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Crop and Terrain Basics

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Naturally, you'll be growing crops on your farm. In Light of Hope, you can grow crops in other areas outside of your farm too! Crops can be grown all year long, and the same crop seeds can be planted in every season: Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The crops will grow better in specific seasons, but they can be grown in any season.

Jeanne will give you a watering can, hoe, and cabbage seeds when you first start on your farm. She'll also show you how to till the soil on your farm, plant seeds, and then water the seeds to make the seeds sprout and grow into crops you can harvest. You don't have to water your seeds on rainy or snowy days.


Buying Seeds for Planting

New seeds will be for sale as you proceed through the game. Sam sells crop seeds and Carol sells flower seeds.

Sam's shop is open Monday through Saturday from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Sam's location will change depending on the day of the week, so check your in-game map to see if he's either in Beacon Town, on your farm, or in the Mountain area.
Carol's shop is also open Monday through Saturday, but she stays in Beacon Town and doesn't move around like Sam does. Her hours are from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
The basic level of seeds unlock naturally as you restore the lighthouse, while the hybrid seeds unlock as you sell a certain number of harvests (10, 20, or 30). Selling crops to unlock their seeds can be done either by shipping the crops in your shipping bin or selling them directly to Sam (crops) or Carol (flowers).

When going to buy seeds from Sam or Carol, the seed review screen will tell you the preferred season the crop grows in, the type of terrain it likes, how many days it will take for the crop to mature, and if the crop can be harvested more than once. A bag of seeds will plant one crop in your tilled soil. If you want to plant 9 crops, you've to buy 9 bags of seeds.


Terrain Types 

There are four types of terrain you can plant crops in. Different terrain are in different areas of Beacon Island. A terrain will not change from one type to another.


Grassy Mixed Dry Swampy


  1. Grassy: This soil can be found everywhere on your farm on both sides of the bridges.
  2. Mixed: A combination of dry and grassy soil found in the mountain area just north of your farm. It is also on the cliff area above Sofia's Livestock shop.
  3. Dry: At the top of the mountain above the Goddess' Spring, by Edmond's house.
  4. Swamp: Found in the southwest corner of the island. You'll need to repair some bridges after you complete the main storyline to reach these areas.

Picking the terrain to grow your crops in won't affect growth rate, but it can affect the chance of triggering a crop mutation. These new types of crops grow from basic seeds and can be used for cooking recipes, making fertilizer, completing villager requests, or selling for more profit (though in general, mining is more profitable than farming).

Terrain will not change from one type to another based on environmental factors; rainy days will not turn grassy terrain into swampy terrain.

To plant a seed, simply use your hoe on the terrain of choice, then press the action button to till the terrain. If you have upgraded your hoe at Gus' blacksmith shop, hold down the action button to power up and extend the range of terrain you're impacting. Then simply move your cursor over to the freshly-tilled area and press the action button again to select the seed you want to plant. Again, you can hold down the action button to spread the seeds in a 3x3 range.


Plant Health

Technically, the plants will grow without daily watering, but NOT watering your plants will negatively affect the plants' health. You can get a general idea of how healthy your plants are by standing next to the plant. A thought-bubble will appear, with a background color based on the crop's health level:

Poor Okay Great



The higher the crop's health, the better the chance of it surviving bad weather storms and possibly mutating into a new type of crop if grown on the right terrain and in the right season. Poor health crops have a greater chance of wilting the next morning. If your crop's health is poor, you can spruce it up by applying fertilizer. You can add fertilizer once per day after you water the plants. Fertilizer can be purchased from Carol's flower shop or manufactured at the Fertilizer Bin on your farm. There are two other Fertilizer Bins on the island, which are both connected to the main one on your farm for storage purposes.

Plants that are healthy can also live through the season change.



 When the right conditions are met, crops can transform into new crops when they're ready to be picked. The plant's chances of mutating depends on the crop's health, the season, and the terrain. Crops that regrow (corn, green peppers, etc.) that do mutate will continue to produce the mutated crop, while one-time harvested crops (tomato, celery, etc.) will have to be planted after harvest for the mutation to possibly trigger again.

When a mutation triggers, the crop or flower will visibly be different than the crops around it. The farming friend thought bubble will display a "?" crop icon if you've never harvested that particular crop mutation before.

The parent crop that triggers the mutation might need to be planted in a season it doesn't like. For example, growing Strawberry during Winter can result in the crop changing into White Berry, but Strawberry is very unhappy when forced to grow during the harsh snowy weather. This is why daily use of Fertilizer is very important in this instance, so the Strawberry will survive long enough for harvest and possibly mutate into White Berry.

