it RIGHT AWAY. If poison hits, let it sit for a while and deal a bit of damage to you; it will make Valiant that much more powerful. Save your FP with Jet and Clive, and keep attacking until Malik expires. Next is Melody; lovely Melody. She has a barrier that negates 350 of the damage you do to her as before, but you'll be doing far more than that now. Deal with her with normal attacks (do not use Summons in this battle; they only incur Leehalt's wrath), and don't worry; she won't last long either! As usual, Leehalt does nothing. Rather, he watches and waits, then slams you hard with the same amount of damage you do to him. The best way to beat him is to have Virginia accumulate a lot of FP, and then get their life to drop to critical status. This can be done by attacking Leehalt with Virginia WITHOUT Valiant on and letting the damage accumulate. Once she's in critical condition, cast Fragile on Leehalt. On the next turn, switch the turn order so that Gallows goes first, then have him cast Valiant on Virginia while Virginia uses Gatling. This will do a LOT of damage per hit, and you'll hit quite a few times too! One more thing; if you picked up Raftina like I suggested, try the Status Lock spell, because it protects a character from status ailments for a limited time. |
Upon victory, a HUGE plot twist comes up, and an unusual plot point is revealed. I'm not saying anything though. Anyways, the enemy's hideout has been found, and we have the co-ordinates. Head to X: 14491 Y: 17470 (west of Laxisland on an area only reachable by Lombardia), and search to find the dungeon. Head insi.... ouch!
We can't do that yet. It seems we will have to find another way in! Head to the Ark of Destiny and speak with Lamium, and he will tell you of a location of an underground tunnel that supposedly leads to the base. Now head to X: 8189 Y: 21859, and note the huge boulder in front of the large stone wall. Fire a missile with Lombardia (Press R2) to blow the rock to bits (doesn't this airship PWN?), then land and search to find Dim Root Path. Enter, then attempt to open the first door; no luck! We need the power of all the Mediums in the game to get through here! |
The Forces That Humans Forgot - The 4 Guardian Lords
As you are no doubt aware, we are nearing the end of the game. Not as close as you may think, but we're getting there. In order to proceed, we will need the power of all 12 Mediums. At this point, you will have at least 8 of them; and if you've been following my walkthrough, you will have 10. If you've been brave and gone off on your own, you may very well have 12!
Regardless of how many you have, click on the name of the one you are interested in going after to bring up the walkthrough for that Medium. Once you have the Idol that represents the Medium, take it to the Fallen Sanctuary, and use the jump pads in the monolith room to reach the upper monoliths that represent the Guardian Lords. Use the statues there!
PLEASE READ: Obtaining the Dragon Idol (Zephyr) is very difficult due to the enemies that reside in the Abyss where the Idol rests. To make it easier, I suggest you obtain the Courage Medium first, then use the Item Scope to seek out all the items on the World Map and complete the remaining Millenium Puzzles. There are Migrant Seals to obtain that will make avoiding fights in the Abyss a lot easier.
Luceid, Guardian of Desire |
Raftina, Guardian of Love |
Justine, Guardian of Courage |
Zephyr, Guardian of Hope |
Obtaining Luceid
Obtaining Luceid is actually quite simple. First, head to Boot Hill and speak with Tesla to learn the location of Gob's Hideout. Now, head south of Southfarm Station and search co-ordinates X: 15723 Y: 24722 to find Gob's Hideout.
Gob's Hideout
Tiny Flower Wolf Idol Gimel Coin Duplicator |
From the start, walk north two screens, then head east and up the stairs, and all the way across the balcony, Follow the path to the room with the weak floor. Tiptoe over to the small ledge with the ladder, approach it from the east, and use the Sneakers to jump up! Now open the chests for a Tiny Flower and a Wolf Idol, then toss the crate for a Gimel Coin. That Idol holds great power! Head out of the room through the door, descend the stairs, and rotate the camera to spot a chest! Open up for a Duplicator, then light the torch to head back to one of the hallways. From there, simply run out of the dungeon. Now, take the train back to Midland Station. Head to Fallen Sanctuary, but save your game first! |
Fallen Sanctuary
Head back to the outdoor area with the huge stone monoliths. Though you may have not noticed before, there are actually 8 monoliths! The 4 you didn't visit represent the Guardian Lords, and you need to find the Idols to battle them and receive their powers. That Idol we got from Gob's Hideout works on the northeast monolith, so use the Radical Sneakers on the jump pad to get up there and use the Idol in front of the monolith. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
18000 | 8400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Large Moon (physical attack to one) Lifedrain (drains HP from target and adds it to Luceid's) Dark Destruction (powerful dark-elemental attack on all characters) Dark Luceid (Non-elemental magic damage that damages target based on the amount of elemental types that target has halved or resistance against) |
How To Win:
Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Fragile spell, an Extension + Valiant and an attack. Luceid may nail your team with Dark Destruction, dealing about 500 damage to everyone, but this can be nullified with Dark Ward. However, if Dark Ward is on Virginia, take my advice and only power it up to about 50% of its power. You want Virginia to take a bit of damage so that Valiant can work. Afterwards, just attack with your Valianted characters, recasting it when needed (Luceid has a LOT of HP). If your HP dips below 500, heal immediately. And that's pretty much it. |
You now have the incredible Lust Jaw Medium, so Invoke it on Gallows. Also, you are now prompted to choose two of your Mediums to power up. Basically, what this does is levels your Silver Mediums up to Gold status, increasing the stat bonuses they give and increasing their power. Choose any two you like, and don't worry, we'll have all-gold Mediums in a matter of time.
Obtaining Raftina
By this point, Balal Quo Naga is certainly dead. Remember how you got a Suitcase for defeating him? Head to Jolly Roger and chat with Emilia. She'll open the suitcase and reveal the Goddess Idol! It's yours! Now, head for Fallen Sanctuary and jump up to the northwest pillar and use the Idol. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
16000 | 8400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Silver Fleuret (physical attack to one) Copy Ability (used on first turn to teach Raftina all of your team's attack Arcana) Weaken (forces all elemental weaknesses on your team) Sacred Blood (heals Raftina for 4001 HP) Various elemental attack Arcana on all characters |
How To Win:
Spend the first turn by Mysticing a Mini Carrot, casting Fragile, defending with Gallows and defending with Clive. On the second turn, have Virginia Mystic a Lucky Card to the team while Gallows casts Extension + Valiant and everyone else blocks. Before the third turn, go to the Mediums menu and disable all Elemental Ward Personal Skills (trust me on this one!), then switch the team order so that Gallows goes first. Have everyone shoot, except for Gallows, who should use Extension + Reflect. What this will do will allow Raftina to do enough damage to almost half-kill your team, but it will also cast Reflect so on the next turn, her Arcana will not be able to hit you! In the meantime, you will be shooting Raftina, doing a LOT of damage in the process. Turn 4 should be devoted entirely to shooting retaliation free. On the fifth turn, have everyone Gatling. This should do enough damage to win the fight. If not, just keep attacking for a few turns. |
And there you go! The Guardian of Love, Raftina! I suggest giving it to Virginia; after all, she's a lovely gal! |
Obtaining Justine
First thing's first. Talk to Putnam in Boot Hill to learn of the location of a fighting arena called Gunner's Heaven. Now, fly to co-ordinates X: 2012 Y: 15972 and search and ye shall find Gunner's Heaven.
Wild ARMs Fun Fact: Gunner's Heaven is the name of an obscure Japanese PSX shooter released by Media Vision; the same people who brought you Wild ARMs 1, 2 and 3! Gunner's Heaven is also the name of the saloon in Damzen City in WA2! |
Gunner's Heaven
To obtain the item we need here, we will have to compete in the Novice League of Gunner's Heaven. If you need to learn the ropes or just find out what exactly Gunner's Heaven is, Click Here.
Now win the Novice League in the required number of turns. If you need strategy for winning, CLICK HERE. When you win, you will obtain the Item Scope! This allows us to search for and discover items on the World Map! Now, leave Gunner's Heaven. Do your remember Gemstone Cave? We need to get back there to grab a very special item, so head back. |
Gemstone Cave
Now, travel through the first few rooms of the dungeon, crossing over the rock bridge and past the huge boulder Maya dropped on you a while back. When you reach a room with 4 Orange Gems places all in a row, rotate the camera a bit and look along the western wall (past the pond, behind the massive rock pillars). Bomb the weak point in the wall if you didn't already, then head in and grab the treasure if you didn't already. Head to the northern part of this room and bomb the wall up the incline, and you'll find a hidden exit to the World Map. Head to the northwest corner of the island and search to find the Lion Idol! Grab it, then use a Warp Star to get out of here!
Now save your game, head back to the Fallen Sanctuary, and head to the southeastern monolith, using the Lion Idol in front of it. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
18000 | 8426 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Heavy Brave (physical attack to one) Hyper (doubles Justine's attack power) Magnarize (non-elemental damage to one character based on Justine's FP total) Justine Attack (instantly kills all team members; works only very rarely), |
How To Win:
Start with the usual; cast Fragile, Mystic a Lucky Card, and perhaps an Extension + Valiant attack. From that point forward, never stop attacking unless you are reviving or recasting Valiant. The fight may take a while due to Justine's high HP, but it's so hard to lose that you'll pretty much win no matter what. |
Wasn't that easy? You now own the Justine Medium!
However, there's something I recommend that you do now, and that is to complete the rest of the Millenium Puzzles and seek out and acquire all of the hidden World Map items. Here's a handy checklist of all the puzzle locations with links to solutions! If you are following my walkthrough, you will have already have completed a number of these. Puzzle 1 (X: 20500 Y: 10549) NOTE: To reach Puzzle 20, first obtain the Teleport Orb from Puzzle 14. Now, head to Southfarm Station and purchase a ticket for East Highlands, and you will be teleported to the Sunset Peak station. Outside is the area with the puzzle. Below is a list of all the items that can be found on the World Map with the Item Scope. 8000 Gella (X: 1481 Y: 6743) NOTE: To reach the EX File Key, you'll need to enter the Greenlodge area via Nidhogg Pass. To reach the Migrant Seal at X: 6532 Y: 11234, you'll need to head to Sunset Peak. And to reach the Duplicator at X: 17324 Y: 2271, use the Teleport Orb to warp to Boot Hill, then run to the beach north of town and board your Sandcraft and head north to the island. Skip the encounters here.