After you sell a specific number of mutations to the shipping bin, Sam (for crops), or Carol (for flowers), the seed vendors will being to sell the seeds for that mutation. Many of the second-generation crops can mutate into third-generation mutations. Mutating a mutated crop typically require more stringent criteria to trigger the mutation such as high crop health and specialty fertilizer.

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Crop Mutations

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There are 17 varieties of crops that can mutate into new versions of themselves for a total of 172 crops: 81 crops and 81 great versions of the same crops. Some crops will trigger a mutation with very little effort on your part, but some others only mutate from already-mutated crops plus utilizing crop-specific fertilizer. Adding fertilizer will also help the crop to survivie storms and possibly mutate into great-quality crops during specific seasons or terrain conditions.

If the crop you're trying to mutate requires a special fertilizer, it must be applied at least once while the crop is growing. The mutation-triggering fertilizer doesn't need to be applied every day.

For crops that can be harvested multiple times (strawberry, corn, green pepper, hot pepper, squash, blueberry, watermelon, and asparagus), once the crop mutates into a new variety it will continue to produce the mutated crop. Regrowable crops have the chance to mutate each time they produce harvestable goods during the season they can mutate. For example, a Blueberry grown on swampy terrain during Winter (after using Berry Blend before the plant matures) might give Blueberry at first but then change to Cranberry the next time you harvest.

Crops that can be reharvested can also survive the season change if their health is high enough at the start of the new season. The Blueberry and Cranberry example from above can continue to produce well into Spring, though the Blueberry won't possibly mutate into Cranberry anymore.

Bastian will buy your grown crops for more than what you can earn from selling directly to Sam or placing in your shipping bin.

Thanks to Mugetsukitoma for a lot of the details on great-quality crop requirements!


Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 1st Tablet 20 G 4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Red Cabbage
Mutation of Cabbage on grassy terrain during Spring Sell 30
30 G
4 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Huge Cabbage
Mutation of Cabbage on grassy terrain during Spring using Cabbage Fertilizer Sell 20
110 G
8 Days Normal: 260 G
Bastian: 390 G
Normal: 390 G
Bastian: 585 G

Green Cabbage
Mutation of Red Cabbage on swampy terrain during Spring Sell 20
120 G
6 Days Normal: 250 G
Bastian: 375 G

Dome Cabbage
Mutation of Huge Cabbage on grassy terrain during Winter using Cabbage Fertilizer Sell ?
? G
? Days Normal: 590 G
Bastian: 885 G


Note: When trying to grow Huge Cabbage on your farm, you'll receive both Red Cabbage and Huge Cabbage at harvest time since the parameter difference between the mutations is the use of Cabbage Fertilizer. The mutation from Red Cabbage to Green Cabbage is very uncommon. For example, In my game out of 72 planted Red Cabbage only 4 mutated into Green Cabbage at harvest time.

Great Cabbage: any terrain during spring
Great Red Cabbage: any terrain during spring
Great Huge Cabbage: any terrain during spring
Great Green Cabbage: any terrain during spring
Great Dome Cabbage: grassy terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 1st Tablet 20 G 6 Days Normal: 70 G
Bastian: 105 G
Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G

White Celery
Mutation of Celery on any terrain during Winter Sell 10
40 G
6 Days Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Mystic Herb
Mutation of Celery on grassy terrain during Summer using Celery Fertilizer Sell 20
80 G
8 Days Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 270 G
Normal: 270 G
Bastian: 409 G

Royal Herb
Mutation of White Celery on mixed terrain during Winter using Celery Fertilizer Sell 30
260 G
8 Days Normal: 580 G
Bastian: 870 G

Great Celery: any terrain during spring
Great White Celery: any terrain during winter
Great Mystic Herb: grassy terrain during summer
Great Royal Herb: mixed terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 1st Tablet 30 G 6 Days Normal: 70 G
Bastian: 105 G
Normal: 105 G
Bastian: 165 G

Mutation of Onion on grassy or dry terrain during Spring Sell 10
40 G
6 Days Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Petite Onion
Mutation of Scallion on dry terrain during Spring Sell 20
90 G
4 Days Normal: 190 G
Bastian: 285 G
Normal: 290 G
Bastian: 435 G

Pearl Onion
Mutation of Petite Onion on grassy terrain during Fall Sell 20
180 G
8 Days Normal: 390 G
Bastian: 585 G
Normal: 590 G
Bastian: 885 G