Obtaining Zephyr
To obtain Zephyr, we'll have to delve into the Abyss dungeon! The Abyss is a 100-floor dungeon filled with the toughest monsters in the game, but luckily, we only need to go down to the tenth floor. Still, this isn't going to be easy!
To locate the Abyss, talk to the people in Little Rock, specifically Annette over at the ARMsmith's place. Next, get on Lombardia and fly to around X:25400 Y:7070 to spot a boulder in the way (you'll be able to tell due to its off color). Blow it up with a missile, and land Lombardia. Now, call your horses and ride northeast to X: 25194 Y: 10303 and search to discover the Abyss! |
The Abyss
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Aello | 1640 | 106 | 50 | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Balphon | 870 | 151 | 176 | NONE | NONE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Baskerville | 870 | 151 | 180 | NONE | NONE | ICE, LIGHT | FIRE | NONE |
Calupdis | 2460 | 160 | 80 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Cannon Buffalo | 1880 | 318 | 460 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Mad Gasser | 1640 | 106 | 53 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: If you've been following my walkthrough, you'll most likely have a Migrant Level of 14. The battles in the Abyss can be tricky at your current level, but with a Migrant Level as high as the one you SHOULD have, you'll be able to skip all but the Calupdis battles. And should your ECN run a bit low, the gems that open the portals will restore it.
If you want to fight the enemies here, then be my guest. Refrigerate groups of Baskervilles or Balphons, attack Cannon Buffalo with various elemental Arcana and attacks, and summon Moor Gault on Mad Gassers. Be aware that Aello can cause Poison and Disease, and can swipe an item and then escape from battle immediately. Then there's Calupdis. This funny looking enemy steals 10% of your Gella on the first turn. On the second, he runs away with it! It's in your best interest to kill him as soon as possible, but there's a really cool trick you can do with him if you're feeling lucky! First, equip as many characters as you can with the Gella Boost Personal Skill. On the first turn, attack him to get his HP down low, but do not kill him. Let him take 10% of your money, and on the next turn, have everyone Gatling him. He normally gets his attack after Jet and before Gallows, so keep this in mind. If you kill him before he gets away, you get your money back, but with the Gella Boost skill, you have a 25% chance of getting DOUBLE that! With 4 Gella Boosts, that means you'll always get double your money back! |
The Abyss is a randomly generated dungeon that consists of 100 floors. Each floor consists of one randomly generated room of walkways, a number of gems and a sealed portal. The idea is to grab all the gems so that the portal opens, then enter the portal to jump down another floor. There are no save points, though you can leave once you reach Floor 10, 30, 60 or 100, even though you will have to start over again from Floor 1. It's very easy to understand, but very difficult to complete once you reach the later levels. Fortunately, we are only doing up to Floor 10 to grab a certain item, then we're getting the heck out of here! For now. 8)
Simply travel down 10 floors of the Abyss. It takes a bit of time, mind you. Once you reach the 10th portal, a boss will attack. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
12000 | 17000 | 20000 | LIGHT | NONE | DARK | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Prepare Intercepts (used at beginning of turn, if Ephrem is damaged before cancelling intercepts, he'll use Luminous Impact) Intercepts Cancelled (used after Gallows' turn, only if Luminous Impact wasn't used) Luminous Impact (light-elemental damage to your entire party) |
How To Win:
The best way to win is to open with a Mystic + Lucky Card and a Gella Card. Cast Hyper on Clive, and every turn, before you attack, switch the manual turn order so that Clive goes first, followed by the rest of your team. You won't take any damage, as Ephrem will be unable to counter! Still, this will take a while, so if you're feeling lucky, pump up your Weakness Skill and summon Luceid on him when his HP hits about 6000 or so. |
Now, step inside the teleporter, and choose to retreat. Failure to do so will result in fatalities. Head back to Baskar Village and rest up, then back to the Fallen Sanctuary. Hop on up to the southwest monolith and use the Dragon Idol to call Zephyr. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
19000 | 8426 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Exploder (Turns target into a bomb, exploding it on its next turn, which kills it. When it explodes, damage equal to half of bomb's HP is dealt to all targets on bomb's team.) Phantasmic Heart (non-elemental damage to all characters) Downburst (physical attack to one) |
How To Win:
Other than that, the fight is pretty routine. Keep attacking, watch your HP, and cast Valiant if you get the chance. Just keep that Reflect on! |
You now own the Hope Shard Medium! |
Now that you have all 12 Mediums, set them up the way you like and stick with that setup. Aside from a few select battles, you'll want to keep your Medium setup the way it is for the rest of the game. Why? Because certain skills work MUCH better in unison (4 Eagle Eye, Gella Boost and Initiative skills work very well), and if you mess around with your Medium setup too much, you won't be able to take advantage of skills like those.
Before you go on to the next section, head back to Laxisland and speak with Roswell, then search co-ordinates X: 16660 Y: 18119 to find the first Telepath Tower. You've now officially started the quest, and can work on it any time you want. 8) |
Photosphere Redux
Now that you have all of the Mediums, you can enter Dim Root Path. Before you do, make sure you get the Telepath Tower quest started! Also, did you find all the World Map items and complete all the Millennium Puzzles? If not, then I suggest you scroll back a walkthrough section and follow the instructions there.
Dim Root Path
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Anzu | 1250 | 210 | 230 | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Evil Dead | 940 | 159 | 170 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Lycanthrope (Human) | 1000 | 167 | 180 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Don't let the enemies here give you a hard time; they aren't difficult. Evil Dead, Balloon's distant cousin, can be wiped out with a Spectre spell, and you can always summon Stare Roe on them. Anzu is not dangerous, and can be brought down with simple attacks and Arcana aside from Vortex. Lycanthrope is annoying with his various Arcana, but he usually hits slow, and he doesn't take much punishment. Feel free to use all your MTC here; there's free healing and MTC recovery later on! In fact, try and battle here as much as you can; Evil Dead drops Dark Rings! |
Changecrest (Tool) Lucky Card X 3 Potion Berry Gimel Coin X 3 20000 Gella Gella Card X 2 Violator Revive Fruit Adventure Book 7 Migrant Seal |
Walk over to the door that's covered in "bumper stickers" and press X to open it up. The 12 Mediums break the seal, and grant you entry! Now, head into the next room, and note the unreachable ledge. We'll get up there in a sec! For now, head down the stairs and through the door to a room with a lot of orange blocks and a chest. Open the chest for the Changecrest Tool! This Tool does wondrous things with orange blocks (turns them into orange gems and vice versa), and if you fire it at a white gem, you will warp to the white gem's location! The first thing to do is to use the new tool to dissipate the orange walls and grab the chests behind, containing a Lucky Card X 3 and a Potion Berry. Next, head back to the room from before, and climb back up the stairs. Use the Changecrest to hit the white gem, and you'll warp over to the other side! Now, walk into the next room, and note the orange gem on the floor button. Use the Changecrest on the orange gem, and it will turn into a block that's heavy enough to weigh the floor button down! Now, travel through another room, watching a scene (where you'll get a good close up of Melody's face), and heading to another room. Climb down the stairs, then head towards the stack of orange blocks. The idea here is to use the Mighty Gloves to move the orange blocks and make a "bridge" that Virginia can Galecrest across. It's easier to do than to describe, so get to it! Gale over the "bridge", then head into the room and open the chests for a Gimel Coin X 3, 20000 Gella and a Gella Card X 2, then leave the room, and head past the orange wall and through the door. Here's a rather tricky puzzle! To cross the pit, you have to Changecrest the blocks, then Galecrest across the platforms the blocks (that should now be gems) to reach the other side. Open the chest for an incredibly useful Gear: the Violator! This gives you the Finest Arts Personal Skill! Fill this skill up to full any way you can, and listen well: Finest Arts is the most powerful weapon in your team's arsenal. Basically, what you have to do is get the person with Finest Arts up to 100 FP, with 0 ammo in that person's ARM. Select Gatling when these requirements are fulfilled, and sit back and watch the damage add up! The first four hits will be fairly powerful, but the last hit does damage equal to your character's ATT stat multiplied by 10! And it's affected by attack raising Arcana such as Hyper! Should you choose to use this awesome ability, boss fights will be much easier from here on out. Head through the next room, and move the orange blocks onto the floor buttons with the Mighty Gloves, then head through the door for another scene. It's becoming apparent that this isn't the end of the game, huh? This dungeon is quiet.... too quiet. Walk through another room, and you'll reach a room with a lot of floor buttons and a lot of orange blocks. Not much to do here but place the blocks onto the buttons with the Mighty Gloves, then keep going. In the next room, move the blocks out of the way, then climb the stairs and enter the room, and open the chests for a Revive Fruit, Adventure Book 7 and a Migrant Seal! Head back a room, and use the Mighty Gloves to stack the blocks on top of each other in 2 block stacks, making sure they're right beside each other. You may now Galecrest across. Ascend the stairs, and note the large fence in the way. Tim isn't here to help us through, but Virginia can do the job pretty well herself! Toss the Changecrest at the white gem on the other side of the fence to warp over there, then walk through the door. A scene will play (looks like someone else is heading for the Cradle, too!) Now, a tricky puzzle awaits you. Try and figure it out first..... can't get it? That's okay. Use the Changecrest to turn all of the orange blocks into Gems, and turn the lone Gem on the other side of the platform into a block. Now, use the Steady Dolls to push the other blocks into the abyss below. The path is clear for you to Galecrest across, so do so, and you'll hit the orange block to stop you from falling down to oblivion. Now, here's the cool part; grab the block with the Mighty Gloves and rotate the camera to spot a hidden Ring Pop switch down the pit! Place the block on the space directly over the switch, then wait for another Gem to spawn. Create another block, stack it on top, and then walk over to the northern part of the room. Toss the Boomerang so that it bounces off the gem wall and hits the switch. Voila! The next puzzle is a clever one; you must grab all 4 orange gems, but you must get them all before they start regenerating. The problem is... they're all on opposite sides of the room! Not a problem though; use the Changecrest to change the 4 gems into blocks, then move all the blocks close together into a straight line. Now, toss a Changecrest into the line, then dash through! Head through the next room, past the open steel gates, and press X when you reach the closed door. Another scene will play, and that concludes the Dim Root Path dungeon. However, that's just the beginning. 8) |
Cradle of the Metal God
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Fleurety | 1000 | 160 | 180 | NONE | NONE | FIRE | ICE | NONE |
Haboryn | 1000 | 160 | 180 | NONE | NONE | ICE | FIRE | NONE |
Sekmet | 1420 | 234 | 250 | NONE | NONE | ICE, WIND | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Armed with the knowledge that there are 2 full-healing points located in this dungeon, you should have no fear in summoning as often as possible in this dungeon. Summoning Luceid with Gallows can easily take down any enemy group in the dungeon, regardless of weakness. If you aren't summoning, then simply use the Arcana that the enemies are weak to. Nothing here should give you any trouble. |
As soon as you enter, walk over to the odd contraption beside the door. This is a healing machine, and it fully restores your HP, VIT, ECN and MTC! Use it to heal up from your trek through Dim Root Path.
While you're here, try this. Walk into the next room and call enemies with the Kramer Dolls. As I said earlier, the enemies here will die very quickly if you summon on them, and they appear in large groups. Fight battles for a while, summoning as much as you can, and when your MTC runs out, head back to the healing machine and use it again! Your MTC will be refilled, and you'll be able to boost it even more! In addition, the enemies here drop Earth, Fire and Ice Rings, and it's highly recommended that you pick up 3 of each now! When you're done with that, move on through the first room. A bit of tactical espionage action awaits us, as there are spotlights in this room that we must sneak past. Getting caught in a spotlight forces your party into a random encounter. To destroy a spotlight, stand underneath it (they're built into the walls) and fire the Grappling Hook. Destroy the spotlights here, then stand on the floor button to lower the raised part of the floor with the switch, and toss the Steady Doll at the switch to open the door. Save your game now! Climb down the stairs (or jump off the ledge) in the next room, then walk forward a bit. Prepare to battle a liquid panther! No, I'm not kidding. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
16800 | 4500 | 4700 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Evil Gaze (paralyzes target, only used in "blob" form) Diabolic Claw (physical attack to one) |
How To Win:
Therefore, start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Gella Card, a Fragile spell and a Refrigerate spell. Other than that, just keep attacking and casting Refrigerate every turn, clearing up the Paralysis status if he manages to hit you with it. |
Now, head back to the beginning for healing (as if you need it!), then move on to the room past Ose and hit the button that's clearly sticking out of the control panel to start up the elevator, then board it. Watch the impending scene, then move on to the next room, where you'll find 4 floor switches guarded by spotlights. You have to activate all 4 of the floor switches, but they only stay activated for a limited time, so you have to be fast! For a challenge, try it with the spotlights still on, but if you want the easy way out, destroy the spotlights with the Grappling Hook. Move on through the next room to view another scene, then head up the stairs in the next room, taking the detour to the south if you need gems. Destroy the stationary spotlight guarding the door, and walk in.
This next room is fun. This walkway is guarded by twin contraptions at either end that generate a laser beam, and touching that beam results in lost HP and french-fried feet. To get past the beams, you will have to walk under the ceiling "fences" with Jet and use the Radical Sneakers to hop up onto the fence and climb across, free from the danger of the beams. The beams move, so note the delay in the time you press Square and the time Jet actually jumps up (do it earlier than you think you should). Also, when dropping down from a ceiling fence, make sure the laser doesn't hit you when you land! Clear this room to witness another scene, which looks like it might be a boss battle, but really isn't, then walk through another straight room, gathering the gems along the way. This next room is about the closest thing to "platform jumping" that you'll find in a Wild ARMs game. Use Jet's Radical Sneakers to grab the ceiling fences, then climb across over to the small moving platforms that move across the huge pit. Watch Jet's shadow, and line it up with the platforms when they stop moving, then drop down onto them. Work your way to the southern part of the room in this fashion, flipping up the fence to find a switch in the southern corner. Use that to open the door, then head to the northern part of the room and through the door. After a seismic disturbance, you'll be situated in the next room. Take the door to the east to find the room Malik was in earlier, then examine the machine on the far corner of the room for full healing! The Prophets are nearby, so save your game. When you're ready, head up the stairs in the other room and through the door. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8200 | 4700 | 5000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
8600 | 4700 | 5000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Melody's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to target) Venom Strike (poisons target, used as a counterttack) |
Malik's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to target) Disorder (causes Confusion status to target) Tri-Injury (causes Misery, Amnesia and disease status to target) |
How To Win:
At this point, you're pretty well protected from anything the boss can dish out, aside from Eliminate Scanner, which can cause about 700 damage a hit. Of course, with Valiant cast on your team members, you'll be dealing lots of damage every turn, and the Prophets will be pretty much powerless! If your HP gets low, summon Raftina to heal! |
Head back to the machine for healing, then move on. The next room features a switch that's in range of a spotlight, but there's no way to hit the spotlight! Use the Steady Doll to hit the switch from afar, then destroy the spotlights guarding the walkway and the door. Head up the elevator, and watch another scene... but this time, pay attention to the battle displayed during the scene! Walk through the next room, and you'll reach another room with laser beams patrolling the floor. This one is a little tougher than the last, so be careful with your timing. When you reach the last ceiling fence/gate/whatever, climb up it, stand on the northern corner and rotate the camera to spot a wall switch. Toss a Boomerang into the wall directly over the switch, and it'll bounce off and open the door. Run through the next room, and watch as the Cradle becomes no more.... but what's the huge thing in the sky? And what the hell is THAT thing? |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
100000 | 5000 | 10000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Wyvern's Attacks: Draconic Attack (physical attack) Cerebral Matter (boosts RFX and EVA stats) Epidermal Shell (increases DEF and MGR stats) Mighty Might (doubles attack power) Missile Might (non-elemental damage to one character) |
How To Win:
There are quite a few commands to fool around with, but the easiest way to win a Lombardia battle is to use the first turn to cast Mighty Might, then attack with your other team members. On the second turn, have the first 3 people (Virginia, Jet, Gallows) use physical attacks, and have the fourth fire the Draconic Gun Blaster. This incredible move consumes ALL of your FP like a summon, but is capable of doing an astonishing amount of damage (up to 999999!) Coupled with the Mighty Might from earlier, you'll see why this battle is such an easy win. |
Our next goal is the aerial fortress "Deus Ex Machina", but unfortunately, it's shielded by a cloaking device, and we have no idea how we might find it! Please note that from this point forward until you complete Deus Ex Machina, there will be random enemy encounters while flying Lombardia. The encounters consists of single Wyvern units.
Head back to the Ark of Destiny and talk to the very first person you see, and ASK him about his hometown. That's where we're going next! Board Lombardia, and search co-ordinates X: 11890 Y: 14179 to find Ballack Rise. |
Ballack Rise
Mini Carrot Mini Carrot Duplicator Migrant Seal Grab Bag LVL Apple |
FYI, this is the town from Clive's intro. How nice it is to be back! There's lots to do here, so let's start from the top. First, speak with Martina, who should be here at this point. If she isn't, don't worry. Talk with her twice, then talk with the boy standing beside her. Next, enter the Friendly Fire saloon and go on upstairs. Inside the room is a lone barrel containing a Migrant Seal. After that, head up the northwest stairs to the ARMsmith, walk through his house and out the exit door, and open the chest for a Mini Carrot. Next, climb the ladder next to the ARMsmith's shop, and use the Radical Sneakers to jump up onto the metal crates stacked near the saloon sign. Walk along them to the area behind the sign, and bomb the crates for a Mini Carrot. Next, open the chest in the northeast part of town for a Grab Bag, then climb another staircase to reach a ladder leading to a telescope. Climb on up (and toss your Changecrest at the bird to turn it into a LVL Apple), then look through the telescope. We can now reach Deus Ex Machina! Now, hop on down the ladder, then jump off the northwestern edge of the platform to walk around the huge building and enter a door. Jump down the large vertical opening, then walk through another room to get back outside, checking the barrel here for a Duplicator. |
Before Deus Ex Machina
I highly recommend you do the following before tackling Deus Ex Machina. Now that you have the Changecrest, there's a wealth of treasure to acquire and a few things to do if you haven't already.
Head to the Fallen Sanctuary and run through until you reach the room with the floor button you couldn't activate earlier. Use the Changecrest to change the middle gem into a block, then use the Mighty Gloves to move the block onto the button and enter the new door, opening the chests inside (use a Duplicator for the middle one) to obtain a Migrant Seal, a Mini Carrot, and an Ambrosia. Head to The World's Footprint, and get to the room with the orange block and the Mighty Glove block that are blocking the Duplicator door. Use the Changecrest on the orange block, then push the other one out of the way with the Mighty Gloves and use a Duplicator on the door. Empty the chests inside for a Big Grab Bag and a Migrant Seal. Head to the Ark of Destiny. Go down to the basement, and open ALL of the Duplicator Doors, using the Changecrest on the large wall of orange blocks. Toss a Changecrest at the blue memory figure (Bombur) for a Missanga, and check the chests behind the doors for a LVL Apple, a Holy Root, a Big Grab Bag, a Growth Egg (inside a Duplicator chest), and a Tiny Flower. Head to the Ark of Destiny. Go down to the basement, and open ALL of the Duplicator Doors, using the Changecrest on the large wall of orange blocks. Toss a Changecrest at the blue memory figure (Bombur) for a Missanga, and check the chests behind the doors for a LVL Apple, a Holy Root, a Big Grab Bag, a Growth Egg (inside a Duplicator chest), and a Tiny Flower. Toss a Changecrest at the black rooster in Baskar Colony for a Full Carrot. Toss a Changecrest at the white cat in Jolly Roger for a Tiny Flower. Toss a Changecrest at the white chicken in Claiborne for a Potion Berry. Toss a Changecrest at the brown bird in Little Twister for a Growth Egg. Toss a Changecrest at the black cat in Little Rock for a Nectar. Toss a Changecrest at the orange chicken in Boot Hill for a Big Grab Bag. Toss a Changecrest at the brown cat in Laxisland for a Holy Root. Speak with Martina twice in the top floor of the Saloon while you're there. Toss a Changecrest at the white bird in The Secret Garden for an Ambrosia. Search co-ordinates X: 11971 Y: 16940 to reveal Den of Miasma, then run through until you reach the hidden room from earlier. Remember the holographic archive? Use the Kramer Dolls in front of it, and battle the Arioches that appear. This will allow you to partake in the Arioch side quest, and they will now begin to appear randomly in dungeons. Start the Telepath Tower quest now, or lose it forever. When you're all done, it's time to find the next dungeon. Deus Ex Machina has no set location; it appears in random spots on the World Map (I've seen it near Laxisland, Gunner's Heaven, and Caging Tower), so you'll have to fly around and look for it. If you used the telescope in Ballack Rise, you'll be able to find it, and it's pretty easy to spot; look for a VERY wavy pattern somewhere in the sky, then use Lombardia to fire 5 missiles into it to disable the cloaking device and allow entry.. |
Not Quite Malduke
When you're good and ready, fly straight into the now-visible Deus Ex Machina.