Red Onion
Mutation of Scallion on grassy terrain during Summer using Onion Fertilizer Sell 30
180 G
8 Days Normal: 390 G
Bastian: 585 G
Normal: 590 G
Bastian: 885 G

Mutation of Red Onion on swampy terrain during Winter using Onion Fertilizer Sell ?
? G
? Days Normal: 570 G
Bastian: 855 G

Great Onion: mixed terrain during spring
Great Scallion: any terrain during spring
Great Petite Onion: dry terrain during spring
Great Pearl Onion: grassy terrain during fall
Great Red Onion: grassy terrain during summer
Great Teardrop: swampy terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 1st Tablet 20 G 8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

White Berry
Mutation of Strawberry on any terrain during Winter. Sell 10
30 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Angel Lantern
Mutation of White Berry on any terrain during Fall Sell 20
70 G
8 Days
Regrows in 4 Days
Normal: 140 G
Bastian: 210 G
Normal: 210 G
Bastian: 315 G

Magical Berry
Mutation of Angel Lantern on swampy terrain during Spring using Berry Fertilizer Sell 50
200 G G
12 Days
Regrows in 6 days
Normal: 430 G
Normal: 650 G
Bastian: 975 G

Princess' Eye
Mutation of Angel Lantern on mixed terrain during Summer using Berry Fertilizer Sell 50
260 G
12 Days
Regrows in 7 days
Normal: 570 G
Bastian: 855 G
Normal: 860 G
Bastian: 1290 G

Note: Strawberry doesn't like to grow during Winter, so you will want to use fertilize to keep the crop alive until it matures. Berry Fertilizer isn't required to trigger the White Berry mutation.

Great Strawberry: any terrain during spring
Great White Berry: any terrain during winter
Great Angel Lantern: any terrain during fall
Great Magical Berry: swampy terrain during spring
Great Princess' Eye: mixed terrain during summer



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 2nd Tablet 30 G 6 Days Normal: 70 G
Bastian: 105 G
Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G

San Marzano
Mutation of Tomato on dry terrain during Summer Sell 10
50 G
6 Days Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G
Normal: 170 G
Bastian: 255 G

Red Zeppelin
Mutation of San Marzano on grassy terrain during Spring using Tomato Fertilizer Sell 20
260 G
8 Days Normal: 590 G
Bastian: 885 G
Normal: 890 G
Bastian: 1335 G

Mutation of Tomato on any terrain during Winter using Tomato Fertilizer Sell ?
? G
? days Normal: 420 G
Bastian: 630 G
Killer Tomato Mutation of Crimson on dry terrain during Fall using Tomato Fertilizer Sell ?
? G
? days Normal:

Great Tomato: any terrain during summer
Great San Marzano: dry terrain during summer
Great Red Zeppelin: any terrain during spring
Great Crimson: any terrain during winter
Great Killer Tomato:


Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 2nd Tablet 20 G 6 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Fodder Corn
Mutation of Corn on any terrain during Summer Sell 10
20 G
6 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Sweet Corn
Mutation of Corn on any terrain during Summer Sell 20
30 G
8 Days
Regrows in 4 days
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Yellow Corn
Mutation of Sweet Corn on grassy terrain during Winter Sell 50
40 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Sunset Corn
Mutation of Fodder Corn on dry terrain during Fall using Corn Fertilizer Sell 50
60 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G
Normal: 180 G
Bastian: 270 G


Note: Both Fodder Corn and Sweet Corn will mutate from Corn during the Summer season without using any special fertilizer, with Fodder Corn appearing more often than Sweet Corn.

Great Corn: any terrain during summer
Great Fodder Corn: any terrain during summer
Great Yellow Corn: grassy terrain during winter
Great Sunset Corn: dry terrain during fall


Green Pepper

Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Green Pepper
Restore the 2nd Tablet 20 G 8 Days
Regrows in 3 days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Red Pepper
Mutation of Green Pepper on any terrain during Summer using Pepper Fertilizer Sell 10
30 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Orange Pepper
Mutation of Green Pepper on grassy terrain during Summer Sell 20
40 G
8 Days
Regrows in 4 days
Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Magic Pepper
Mutation of Orange Pepper on mixed terrain during Spring using Pepper Fertilizer Sell 20
120 G
10 Days
Regrows in 5 Days
Normal: 250 G
Bastian: 375 G
Normal: 380 G
Bastian: 570 G

Purple Pepper
Mutation of Red Pepper on dry terrain during Spring Sell 50
120 G
10 Days
Regrows in 5 Days
Normal: 205 G
Bastian: 375 G
Normal: 380 G
Bastian: 570 G