Deus Ex Machina
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Bandersnatch | 2300 | 350 | 380 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE |
Jabberwock | 1130 | 184 | 200 | NONE | FIRE | ICE | NONE | NONE |
Quox | 2260 | 360 | 380 | WIND | NONE | EARTH, ICE | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Aside from the Jabberwock (which can be easily killed with a Refrigerate arcana), the enemies in Deus Ex can be a little deceitful. Bandersnatch is weak to every element, but that doesn't matter much because he is constantly protected by Reflect! He's also got a load of other nifty statuses on him, so cast Eraser to wipe that stupid face off of his stupid... uh, face, then shoot him in it. Quox, on the other hand, is just like your old buddy Goldrake; once you knock off 3/4 of his HP, he'll take to the sky, and from that point forward, you'll have to use Arcana or the Lock On force ability with Clive to beat him. |
Should an emergency arise, you can always leave the dungeon by heading back through the entrance, so keep this in mind! Start by watching the first scene, then proceed through the first room. The next room has an annoying buzzing sound that's being caused by twin laser drones. The laser drones move up and down along the walls of the room, and to pass by, you'll have to bomb either end of the drone. Place the bombs when the drone is moving towards you so that the drone moves into the bomb and pushes it! When you're done with that, walk into the next room. There are white gems here, but you probably don't need them, so toss a Changecrest at the orange block wall to clear a passage to the next room.
This room features a REALLY tricky puzzle; there's a large pit we must cross, but the only way to do so is to use the retracting beams coming out of the wall. There are 5 of them, and they come out of the wall very slowly, then retract very quickly. To get across, walk along and position yourself against the wall while standing as close as you can to the edge, and Galecrest across as soon as the middle beam starts to come out. Climb the ladder and hit the switch, then go through the open door. From there, head through another room, destroying the lasers along the way, and ascend the stairs. The next room features a very Metal Gear Solid-esque scene. Proceed through to the next room past the supercomputer, and you'll reach a room with a locked door and a computer terminal. Check it out, then head back to the supercomputer and check that. Maya and her team will stay behind and relay codes to you for opening the door, so head to the terminal and check it out. Mimic the button combination that Maya reads out in the time alloted (it's totally not hard), and the door will slide open. By the way, if you want to use a Name Tag to rename Maya or one of her friends, go and do it now! Up the stairs and through the next room, another puzzle awaits, and this one is maddening! There are 13 floor buttons on the floor, and they ALL must be activated at once! To aid you, there are 3 massive blocks and one small block, but they're all kind of pushed together inconveniently right now! Follow these steps exactly to complete the puzzle.
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
22000 | 9800 | 6000 | THUNDER | EARTH | WIND | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Mighty Swing (physical attack to one) Fafnir Horn (strong physical attack to one, used if hit by wind Arcana) Contaminated Crust ("poisons" battlefield, which causes your team to take damage every turn, regardless of poison protection) Graviton (cuts entire team's HP in half) |
How To Win:This big, bad dragon likes to hurt your team with Contaminated Crust, which basically causes your entire team to take poison damage every turn. Even with Poison Ward, there's no way around this, so you're pretty much going to have to take the damage every turn. Other than that, Fafnir is pretty weak for something his size; Mighty Swing is weak, and it doesn't even hit very often! Graviton doesn't occur very often, and as long as you don't use Vortex, Wind Gems or summon Fengalon, he'll never use Fafnir Horn! Just always keep your HP up about 300 or so to make sure that the poison doesn't do you in. Meanwhile, if he's going to be keeping our HP at a constant decline, let's show him how hard we fight when the chips are down! Start with a Mystic + Lucky Card, a Gella Card, a Fragile and a Extend + Valiant, then simply blast away at him. Every turn, you'll be doing more and more damage as your HP drops lower and lower. If it gets too low, summon Raftina to patch things up, and re-cast Valiant every 3 or 4 turns. Follow this strategy, and you've got quite an easy battle ahead of you. |
After slaying Dudley, climb up the stairs and into the next room. The idea here is simple; there are grapple points on the ceiling, but they MOVE along a track. With careful timing, grapple up to the first point when it is about to reach you, then hang on until your shadow approaches the platform and drop down, then Boomerang the switch to start another grapple point moving. Grapple up to it, and face south. With VERY careful timing, drop down to the narrow walkway when your shadow can be seen, then save your game and head through the door to witness the last stand of Leehalt Alcaste. And just when you thought they were dead, he CLONED them! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
9000 | 6100 | 6400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
6800 | 6100 | 6400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
7000 | 6100 | 6400 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Leehalt's Attacks: Watching your move (does nothing, performed every turn) Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Rule of Vengeance (each time you hit Leehalt, the amount of damage the hit did is also done to whoever hit him) |
Melody's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Venom Strike (poisons target, also used as a counterattack every time Melody is hit) |
Malik's Attacks: Eliminate Scanner (non-elemental damage to one target) Disorder (confusion status to one target) Tri-Injury (causes Misery, Amnesia and disease status to target) |
How To Win:
All that's left is Leehalt. As long as you are careful with the amount of damage you do to him, he is a rather easy opponent. What you can do is get a character who can Gatling for a lot of hits down to low HP, and then get their FP up and cast Valiant on them. Next turn, unleash Gatling for a massive amount of damage! |
Activate the device in the center of the room for a scene and a shocking revelation about our most misunderstood hero, and then exit the room through the new door. Walk through the room, only to have the floor crumble behind you, and watch in horror as the wall attempts to push you into the pit! Don't panic! Use the Freezer Doll on the wall that's moving in, then place a multitude of Bombs in front of it to blow it to bits! It will take about 12 Bombs total, so don't give up!
Finally, we've reached the end. Examine the computer terminal in this room, and relay the code that Maya reads out. Again, it's a walk in the park in terms of difficulty, so take it easy and forget the time limit. Once the door opens, SAVE YOUR GAME! Enter the next room, and prepare to lock horns with the biggest, baddest demon of them all: ZeikSeigfried! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
24000 | 10000 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Seigfried's Attacks: Dark Spear Nemesis (physical attack to one) Proton Beam (non-elemental damage to one target) Negative Rainbow (lots of non-elemental damage to all characters) Seig Impulse (lots of non-elemental damage to all characters), |
How To Win:
Thanks to the Teardrop, Seig also recovers any damage you deal to him. How do you stop his healing? Cast Pickpocket on him to swipe the Teardrop... that oughta make him cry! Start the battle with a Mystic + Lucky Card, as well as a Fragile spell and an Extend + Valiant. Cast Permanence to prolong Valiant's effects, and you may want to cast a few spells to reduce damage, such as Protect and Shield. Keep your HP up around the 700 range, and heal by summoning Raftina if you need it. In fact, set the SOS FP Boost skill up to full with the character that has invoked Raftina; that way, if you fall into critical HP, you'll be able to fully heal. Keep your HP up, and unleash a Finest Arts if you can (remember, you need the skill set up to full, 100 FP and 0 Ammo in your ARM to pull it off). Best of luck! |
After a short scene, it becomes apparent that Seig isn't down for the count just yet. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
100000 | 10000 | 15000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Dragna Seig's Attacks: Dark Spear Nemesis (physical attack to Lombardia) Proton Beam (non-elemental damage to Lombardia) Dragna Attack (name?) (physical attack to Lombardia) Seig Impulse (lots of non-elemental damage to Lombardia) |
How To Win:
Poor Seig... you never really got a chance to shine. It's a shame you only just discovered who the real villian was. Oh well, perhaps someone will bring you back sometime. |
Chapter 4:
To Be a Pillar...
Your party returns to Baskar Village for kudos and lots of drinking and partying. Check out Harold's crazy-go-nuts dancing, and when the scene comes to a halt, look around the village and talk to Shane. After another scene, it becomes apparent that something is VERY wrong. Talk to everyone in town and pay attention to the text about the Hydra!
Our next destination is the Sacrificial Altar, which is north of Baskar Village, over the gigantic mountain. Fly Lombardia over there and search co-ordinates X: 12950 Y: 12659 to find the northern sanctuary where Shane ran off to. How in holy hell did he get over here anyway?
Sacrificial Altar
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Eel Volk | 1600 | 256 | 280 | NONE | NONE | NONE | WATER, LIGHTNING | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Gargoyle | 1730 | 270 | 300 | THUNDER | EARTH, WIND | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Scorpius | 1500 | 245 | 260 | EARTH | NONE | WATER | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: You'll want to up your elemental wards for this dungeon, particularily your earth, lightning, water and wind ones. The enemies here use lots of elemental attacks to spoil your fun, and they have no weaknesses aside from the Scorpius's weakness to water Arcana. Show no mercy in your attacks and Arcana, and focus on destroying the enemies quickly before the damage accumulates. Of course, with a Migrant Level of 18, you can easily skip any encounter this dungeon throws at you. |
Revive Fruit Gella Card X 3 Gimel Coin Growth Egg Mini Carrot |
Wild ARMs Fun Fact: The Sacrificial Altar existed in Wild ARMs 2 as well. It was the place where a young Baskar hopeful could go someday to sacrifice his humanity and become a "pillar" that holds Filgaia together. Desperate times sometimes call for sacrifice, but luckily, the Sacrificial Altar has never been used. In Wild ARMs 2, you found the statues for Raftina, Justine and Zephyr here.
After the opening scene, walk around the outside of the sanctuary. You can find a Revive Fruit in one of the crates here, and there are 2 chests that contain a Gella Card X 3 and a Gimel Coin, then enter through the bottom entrance. Head through the first room, taking note of the surroundings... this place is much like the Guardian Shrines from way back in Chapter 2, isn't it? In the next room, you'll find what appears to be a Galecrest "bridge", only some of the pieces are out of place! Use the Steady Dolls to push the blocks into the centers of the platforms, then Galecrest across, ignoring the lone candle. Now walk downstairs, and look to the western wall for a Duplicator Door. Open the Duplicator Door and use the Steady Dolls to grab the chests inside for a Gimel Coin and a Growth Egg, then head back out and into the next room. Here's a fairly tricky puzzle; what you must do is extinguish all the flames with the Steady Doll, then wait about 10 seconds for 2 of the candles to relight. Walk through the doorway that's between whatever candles relit, and you'll reach an identical room where you must do the same thing; extinguish the candles and wait for the "true path". Do this 3 times, and you'll finally appear in a new room. Descend the steps, and save your game. Well, I hope you've been reading up on the Baskar textbook, because now you've disturbed the Pillar, and if you had been reading up on your Baskarology, you'd know that bothering a Pillar results in a Hydra battle. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
22000 | 10000 | 12000 | NONE | NONE | ICE | WATER | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Hydra Combination (physical attack to one with a chance of poison status) Maelstrom (water-elemental damage to your entire party) Vitalizer (restores HP, also used as a counterattack to fire elemental Arcana. Amount of HP recovered is always the same, but is cut in half every time Hydra is struck with fire elemental Arcana) |
How To Win:
You will probably be fresh out of Lucky Cards by this point, so forget about the usual first turn procedure (use a Gella Card though). Cast Fragile and perhaps Feeble Mind, and Extend a Valiant spell. The Hydra's most powerful attack, Maelstrom, is not too much to worry about, and Hydra Combination is pretty standard fare. Plug away at the big beast, healing if your HP gets too low. And if HIS healing starts to bother you, spend a few rounds using Fire Gems to... eww... well, I won't give you the gruesome explanation, but I will tell you that it cuts his healing ability's effectiveness down by half. If you keep it up, you'll eventually get it down to nothing! |
Talisman Potion Berry Lucky Card |
Proceed through the next room to another set of stairs, and do not miss the wall to the east that the gems are pointing to. It's bombable and fairly easy to miss, so go on over there and blow it up so bad that it looks like a wall that only a mother wall could love. Inside, grab the chests for a Talisman (Imitator guarded, but that's no big deal), a Potion Berry, and a Lucky Card. Save that Lucky Card for one of the optional bosses later on. When you're all done, move on to the next room.
Walk through another simple room, and you'll reach a slate that's dirty; clean it off with a little Freezer Doll cleanser, then check-a-roony, because there is important information etched into it. The "white breath" is what we need to cross that huge chasm that lies ahead of us, so keep your Freezer Dolls handy and approach the pit. There is an invisible walkway bridging this chasm to the other side, and the only way to see it is to keep the Freezer Doll going. Therefore, take the walkway really slowly, using the Freezer Doll to reveal a bit of the path at a time. There's no rush, so do it carefully and don't fall into the pit. Upon reaching the stairway, save your game and run downstairs. Another Hydra appears! |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
32000 | 12000 | 14000 | NONE | NONE | ICE | FIRE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Heat Stream (fire elemental damage to one target) Salamandra Burn (MASSIVE fire-elemental damage to one, used as a counter if his weakness is hit) Volcannon Trap (fire elemental damage to all party members) |
How To Win:
What I'm saying here is that there's an easy way to defeat this boss, courtesy of Andvareel, the genius behind endgame strategies. Begin by changing your Medium setup so that Gallows has Raftina, Luceid and Moor Gault equipped. Fill the Weakness Personal Skill up as high as it goes. Now, cast Weaken on Salamandra to give him a Fire elemental weakness, Feeble Mind on him to lower his MGR, and use a Mini Carrot on Gallows to get his FP up. Next turn, have Gallows use Copy Ability to acquire Salamandra's enemy skills. Finally, have Gallows use Salamandra Burn. Laugh as Salamandra takes 5-digit amounts of damage. You win. If you don't win, repeat. 8P |
A scene will play, and take note of what happens. This is the part of the game where Gallows casts off his shackles and becomes the hero he's always been meant to be. The next 3 dungeons have similar effects, but with different characters. 8P Watch the very touching scene, and your party will unite outside of the Sacrificial Altar, and the true villian of Wild ARMs 3 will finally be revealed, though I have a feeling you've seen her before. Rest up in Baskar, and prepare for your next dungeon. |
Death of a Titan
Rest in Baskar Village to restore your party to good health. You're going to need it for the next dungeon! When you're good and ready, head to co-ordinates X: 18400 Y: 6389 and search to find the Demondor Pillar. Not to be confused with the Diablo Pillar.
Demondor Pillar
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Buckbaird | 2500 | 400 | 450 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Gargoyle | 1730 | 270 | 300 | THUNDER | EARTH, WIND | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Hide Bomb | 795 | 128 | 136 | LIGHT | NONE | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: Hide Bombs are relatively simple foes that appear in big groups and are weak to Dark elemental Arcana. Summon Luceid or Extend a Dark Matter spell to put an end to their happy days. Buckbaird is no big deal either; just cast Inspire on him for a good amount of damage, then finish him off with regular shots. To aid in destroying the hardy Gargoyle, try casting Fragile. |
This creepy dungeon is probably a little more organic than the ones you are used to exploring, and it may freak you out a little. Nevertheless, this is where the knowledge of Hyades is from, and it MUST be destroyed, so bite the bullet, then put it in your ARM and fire it! 8P
Start by advancing a screen, then climb the stairs. Road block ahead! There are 3 giant horns protruding from the ground. To destroy the giant horns that block your path, freeze them with the Freezer Doll, then melt the ice with the Tindercrest to make them brittle. After that, give them a bombing to clear the way. Proceed into the next room, and climb up the stairs. What you have to do here is walk to the edge of the high point of the room, then use the Radical Sneakers to pound the high part down a few levels. Jump on the ground 4 times to lower it to the right level, then toss a Changecrest at the white gem on the other side. After clearing the next room, you'll reach a room with a large pit and a number of platforms that move from side to side, along with some white gems suspended in the air. With careful timing, you have to toss the Changecrest at the white gems when a moving platform passes under them. If you mess up, the gems regenerate, so do not worry; in fact, if you have good aim, you can skip a platform! After clearing this room, head through another room of stairs, then destroy the giant horns the same way you did before, then proceed to a wide open room. Don't bother saving here; the boss is simply too easy to lose to. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
N/A (18000) | 12659 | 4659 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: (In all honesty, it doesn't matter...) |
How To Win:
An alternative way to win is to go back in time, find the original copy of the game's boss data, and rewrite it so that Gespenst is damageable. Of course, this takes time and money and a time machine you probably don't have. |
Gimel Coin Power Boost |
After that joke of a boss, you'll probably figure that a real boss fight is waiting for you later on. You'd be right. Proceed a room, then use Jet to toss a Boomerang from the lowest point of the room and toss it towards the switch hidden under the stairs. Proceed through another room, where you'll find an upper section with a jump pad and some other cool stuff. Ignore this for now and just keep walking.. nothing to see here. Ascend the staircase, destroying the giant horns along the way, and you'll reach a room with a narrow walkway and lots off serpent-like things circling certain sections of it. BE CAREFUL HERE! You have to walk slowly along the walkway, making sure that the serpent things don't hit you. Should they make contact with you, you'll take damage and you'll have to start the room over. So take it slow and don't try to pass a serpent until it's FULLY underneath the walkway, and don't run at all! When you reach the part with the lower platform with chests, stand just past the second serpent and use the Galecrest to jump down. You'll move a bit, but then fall down to the chests, which contain a Power Boost and a Gimel Coin. Grab them, then head to the exit of the room. Now you'll be in the room I told you to ignore earlier, except on top. To reach the jump pad on the other side, walk over to the edge, face the jump-pad, and use the Galecrest to descend down. Use the jump pad to hop up, then walk through the door. Save your game, and ascend the steps. The mighty Asgard will be your next opponent, but be warned... the fight ahead is long and EXTREMELY difficult. If you haven't already, go and get the Holy Grail from Millenium Puzzle 5. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
25000 | 14000 | 16000 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Barrier Knuckle (physical attack to one) Barrier Storm (non-elemental damage to entire party) Barrier Flood (halves entire team's HP) Wide Barrier (kills entire party instantly) |
How To Win:
Gaining EXP for everyone in this fight isn't as important as ending the battle as soon as possible, so concentrate on doing just that. Set up Clive with the Finest Arts and Fallen Ward skills, then have everyone boost his FP with Mini Carrots while he attacks for a few turns. Depending on Clive's bullet count, it could take a few turns before his ammo runs out, but when it does, perform Finest Arts to win the battle. Of course, it's very possible to do this battle WITHOUT Finest Arts, but it's much more dangerous. Equip Fallen Ward on as many people as you can, and cast Fragile on Asgard and Extension + Valiant, and let the damage pile up a bit. He'll most likely use Wide Barrier on the first turn, and follow up with a series of attacks like Barrier Flood. Barrier Flood halves your HP, which is good since you've got Valiant equipped, but it's still important to Mystic a Potion Berry or summon Raftina should your HP plummet too low. Asgard is capable of doing up to 1000 damage with Barrier Storm, so beware! This is a very tough fight, but do not worry about who lives at the end of the fight; as long as one person makes it out alive, you'll be fine. We can make up for the EXP later. |
Upon completion of Demondor Pillar, your party feels a major tremor. Another pillar? It's coming from the direction of Humphrey's Peak! |
Parting and a Reunion
Teleport or fly over to Humphrey's Peak, then enter and watch the resulting scene. Talk to Datson and ASK about the situation, then walk over to Clive's house to talk to him. In a rather shocking turn of events, Clive informs you that he's leaving your team!
We still have a job to do though, but it will be much harder without Clive's strength. Regardless of whether or not Clive is coming along, we have to get to that pillar, because those pillars don't destroy themselves! Head out to the World Map.