White Pepper
Mutation of Magic Pepper on grassy terrain during Winter Sell 50
100 G
8 Days
Regrows in 4 Days
Normal: 210 G
Bastian: 315 G

Golden Pepper
Mutation of Magic Pepper on swampy terrain during Summer using Pepper Fertilizer Sell 30
150 G
12 Days
Regrows in 6 Days
Bastian: 645 G
Bastian: 975 G

Great Green Pepper: any terrain during summer
Great Red Pepper: any terrain during summer
Great Orange Pepper: grassy terrain during summer
Great Magic Pepper: mixed terrain during spring
Great Purple Pepper: dry terrain during spring
Great White Pepper: grassy terrain during winter
Great Golden Pepper: swampy terrain during summer



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 2nd Tablet 20 G 4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Durum Wheat
Mutation of Wheat on mixed terrain during Summer Sell 10
20 G
4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Mutation of Wheat on grassy terrain during Fall Sell 20
30 G
6 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Mutation of Barley on dry terrain during Winter using Wheat Fertilizer Sell 30
60 G
4 Days Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G
Normal: 180 G
Bastian: 270 G

Great Wheat: grassy terrain during summer
Great Durum Wheat: mixed terrain during summer
Great Barley: any terrain during fall
Great Rye: dry terrain during winter


Hot Pepper

Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Hot Pepper
Restore the 3rd Tablet 20 G 6 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Mutation of Hot Pepper on mixed terrain during Fall Sell 10
20 G
6 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Mutation of Hot Pepper on grassy terrain during Spring Sell 20
20 G
6 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Dragon Pepper
Mutation of Jalepeno on any terrain during Winter using Pepper Fertilizer Sell 50
40 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G

Devil Pepper
Mutation of Habanero on any terrain during Summer using Pepper Fertilizer Sell 50
40 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Note: While you don't need to use Pepper Fertilizer to trigger the Hot Pepper -> Jalapeno mutation, you'll want to use some Fertilizer to help the Hot Pepper survive until harvest.

Great Hot Pepper: any terrain during fall
Great Habanero: mixed terrain during fall
Great Jalepeno: grassy terrain during spring
Great Dragon Pepper: any terrain during winter
Great Devil Pepper: any terrain during summer



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 3rd Tablet 20 G 4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Purple Potato
Mutation of Potato on mixed terrain during Winter using Potato Fertilizer Sell 10
30 G
5 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Giant Potato
Mutation of Potato on any terrain during Fall Sell 20
60 G
10 Days Normal: 130 G
Bastian: 195 G
Normal: 200 G
Bastian: 300 G

Black Potato
Mutation of Purple Potato on swampy terrain during Summer using Potato Fertilizer Sell 20
120 G
8 Days Normal: 250 G
Bastian: 375 G
Normal: 380 G
Bastian: 570 G

Titan Potato
Mutation of Black Potato on dry terrain during Winter using Potato Fertilizer Sell 30
? G
? Days Normal: 400 G
Bastian: 600 G

Note: Black Potato and Titan Potato have very similar icons, but Titan Potato is a little bit wider.

Great Potato: any terrain during fall
Great Purple Potato: mixed terrain during winter
Great Giant Potato: any terrain during fall
Great Black Potato: swampy terrain during summer
Great Titan Potato: dry terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 3rd Tablet 20 G 4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Baby Carrot
Mutation of Carrot on grassy terrain during Winter Sell 10
30 G
3 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Brown Carrot
Mutation of Carrot on swampy terrain during Summer Sell 20
40 G
5 Days Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

White Carrot
Mutation of Baby Carrot on grassy terrain during Winter using Carrot Fertilizer Sell 30
140 G
7 Days Normal: 300 G
Bastian: 450 G
Normal: 450 G
Bastian: 675 G

Mutation of Brown Carrot on dry terrain during Fall using Carrot Fertilizer Sell 30
140 G
7 Days Normal: 300 G
Bastian: 450 G
Normal: 450 G
Bastian: 675 G

Great Carrot: any terrain during fall
Great Baby Carrot: grassy terrain during winter
Great Brown Carrot: swampy terrain during summer
Great White Carrot: any terrain during winter
Great Mandrake: dry terrain during fall



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 3rd Tablet 20 G 9 Days
Regrows in 4 Days
Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Mutation of Pumpkin on swampy terrain during Summer Sell 10
30 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Mutation of Pumpkin on grassy terrain during Spring Sell 20
40 G
10 Days
Regrows in 5 Days
Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Giant Squash
Mutation of Squash on any terrain during Summer using Pumpkin Fertilizer Sell 20
530 G
24 Days
Regrows in 7 Days
Normal: 1340 G
Bastian: 2010 G
Normal: 2010 G
Bastian: 3015 G

Cream Pumpkin
Mutation of Squash on mixed or dry terrain during Winter Sell 50
190 G
12 Days
Regrows in 7 Days
Normal: 410 G
Bastian: 615 G
Normal: 620 G
Bastian: 930 G

Giant Pumpkin
Mutation of Giant Sqush on dry terrain during Fall using Pumpkin Fertilizer Sell ?
? G
18 Days
Regrows in ? Days
Normal: 900 G
Bastian: 1350 G
Normal: 1350 G
Bastian: 2025 G

Note: You can also win Giant Pumpkin seeds from the Advanced rank Cooking Festival

Great Pumpkin: swampy terrain during fall
Great Zucchini: swamy terrain during summer
Great Squash: grassy terrain during spring
Great Giant Squash: any terrain during summer
Great Cream Pumpkin: mixed terrain during winter
Great Giant Pumpkin:



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 4th Tablet 20 G 4 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Baby Spinach
Mutation of Spinach on swampy terrain during Winter using Spinach Fertilizer Sell 10
30 G
4 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Savoy Spinach
Mutation of Spinach on grassy terrain during Spring Sell 20
40 G
5 Days Normal: 80 G
Bastian: 120 G
Normal: 120 G
Bastian: 180 G

Lilac Spinach
Mutation of Savoy Spinach on swampy terrain during Fall Sell 30
80 G
6 Days Normal: 170 G
Bastian: 255 G
Normal: 260 G
Bastian: 390 G

Pink Spinach
Mutation of Baby Spinach on mixed terrain during Winter using Spinach Fertilizer Sell 30
140 G
7 Days Normal: 300 G
Bastian: 450 G
Normal: 450 G
Bastian: 675 G

Great Spinach:
Great Baby Spinach:
Great Savoy Spinach: grassy terrain during spring
Great Lilac Spinach: swamp terrain during fall
Great Pink Spinach: any terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 4th Tablet 20 G 5 Days Normal: 40 G
Bastian: 60 G
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G

Mutation of Broccoli on grassy terrain during Fall Sell 10
30 G
5 Days Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Mutation of Broccolini on any terrain during Winter using Broccoli Fertilizer Sell 20
190 G
9 Days Normal: 410 G
Bastian: 615 G
Normal: 620 G
Bastian: 930 G

Mutation of Broccolini on dry terrain during Summer Sell 30
190 G
10 Days Normal: 410 G
Bastian: 615 G
Normal: 620 G
Bastian: 930 G

Mutation of Romanesco on grassy terrain during Spring using Broccoli Fertilizer Sell 30
380 G
11 Days Normal: 870 G
Bastian: 1305 G
Normal: 1310 G
Bastian: 1965 G

Great Broccoli: any terrain during winter
Great Broccolini: any terrain during fall
Great Romanesco: any terrain during winter
Great Evergreen: dry terrain during summer
Great Dryad: grassy terrain during spring



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 5th Tablet 30 G 15 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 70 G
Bastian: 105 G
Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G

Mutation of Blueberry on swampy terrain during Winter using Berry Fertilizer Sell 10
50 G
12 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G
Normal: 170 G
Bastian: 255 G

Mutation of Cranberry on any terrain during Fall Sell 20
70 G
12 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 140 G
Bastian: 210 G
Normal: 210 G
Bastian: 315 G

Black Current
Mutation of Blueberry on grassy terrain during Winter Sell 30
50 G
15 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 100 G
Bastian: 150 G
Normal: 150 G
Bastian: 225 G

Mutation of Cranberry on dry terrain during Spring using Berry Fertilizer Sell 50
240 G
20 Days
Regrows in 2 Days
Normal: 520 G
Bastian: 780 G
Normal: 780 G
Bastian: 1170 G

Note: You can also get Cranberry, Gooseberry, and Black Current seeds by completing villager requests. Cranberry Seeds are rewarded for completing Cyril's Country Life 8. Gooseberry and Black Current are for completing Gus' Ore 7 and 8. Since these berry bushes regrow as long as you keep good care of them, you can sell enough fruit to unlock the seeds at Sam's shop without having to mutate the crops yourself.