Humphrey's Peak - Demondor Pillar Rear
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Baphomet | 1730 | 268 | 280 | NONE | DARK | EARTH, LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Earth Figure | 1300 | 200 | 220 | THUNDER | NONE | WIND | NONE | EARTH |
Strategy: Skipping encounters along the long route to Demondor Pillar - Rear might be a wise idea. You see, the Earth Figure is a standard-fare enemy that can easily be taken out by summoning Fengalon, but Baphomets are difficult to defeat. They begin the battle with Reflect, a stat bonus for MGR, and Status Lock. Therefore, casting Spectre will only result in you hurting yourself. A Stare Roe summon will get through, but it might be best to save your MTC for the dungeon ahead. |
First, fly Lombardia to co-ordinates X: 20034 Y: 7813 and land on the lower ledge. It's quite a trip to Demondor Pillar - Rear, so call your horses and then ride east across the path that follows the mountain walls. When you reach the end, ride north to about X: 24589 Y: 10592 and search to find the Demondor Pillar - Rear. |
Demondor Pillar - Rear
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Radiant Black | 1320 | 210 | 230 | NONE | LIGHT | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Radiant Bronze | 1320 | 210 | 230 | NONE | LIGHT | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Radiant Silver | 1320 | 210 | 230 | NONE | LIGHT | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Strategy: All three types of Radiants are nearly identical in every way. They have the same HP, EXP, Gella, weakness and so on, as well as a non-elemental attack. The differences come in their defensive capabilities. Each Radiant has a different ability that they use to increase the statistics of all of the enemies on the battlefield for several turns; Bronze increases defense, Silver increases speed, and Black raises Magic Resistance. The best way to take them down is to simply cast Dark Matter or summon Luceid while attacking. Mind you, it will take a few castings of Dark Matter to win the battle if their MGR is boosted. |
Relax... it's not like Clive will be gone forever. 8)
From the start, head north a room. There are two pathways here, but you can't take the one behind the cracked horns, so toss a Changecrest at the white gem and enter new door. The next room features a series of living pillars that can be cut down to size with the Boomerang. The pillars are made up of segments, and what you have to do to clear this room is head to the eastern side of the room and stand south of the pillars, then toss the Boomerang straight north so that it hits the north wall. Next, jump onto the severed pillars with the Radical Sneakers and then up again to the ledge above. Head through the next room, and then save your game. Walk into the completely obvious trap; there's no avoiding it. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
20000 | 25000 | 18000 | NONE | NONE | LIGHT | NONE | DARK | |
Boss' Attacks: Crack Tremor (earth elemental damage to all) Storm Blade (wind elemental damage to all) Volcannon Trap (fire elemental damage to all) Maelstrom (water elemental damage to all) |
How To Win:
Knowing this, set your elemental ward skills up as high as you can for Fire, Wind, Earth and Water, and choose the attacks that will deal the least damage to you. Meanwhile, use Spectre with Gallows with the Weakness skill for a solid 4000 damage a turn, and have the others attack or cast Feeble Mind to attempt to lower his MGR. As long as you choose the least debilitating elemental attacks each turn, this battle is incredibly easy. Also, if you don't mind Clive missing out on a lot of EXP, try this. If you've been following my walkthrough, you should have enough Earth and Fire Rings from the Cradle of the Metal God to easily set Earth and Fire Ward to full for every character. Do this, and simply choose either to be "burned to death in agony" or "swallowed up by the earth" while defending every turn. With the Wards equipped, you'll never take damage, plus you'll gain a .1 experience multiplier for each character every turn. Keep this up for a total of 99 turns (it takes a while), and you'll walk out of this battle with 250000 EXP! |
Revive Fruit Lucky Card Potion Berry 25000 Gella Gella Card Adventure 8 Prism Crown Gimel Coin |
The next scene is a perfect example of how uplifting and moving the story of Wild ARMs 3 can be. It's also one of the most lovely and touching scenes in the game. I won't tell you what happens, but I will tell you that Clive runs to Demondor Pillar - Rear and arrives at the entrance. You'll now control Clive as well as the other team members, but now they are in separate "parties", so you'll have to switch between them over and over again to finally reunite the team. It's a little confusing, so follow the steps below.
Seek Not Lolithia
If you've been paying attention to the story, you'll notice that Jet, Clive and Gallows have all gone through their "realization" dungeons. That just leaves Virginia then. Head to Boot Hill and examine Ekatrina's grave to find a letter from her father, which points out the co-ordinates to the next dungeon. Heal up by staying at Virginia's place first!
Boot Hill - Mimir's Well
Fly Lombardia to co-ordinates X: 441 Y: 19469, and Mimir's Well will appear. This dungeon is the easiest dungeon in the game, unless you choose to grab the chests along the way. What do I mean, you ask? Enter and find out. |
Mimir's Well
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Gamygym | 1850 | 295 | 320 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE |
Imitator | 350 | 180 | 100 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Jammer Imp | 1390 | 220 | 250 | DARK | NONE | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Land Lamprey | 1800 | 210 | 256 | NONE | NONE | NONE | WATER, LIGHTNING | NONE |
Strategy: Land Lamphrey is the enemy to watch for here, especially when it appears with the Jammer Imp enemy. Take down Jammer Imps with Stare Roe ASAP, or it will use Thunder Zone or Water Zone to give Land Lamprey's already powerful attacks an even bigger boost. Lamprey attacks with Hydro Launcher and Current Spark, and possesses no weaknesses, so he must also be killed as quickly as possible. Fighting them is beneficial though; they drop Water and Thunder Rings! |
Name Tag X 3 30000 Gella Duplicator Migrant Seal Adventure Book 9 Tiny Flower Holy Root Full Carrot Full Libra |
The first time you enter Mimir's Well, a long cutscene will play. Afterwards, your party will appear back in Boot Hill. But that's no fun, is it? There's more to the dungeon than just the cutscene, so get back over there! Head inside, and this time, you'll be able to open up all those Duplicator Doors you saw earlier! Providing you have enough keys, of course. From the start, head north a room. Take the first door to the east, and head inside for a chest containing a Name Tag X 3. Exit the room, then head north some more and take another side door to a chest containing 30000 Gella. The next few treasures are found behind Duplicator doors, and they all feature complicated block-pushing puzzles. I'm not great at describing these puzzles, so I've enlisted the help of Dr. Poo, the author of the Mimir's Well Puzzles FAQ. The information on the puzzles is his, not mine, so if you find his solutions helpful, please write to him and thank him for his fine work. 8) Now that the block pushing fiasco is over, we can move on. Head towards the terminal and enter "TOMORROW" as the password (in all caps) to open the door, then head inside and open the chests for a Full Carrot and a Full Libra.Now you're done! Unless you feel like fighting the optional boss. If you choose to fight the optional boss (and I highly recommend you do), head back to the control panel and enter the password "emeth" in all lowercase letters. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
22000 | 27000 | 30000 | NONE | ICE | FIRE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Freezing Zone (doubles damage dealt by ice attacks for 3 to 5 turns), Cold Sleep (deals ice damage and causes sleep to one target), Cocytus (deals ice damage to the entire party), | ||||||||
How To Win:Lolithia is hardly the beast she once was in WA1, but she's still not a pushover. If you gathered Ice Rings from Cradle of the Metal God, then this fight should be no problem; just keep attacking until you emerge victorious, casting Status Lock on your teammates to block out the Sleep status caused by Cold Sleep. If not, then the battle will be a little tougher, but it's still nothing to worry about. Use Status Lock to block out the Sleep status, and attack with Valianted characters. You'll win fairly quickly. |
Now that Mimir's Well is complete, there's only one thing left to do. Return to Baskar Village and plan for the final offensive. The end of the game is nigh! |
The Last Dance In the Castle of Dreams
Nightmare Castle is the final dungeon of the game. The battles ahead will be arduous and difficult, but there are a few things you can do beforehand to even the odds a bit. They are as follows:
Visit Baskar Village and watch the scene that plays. The final dungeon is impossible to find on the World Map, but that's because it's actually OUTSIDE of Filgaia. To get there, we're going to have to find an alternate way.
Head to the Sacrificial Altar, but upon entering the dungeon, don't go through the door right in front of you; instead, walk around the dungeon, take the stairs up, and walk through the door on top. Watch the scene that plays, and you'll teleport to the final dungeon: Nightmare Castle. In addition, Shane will give you the Exodus Orb, an item which allows you to instantly teleport back to the entrance of the dungeon. You'll need this later.
NOTE: If you need healing or saving or just need to get the hell out of Nightmare Castle, return to the entrance door and press X to head back to the Altar. There, speak with Shane for free healing and saving, and speak with Halle to head back to the Castle for another try.
Nightmare Castle
Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
Cyclops | 6000 | 950 | 1200 | NONE | NONE | DARK | NONE | NONE |
Devonova | 6400 | 1000 | 1200 | WIND | NONE | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Doomsday | 20000 | 1000 | 2000 | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Doppelganger | 1600 | 240 | 260 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Kelanio | 1500 | 230 | 250 | NONE | WIND | EARTH | NONE | NONE |
Necromancer | 6120 | 870 | 950 | EARTH, WATER, WIND, THUNDER, ICE | DARK | LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Sammael | 6500 | 910 | 1300 | DARK | NONE | ICE, LIGHT | NONE | NONE |
Stealth Stalker | 1200 | 220 | 240 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Sun Flayer | 2900 | 460 | 500 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE |
Toy Soldier | 2000 | 300 | 360 | NONE | NONE | THUNDER | NONE | NONE |
Will-o'-the-Wisp | 600 | 100 | 110 | NONE | NONE | DARK | NONE | LIGHT |
Strategy: Lots of different enemies await you in Nightmare Castle, and like it or not, you're probably going to have to fight off a few of them. Worry not though; I'm here to help!