Great Blueberry: mixed terrain during fall
Great Cranberry: swampy terrain during winter
Great Gooseberry: any terrain during fall
Great Black Current: grassy terrain during winter
Great Goldberry: dry terrain during spring



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 5th Tablet 50 G 8 Days Normal: 140 G
Bastian: 210 G
Normal: 210 G
Bastian: 315 G

Mellow Yellow
Mutation of Watermelon on dry terrain during Summer Sell 10
110 G
8 Days Normal: 260 G
Bastian: 390 G
Normal: 390 G
Bastian: 585 G

Mutation of Watermelon on mixed terrain during Summer Sell 20
110 G
10 Days Normal: 260 G
Bastian: 390 G
Normal: 390 G
Bastian: 585 G

Mutation of Cannonball on dry terrain during Fall using Melon Fertilizer Sell?
? G
? Days Normal: 820 G
Bastian: 1230 G

Mutation of Mellow Yellow on swampy terrain during Winter using Melon Fertilizer Sell?
? G
? Days Normal: 2990 G
Bastian: 4485 G

Note: With Kegling and Snowman, you must plant the crops in a checkerboard pattern with an empty space between each crop. Planting in the standard style with the seeds touching each other will not trigger the mutation when the crops mature, even if you planted in the correct season and used the required Melon Blend fertilizer:

Great Watermelon: mixed terrain during summer
Great Mellow Yellow: dry terrain during summer
Great Cannonball: dry terrain during fall
Great Kegling: dry terrain during fall
Great Snowman: swampy terrain during winter



Crop Name Unlocks Seed Price Growth Time Sell Price Great Sell Price

Restore the 5th Tablet 30 G 12 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 70 G
Bastian: 105 G
Normal: 110 G
Bastian: 165 G

Baby Asparagus
Mutation of Asparagus on grassy, mixed, or dry terrain during Spring Sell 10
30 G
8 Days
Regrows in 3 Days
Normal: 60 G
Bastian: 90 G
Normal: 90 G
Bastian: 135 G

Purple Asparagus
Mutation of Asparagus on mixed terrain during Spring using Asparagus Fertilizer Sell 20
80 G
12 Days
Regrows in 4 Days
Normal: 180 G
Bastian: 270 G
Normal: 270 G
Bastian: 405 G

Mutation of Purple Asparagus on dry terrain during Fall using Asparagus Fertilizer Sell 30
350 G
16 Days
Regrows in 6 Days
Normal: 820 G
Bastian: 1230 G
Normal: 1230 G
Bastian: 1845 G

Note: When trying to grow Purple Asparagus on mixed terrain in the mountain, you'll receive both Baby Asparagus and Purple Asparagus at harvest time since the parameter difference between the mutations is the use of Asparagus Fertilizer.

Great Asparagus: grassy terrain during summer
Great Baby Asaragus: grassy terrain during spring
Great Purple Asparagus: mixed terrain during spring
Great Phalax:

  • Hits: 1848

Seasonal Calendar

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There isn't a calendar in the game that keeps track of villager birthdays and upcoming festivals. The closest is the villager birthdays listed in the Y-button Menu, inside the Villagers section of the information menu.

Each season is 30 days long.

Spring Season

01 02 03 04 05
Fishing Contest
06 07
Sam Bday
08 09 10
Flower Festival
11 12 13 14
Cyril Bday
15 16 17 18
Sprites' Bday
19 20
Cooking Festival
Dean Bday
Michael Bday
22 23 24
Nova Bday
25 26 27 28
Tabitha Bday
29 30  

Summer Season

H. God Bday
02 03 04 05
Fishing Contest
06 07
Gus Bday
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Sofia Bday
15 16 17 18 19 20
Dog Race
Melanie Bday
22 23 24 25
26 27 28
Sally Bday
29 30  

Fall Season

Gorgan Bday
02 03 04 05
Fishing Contest
06 07
Naomi Bday
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Elise Bday
Harvest Moon
16 17 18 19 20
Cooking Festival
Bastian Bday
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Gabriel Bday
29 30
Fall Festival

Winter Season

H. Goddess Bday
Edmond Bday
03 04 05
Fishing Contest
06 07
Jeanne Bday
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Doc Bday
15 16 17 18 19 20
Dog Race
Gareth Bday
22 23 24 25
Starry Night
26 27 28
Carol Bday
29 30
New Years Eve
  • Hits: 2156

Festivals and Contests

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Each season you'll have a few town events to can join in to help break up the day-to-day farming chores. Joining in these festivities will also help you earn some friendship notes with the villagers. For festivals that are contests, you can also win a prize for taking first place, though the prizes are not terribly exciting (e.g., crop seeds or ore). The non-contest events are specifically for raising your friendship notes with those you interact with.