Let's start with Necromancer. He can easily be defeated with the Requiem Arcana! Sammael the snake (or whatever it is) succumbs to Spectre spells, and if you see it with a group of Kelanio, you would be best to summon Stare Roe to kill them all at once! Kelanios are much like Aellos from before; they try and steal your items and inflict a few statuses on your characters, but they don't last too long from Arcana and plain old physical attacks. Toy Soldiers are somewhat dangerous. Not only do they counter everything you hit them with, but hitting them with their weakness with Inspire only results in a much stronger counterattack. Still, it's probably best to Inspire them just to kill them quicker. Sun Flayer begins the battle by casting Reflect on himself, but since he's not weak to any Arcana, just shoot him instead. When you encounter Will-o'-the-Wisp, summon Luceid to wipe them out as they appear in HUGE groups. To defeat a Devonova, use Fragile and Feeble Mind to weaken it to a more damageable level. The dangerous enemies are REALLY dangerous, however. Doomsday has 20000 HP to contend with and doesn't take very much damage at all. In addition, he's resistant to all Elements and he can use Kirlian Buster to lower your maximum HP! Use the Dark Luceid Arcana to defeat them before they get to use the Buster. Stealth Stalker is a rare enemy that cannot be hit by physical attacks; you must cast Arcana or use Lock On to hit them. Meanwhile, they cause instant death with their attacks, or choose to run away. Cyclops is a rare encounter, but a very dangerous one. DO NOT ATTACK HIM; put Fallen Ward on your character with Dark elemental Arcana and cast Dark Matter on Cyclops. Finally, there's the Doppelganger enemies. On the first turn, they will use Install Data to acquire the appearance, Arcana and stats of your team members. Fighting them is just like fighting yourself! |
Head through the first hallway into a wide open room.
This is the main room of Nightmare Castle. Here, the path splits off into 7 paths, with an evil Anti-Guardian boss called a Disaster (WA2 reference!) at the end of each. To get to the final boss, simply head north... HOWEVER, this is NOT recommended. You see, the boss that you must fight before Beatrice draws its power from the other 6 disasters. Meaning, if you do not destroy the 6 primary disasters first, the 7th one will have access to the other's powers and will attack you with heavy elemental damage 7 times a turn. The best way to do this is to just complete all the sections of the castle. Not only are the individual sections rather fun to try and get through, but the bosses at the end are fairly easy, and they make the big battle that much more manageable. Each section of the castle (Wind, Light, Water, Fire, Moon, Earth) features 6 rooms; 3 simple hallways, 2 puzzles and a boss room. The boss is always a Disaster, which has the following stats: Each boss has various weaknesses, and they will be covered in the individual sections. Defeating a Disaster is incredibly straightforward. Each Disaster has 2 attacks; a normal physical attack called Wings of Death and a summon attack. The summon attacks are identical to your Summon attacks, and each Disaster uses the summon that is relative to the Medium they represent (for example, Disaster Wind can use High-Speed Ripper). Retaliate with the usual; Arcana that the Disaster is weak to, Fragile and Feeble Mind, Finest Arts, and what have you. Equip your characters with the appropriate elemental protection, and you'll be fine. Once you complete a room, use the Exodus Orb to leave Nightmare Castle, then rest up and save at the Sacrificial Altar. When you are ready, return to try another Disaster.
If you have full Elemental protection from everyone, you may go on ahead and skip this section. If you don't have full Elemental protection or you feel like doing the individual sections, then please click a link below.
Disaster Wind
Walk through the next hallway, and another maze will greet you. This time, take the north door, then the northeast, and finally the west again. Walk through another hallway to the boss. The boss at the end is Disaster Wind. He's weak to Earth and Water, and resistant to Wind and Thunder. Wind protection will make this fight rather easy, so up your Wind Ward skills and use Pressure or Petrify to hit him with his weakness. When you win, use the Exodus Orb to leave the castle, then rest up and save. When you are ready, return to try another Disaster.
Disaster Light / Disaster Water / Disaster Fire / Disaster Moon / Disaster Earth
Disaster Light
As time goes by, the demons descend to benumb the humans and Elws with their cold power. The demons used the dragons to devastate the planet, causing grief to many. A man comes forth seeking change. Entrusted by the people, he becomes an advocate of the future.
Disaster Water
After another hallway, you'll reach an even harder variation of the puzzle. First, you'll have to Changecrest across to reach the platform (hit the white gem). Anyways, this time, the snake branches off into fake paths. Take the north one at the first branching point and the west one the second point. When you approach the end, you will have to toss a Changecrest at the gem near the exit. Disaster Water awaits you, and he's weak to Thunder and Fire, and resistant to Ice and Water. Water protection will make this fight rather easy, so up your Water Ward skills and use Inspire or Cremate to hit him with his weakness. When you win, use the Exodus Orb to leave the castle, then rest up and save. When you are ready, return to try another Disaster.
Disaster Fire / Disaster Moon / Disaster Earth / Disaster Wind / Disaster Light
Disaster Fire
Wakl through the next hallway, where another puzzle awaits. Our team is going to have to work together for this one!
Disaster Moon
The boss at the end is Disaster Moon. He's weak to Light, and resistant to Dark. Since he attacks with Merciless Queen, Dark Ward really has no use. Just cast Extend + Valiant and shoot him and Spectre him until he is destroyed. When you win, use the Exodus Orb to leave the castle, then rest up and save. When you are ready, return to try another Disaster.
Disaster Earth / Disaster Wind / Disaster Light / Disaster Water / Disaster Fire
Disaster Earth
![]() Walk through the next hallway, and another block pushing puzzle will be waiting for you.
![]() The boss at the end is Disaster Earth. He's weak to Wind, and resistant to Earth and Thunder. Earth protection will make this fight rather easy, so up your Earth Ward skills and use Vortex to hit him with his weakness. When you win, use the Exodus Orb to leave the castle, then rest up and save. When you are ready, return to try another Disaster.
Disaster Wind / Disaster Light / Disaster Water / Disaster Fire / Disaster Moon
Disaster Luck and Tiamat
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
36000 | 30000 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Final Disaster (uses all 7 summon spells relative to the Disaster bosses on your entire party. If you defeated the Disaster relative to the element, that attack is not used. For example, defeating Disaster Fire blocks out Vapor Blast. The exception to this rule is Luck; you will be hit by Unlucky Shot every turn) | ||||||||
How To Win:Willkommen, Grauswein! If you defeated all of the Disasters prior to this fight, you'll find Tiamat quite easy. His only attack will be Unlucky Shot, and it has the same effects as it did last fight. Of course, it's still fairly significant damage, so heal with a Mysticed Potion Berry if HP gets below 400. Recast Extension + Valiant when it wears out and use Gatling or Finest Arts to end this battle as soon as you can. Of course, if you DIDN'T kill the Disasters, prepare to die slowly and extremely painfully as Tiamat hits your entire party with Hi-Speed Ripper, Merciless Queen, Augoeides, Planet Breaker, Assault Tide, Vapor Blast and Unlucky Shot every turn. You can Elemental Ward 5 of these attacks, but the other two will always hit, so you'll have to heal every now and then. Of course, if you equip all the elemental wards necessary (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light) and allow Tiamat to go on for 20 combat rounds, the multiplier will go up to 10.0 and you'll receive 300000 EXP for your troubles. However, this takes a VERY long time, and there's actually a way to get that much EXP much faster, so it's really up to you. |
Now head back to the Sacrificial Altar and save and heal. The last boss awaits you a couple of rooms north of where you battled Tiamat.
Before you battle the final boss, you might want to acquire the following, if you haven't already:
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Feeble Mind (halves your entire team's MGR for 3 to 5 turns), Dark Matter (deals dark-elemental magic damage to all team members), Nightmare (deals non-elemental magic damage to your party and causes Sleep status), | ||||||||
How To Win:Beatrice isn't much of a fight if you've come prepared. Set up your personal skills so that you are fully protected from Dark elemental attacks and Sleep status, and you've practically won the battle. Her Dark Matter won't do any damage, and her Nightmare attack will still hurt you, but the most annoying aspect of it (the Sleep status) will be gone. Failing this, try Mysticing a Dark Ring and casting Extension + Status Lock and then using Extension + Permanence to keep the good statuses on and the bad statuses off. Meanwhile, just unload everything you have on her. Shoot, Gatling, Finest Arts.. whatever works best. Summon Raftina to heal if you need to. You can get free healing after this battle, so don't worry about using MTC or anything. |
After defeating Beatrice, she gets away, but not before setting a self-destruct sequence on Nightmare Castle! You have 10 seconds to escape. There's no way to do this in time, so USE THE EXODUS ORB!
You'll be back on the World Map, but things have changed a bit. There are no enemy encounters, no saving, no music.. and everyone is acting a bit strange. Talk to the people in various towns if you'd like for some interesting dialogue, and if you feel like buying stuff off Roykman, he can still be found. Rest at Baskar Village to restore your HP, VIT and MTC to full, and when you are ready, head to the Ark of Destiny to begin the long stretch of final boss fights. After a long scene (the song is called Living, Loving and Fighting, by the way), Beatrice attacks your party again. She hasn't been gone too long, and thus wasn't able to formulate a more effective attack plan, so you have little to worry about. |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
18000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Feeble Mind (halves your entire team's MGR for 3 to 5 turns), Dark Matter (deals dark-elemental magic damage to all team members), Nightmare (deals non-elemental magic damage to your party and causes Sleep status), | ||||||||
How To Win:This is identical to the first Beatrice fight, except this time, she has LESS HP. Beatrice isn't much of a fight if you've come prepared. Set up your personal skills so that you are fully protected from Dark elemental attacks and Sleep status, and you've practically won the battle. Her Dark Matter won't do any damage, and her Nightmare attack will still hurt you, but the most annoying aspect of it (the Sleep status) will be gone. Failing this, try Mysticing a Dark Ring and casting Extension + Status Lock and then using Extension + Permanence to keep the good statuses on and the bad statuses off. Meanwhile, just unload everything you have on her. Shoot, Gatling, Finest Arts.. whatever works best. Summon Raftina to heal if you need to. |
The final 10 boss fights are against Nega Filgaia, and the basic idea here is that you fight it first in a larval stage, and every time you "kill" it, it evolves into a stronger boss. The problem is, all of the fights are sequenced together, so there's no healing in-between.