Flower Festival

On Spring 10 you can give flowers to the villagers. The special floral gift will help to increase your friendship. Supposedly villagers prefer certain flowers (e.g., Gabriel is suppose to prefer Sunflower), but it seemed to all be the same for me.

Fishing Contest

This contest occurs every season on the 5th. The goal is to catch as many fish as you can during the festival period. To participate, talk to Sam in the town plaza between 10:00 am and noon. Once the contest starts, you need to catch as many fish as you can before 4:00 pm. You can go fishing at any standard fishing spot (your farm, the mountain, etc.), but just keep in mind that walking to your favorite fishing hole will take precious contest time. Using the post-story teleport feature will help you get to your fishing spot faster.

When fishing, the quantity and size of the fish will earn you festival points. Bigger fish will earn a lot of points, but catching a lot of little fish is okay too. It helps to use bait to increase the size and quantity of fish you catch.

For the summer festival, head to the pond by the Goddess Shrine as soon as you trigger the festival. If you happen to reach it before noon, you've a chance to catch a Calico Goldfish using a Master Fishing Pole that is worth over 350 points. During fall, you might catch some Golden Arowana or Green Arowana at the pond.

In winter season, check the lighthouse dock and use Delectable Bait or higher to catch Tuna.

Once the in-game time reaches 4:00 PM, the contest immediately ends, even if you're right in the middle of trying to catch a fish. Everyone will gather back at the plaza to learn who earned the most number of points.

For those who have Soleil in the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions of the game, the gem sprite cannot be used during the festival to catch twice as many fish. The game prevents Soleil from being active during the tournament period.

Cooking Festival

Your farm house already comes with a kitchen that will allow you to take part in the cooking contest on Spring 20 and Fall 20. To participate, talk to Bastian in the town square between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. When you talk to Bastian and ask to enter, pick the rank to participate in and then you have to pick your recipe submission; basically, you have to bring a cooked dish with you to the festival plaza.

The judging will immediately begin after you select the dish from your bag inventory.

Since you will be turning in your contest entry right after hearing Bastian's rules for the contest, be careful you don't accidentally select Salt, Sugar, etc. as your cooked dish entry. (I entered Salt as my festival entry once, oops).

I've had great success with submitting a basic fried egg recipe using Candy Eggs, which just requires one egg for the recipe ingredients:

  • Legendary Fried Candy Egg = 24,000 points
  • Supreme Fried Candy Egg = 18,000 points
  • Ultimate Fried Candy Egg = 15,600 points
  • Great Fried Candy Egg = 14,400 points
  • Fried Candy Egg = 12,000 points

Dog Race

On Summer 20 and Winter 20, talk to Naomi on the beach between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM to participate. The goal is to walk/run at a pace during the race that will allow your dog to comfortably follow behind you. If you run too fast, the puppy will turn around and start walking the opposite direction. Just run back towards it to get its attention, then start walking towards the goal line again. The better your friendship with your dog, the easier it is to have the dog follow your lead to the finish line. Instead of running full speed, try to keep a constant walking speed to allow the dog to match your pace. If the dog falls behind or stops, you stop as well. The dog will eventually rubber-band back to your side so you can move forward again.

Win the Beginner Class to unlock the Intermediate Class the next time the Dog Race takes place. Win the Intermediate Class to unlock the Advanced Class.

You'll be competing against Gabriel (with Max), Jeanne (with Ketchup), and awesome Doc (with robot dog Mark VIII). These four will be your challengers during every Dog Race. Whoever has their dog cross the finish line first is the winner. The prize will be crop seeds.

The Dog Race ends at 5:00 PM.

Harvest Festival

About a week before on Fall 8, Rowan will visit your house in the morning to tell you about the upcoming date festival on Fall 15. To participate, talk to a special person you'd like to spend the evening gazing upon the moon from the top of the mountain. That person will meet you at your house at 5:00 pm on Fall 15 to take you up to the mountain. You'll get some romantic dialog and then the event will end with you back at your farmhouse by 9:00 pm.

Fall Festival

On Fall 30 you can give food gifts to the marriage candidates. The regular villagers won't respond differently to food gifts on this day, but the bachelors and bachelorettes will mention that today is the Fall Festival if you give them a food-based gift.