The fights themselves are quite interesting, as each one has a radically different way of fighting you. In return, you'll have to use your Mediums and your Arcana to their full potential to win. Some of the forms are hard, and some of them are ridiculously easy, but the bottom line is that they are all fun. Though it may seem to drag on quite a bit, the final battle in Wild ARMs 3 is quite a lot of fun, and there's plenty of good boss themes to listen to. So crank up the volume and get set for the fight of your life! FYI, nearly every form has a Full Carrot that you can Pickpocket off of it. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - First Form |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Dreaming (does nothing), Count Counter (used at the end of turn; any character who targeted Nega Filgaia with an attack or an Arcana has that attack or Arcana back against them. Includes status-altering Arcana such as Fragile), Nega Filgaia splits into two! (creates a red-coloured clone of Nega Filgaia. Used only after Nega Filgaia has taken over 4000 damage. Stats of Nega Filgaia red are the same. Can be used only if a red Nega Filgaia is not present on the battlefield, and the red Nega Filgaia can only split into a blue one if there is no blue Nega Filgaia on the battlefield), | ||||||||
How To Win:If you have the Comet Mark equipped, then you stand a very good chance of defeating this boss in the first round of combat. However, this is not a wise idea! You see, the first form of Nega Filgaia is docile and will never actually attack your team members! Should you attack it, it will strike back at the end of the turn with whatever you used on it. So take my advice and don't do ANYTHING to it yet! Instead, have Gallows Extend a Permanence spell, and then begin loading every positive status you have on each of your team members, using Mini Carrots on Gallows to allow him to Extension the spells, making your job go a lot quicker! Give Valiant to Gallows and Virginia and Hyper to Clive and Jet if you're confused on what to choose. The beauty part of this is... since all the fights are one long sequence, these status pluses will last for every form of Nega Filgaia! After you're all done with that (REMEMBER TO SET YOUR PERSONAL SKILLS BACK UP THE RIGHT WAY!), begin your assault. You may not kill it on the first turn unless you are using the Comet Mark, but it certainly will not last a second turn. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Second Form |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
18000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Tranquilizer (paralyzes target), Reset (resets battle, used on 6th turn) | ||||||||
How To Win:The objective here is to kill the boss within six turns. If you fail to do so, he simply resets the battle. In the meantime, he will attack with Tranquilizer, but if you used the trick I mentioned in the first fight, Tranquilizer will NEVER work! Meanwhile, you can attack at your leisure, knowing full well that with the Comet Mark equipped, you will easily defeat this boss in time. Without the Comet Mark, it is a good idea to have someone cast Replay on Clive every turn so that your most powerful attacker hits twice! Save your FP for later fights. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Third Form |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Slimy Touch (physical attack to one), The core is exposed! (used at end of turn; Nega Filgaia can take damage) | ||||||||
How To Win:Due to this boss's liquid body, bullets pass through it, but so does Arcana. The only way to hit this form is to wait until it exposes its core... but it doesn't do that until the end of turn! Never fear! Have Clive attack every turn, even though he won't hit, and have someone cast Replay on him every turn. This will cause him to replay his action AT THE END OF THE TURN, which hits the core. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Fourth Form X 4 |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
5800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
5800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
5800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
5800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
Boss' Attacks: Critical Heal (full HP restoration to all enemies), Rock Gazer (earth elemental magic damage to one target), Hydro Launcher (water elemental magic damage to one target), Sky Twister (wind elemental magic damage to one target), Caloric Sphere (fire elemental magic damage to one target), Current Spark (thunder elemental magic damage to one target), Arctic Lance (ice elemental magic damage to one target), Bright Blast (light elemental magic damage to one target), Screaming Mad (dark elemental magic damage to one target), | ||||||||
How To Win:This is difficult to explain, so here goes nothing! This boss consists of 4 reptile-like creatures, each one with 5800 HP and access to various elemental attacks. When damaged by physical attacks, they use Critical Heal. If hit by elemental Arcana, they switch weaknesses to that element and begin using attacks of the opposite Element.
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Fifth Form X 2 |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
8000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
8000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | VARIES | VARIES | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia A's Attacks: Hyper (doubles attack power of all enemies, used during first turn), Stampede (physical damage to one target) | ||||||||
Nega Filgaia B's Attacks: Fragile (halves defense of entire team, used during first turn), Critical Heal (fully restores HP of all enemies) | ||||||||
How To Win:There's not a whole lot to this fight, really. The one on the left will always cast Hyper on the first turn, and should Hyper run out, he'll recast it. Same thing with the one on the right, except he uses Fragile. When they're not using status spells, the one on the right heals and the one on the left attacks. Both of them have permanent Reflect status, by the way. To win, just keep shooting the one on the right. You MUST kill it first, because it will use Critical Heal every turn. If you find yourself unable to deal enough damage to it before it heals, try using Gatling with Virginia and Jet to kill it before it gets a chance to heal. Better yet, Gatling it on the first combat round! |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Sixth Form |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
24000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia's Attacks: Crusher Joe (physical attack to one), Tear Outlet (non-elemental damage to all team members), Arcana Disaster (casts all 8 elemental attack Arcana once on random team members) | ||||||||
How To Win:This fight can be either tough or laughably easy depending on how you tackle it. Either way, you'll notice that this form is weak to every Element. However, each time he is hit with an Element, that Element will start doing normal damage. Hit him again with it, and it'll be reduced to half. Once more after that, and he'll gain immunity. This form seems to like messing up your team with Arcana Disaster, but you can turn the tables on it with an Extension + Reflect. Now, when he uses Arcana Disaster, he'll hit himself 8 times with various Arcana while you roll around on the floor and laugh your ass off! |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Seventh Form |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
28000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia's Attacks: Mighty Swing (physical attack to one), Reset (resets battle, used on seventh turn) | ||||||||
How To Win:Very similar to the previous fight; it's weak to every element, but gets stronger against the elements each time it is hit with one of them. Simply cast each elemental Arcana on it once with your Arcana users, then just attack until it falls. Not much to it, really. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Eight Form + Spirit Servant X 2 |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
12000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia's Attacks: Ars Magna (dark-elemental magic damage to all team members), Blessing of the Planet's Life Force (revives both Spirit Servants; only used if both Spirit Servants are defeated) | ||||||||
Spirit Servant's Attacks: Dreaming (does nothing), Sacrifice (used as a counterattack to your physical attacks; takes the damage in place of Nega Filgaia if it is attacked), Hyperion Blaster (non-elemental magic damage to one target) | ||||||||
How To Win:Here's where things start to get tough. Equip everyone with full Dark elemental protection to block out the harmful Ars Magna attack. This form is rather tricky. You must defeat Nega Filgaia to win this battle, but every time you try and shoot at it, a Spirit Servant steps in and blocks the shot! To make matters worse, the left Spirit Servant is invulnerable to physical attacks, and the one on the right is impervious to Arcana! And to make matters even WORSE, if both Spirit Servants are destroyed, Nega Filgaia revives both of them at full HP! So how do you win? The best way to defeat this form is to first kill the Spirit Servant on the right. On the turn after that, switch the turn order so that Gallows goes first, then Virginia, then Clive and Jet. Have Gallows and Virginia use Arcana on the left Spirit Servant, and then Shoot or Gatling Nega Filgaia while it sits there helpless. Once it revives its Servants, repeat the process. With 4 Dark Wards, you'll live through the whole fight with nary a scratch. |
Boss Battle: Nega Filgaia - Ninth Form + Messenger X 2 |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
13000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia's Attacks: Phatima's Miracle (light-elemental magic damage to all team members), Blessing of the Planet's Life Force (revives both Messengers; only used if both Spirit Servants are defeated) | ||||||||
Spirit Servant's Attacks: Dreaming (does nothing), Sacrifice (used as a counterattack to your physical attacks; takes the damage in place of Nega Filgaia if it is attacked), Hyperion Blaster (non-elemental magic damage to one target) | ||||||||
How To Win:This fight is nearly identical to the last, except for a few things. Switch your elemental wards so that you block out Light elemental damage, because Phatima's Miracle deals light-elemental damage rather than dark. Also, take note that the Messengers are no longer invincible to certain attacks, but they now have ridiculously high Defense. The best way to win this battle is through Finest Arts. On the first turn, focus on killing one of the Servants with Arcana. On the second, switch the turn order so that Gallows goes first, then Virginia. Have them use Arcana to kill the second one, and have the other two characters either attack or use Finest Arts. You might want to save Finest Arts for the next form, but if you have a Full Carrot, it won't matter anyhow. |
ABSOLUTE FINAL BATTLE: Nega Filgaia - Tenth Form + Oricoflagamus, Matricaria, Krukmer, Vanda |
Boss Name: | HP: | EXP: | Gella: | Halved: | Resistant: | Weakness: | Active: | Absorbed: |
30000 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | ALL | NONE | NONE | |
2800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
2800 | 0 | 0 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE | |
Nega Filgaia's Attacks:
How To Win:NOTE: If you are collecting EX File Keys, make sure you Pickpocket to get the one off of this form of the boss! This is a very deadly fight if you let it drag on. You see, the first four turns consist of Nega Filgaia growing tentacles to help aid it. Each tentacle gives it a parameter boost and immunity to certain elements, and the tentacle will begin to cast a powerful dual-elemental spell on you every turn. With full Elemental Wards, you'll be fine, but some of you might not be so lucky. Therefore, it's imperative you end this battle as soon as possible... because if you don't, Nega Filgaia will finish the cycle of growing tentacles and will begin to use Seyfert Microcosm, which you DON'T want to be hit by. If you've got a Full Carrot handy, use it to get someone up to 100 FP and take this thing down with one Finest Arts... if you can (it should do enough to kill it off). Failing that, make sure you kill a tentacle every turn so that it stays in the "growing" phase as long as possible. Refrain from using Arcana, and sneak in damage whenever you can. He's only got 30000 HP, so you should be able to outlast him. |
And that is that... you have now completed Wild ARMs 3! Of course, there are many sidequests to do; a lot of which revolve around the legendary EX File Key items!
Speaking of which, after the ending credits have rolled (enjoy them, the ending song "Wings" is very pleasant to the ears), an option will come up asking you to create an endgame file. Save an endgame file to a separate block on your Memory Card, and next time you start up the game, you can load that and use your EX File Keys to unlock some nice stuff. Of particular interest is the New Game EX option, which allows you to play through the game from the beginning with your Gella, Levels, MTC and any Sheriff Stars that you equipped or held onto. By playing through the game 4 times, you can rack up 4 Sheriff Stars! If you want to, that is. 8P
Enjoy the ending, then take a look at the sidequests and secrets the game has to offer. Maybe some of them will interest you! Take a look around the shrine a bit more to decide what you want to do, and then give the sidequests you're interested in a shot. Enjoy the game to its fullest, because Wild ARMs 3 has a lot to offer and delivers so much fun. Heck, play through the game again sometime and watch how much better you'll be at it! Perhaps you'll begin to see why it's my favourite RPG of all time.