According to Tabitha's divination, the preferred gifts during this festival are:

  • Cyril: mushrooms or pasta
  • Dean: potatoes or bread cuisine
  • Edmond: blueberries or egg cuisine
  • Gabriel: watermeloln or fish cuisine
  • Gareth: hot pepper or jam
  • Gorgan: Bread or milk products
  • Shirlock: vegetabile cuisine or fish burger
  • Soleil: goldberry or juices
  • Elise: tomatoes or dairy products
  • Harvest Goddess: strawberry jam
  • Jeanne: asparagus or vegetabnle cuisine
  • Melanie: celery or bread cuisine
  • Michelle: pasta or carpaccio
  • Nova: strawberries or fish cuisine
  • Tabitha: sweets or pumpkin

Starry Night

Rowan will visit on Winter 18 to remind you of the upcoming festival. Talk to a marriage candidate to invite him or her to spend Starry Night with you, which occurs on Winter 25. After you've obtained a date for the festival, walk into your farm house on the night of the 25th between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm to meet up with your chosen date.

Like the other date-type festivals, the game will automatically take you to your house to meet with your date once it becomes 5:00 PM. You'll have a pleasant conversation at the top of the mountain and then return back to your farm house at 9:00 PM.

New Years

In the morning of Winter 30 the marriage candidate with the highest music note level will greet you inside your farm house and invite you to spend the evening with him or her. You'll be requested to be at your house between 9:00 PM and midnight. Even if you aren't inside by 9 PM, you'll automatically appear there at the right time. You'll stand in front of a table set with a meal and talk about the upcoming new year. Then the event is over and the next day begins.

  • Hits: 2107

Caring for Poultry and Livestock

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Before you can raise animals on your farm, you'll need to fix up their living arrangements. There is a chicken coop and an animal barn already, but they are in bad shape and need repair before you can house animals inside of them. The chicken coop requires 20 Softwood Lumber, 7 Material Stone, and 1000 G. The animal barn requires 30 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone, and 1500 G. The Material Stone won't be available until Gus moves in as you work through the third lighthouse tablet, which unlocks the mine and awards you with a hammer for collecting raw stone. Gus' forge can turn 3 stone into 1 Material Stone.

You'll also need to entice the animal dealers to return to Beacon Island. There is a bridge in the mountain area, close to the entrance leading to your farm, that requires 5 Softwood Lumber, 2 Stone (the raw material), and 600 G to repair. Once the bridge is repaired, you also have to repair Sofia's Livestock shop by using 5 Softwood Lumber, 10 Material Stone, and 300 G. The next day, walk into the mountain area to meet Max the dog, Michael, Gabriel, and Sofia. The next day after that you can shop at Sofia's Livestock from 6am until 4pm. Her shop is closed on Sundays.

Sofia only sells baby poultry and livestock animals. You'll need to wait for them to mature before you can harvest products. The pets are full grown:

  • Cow: 7000 G, 15 days to grow up
  • Sheep: 10,000 G, 12 days to grow up
  • Donkey: 20,000 G, 30 days to grow up
  • Chicken: 2000 G, 8 days to grow up
  • Horse: 20,000 G
  • Dog: 8000 G

The wild bobcat can become your pet once it reaches max friendship and you upgrade to the Large House. While the pet dog is used in the Dog Race festival (and nothing else), the cat is just for show (pre-2.0 patch for PC version) or can randomly restore a half-heart of stamina when you pick it up (Ps4, Switch, and post-2.0 patch).

After your first purchase, Sofia will give you a Pitchfork to pick up Compost that will randomly appear on the barn floor, a Brush to keep the livestock animals clean (chickens don't require brushing), and 10 Animal Feed. She'll also give you a Milker with your first Cow purchase, and Clippers at your first Sheep purchase. You can buy additional Animal Feed at her shop for 30 G each. If an animal get sick because its stress level is too high, she also sells Animal Medicine (5000 G) and Chicken Medicine (3500 G).

Buying the horse will reward you with the Horse Whistle, which will call the horse to you where ever you are outside.

After you buy your first cow you'll also unlock Calvin the Harvest Sprite. You can use Calvin's abilities to herd the livestock animals out of their barns. A yellow herding bell will appear on the outside of the Animal Barn after Calvin appears. A bell will be on the exterior of the chicken coop as well, but you can only have one group of animals outside at a time; either the chickens are outside or the livestock are outside. You're out of luck if you want to keep the animals within a certain area on your farm. Doc starts to sell Wooden Fence for 3 Softwood Lumber, 1 Iron, and 300 G each after you buy a livestock animal. Even though you can place fence out around your area, using the bell will herd the animals out into the farmyard in a preset location; you can't control where they are placed and they will wander all over the western area of the farm.

You can also breed animals. For chickens, just place an egg into the nesting box inside the poultry barn. It will take 5 days to hatch, and then the standard 8 days for the chick to mature into a chicken. For cows, sheep, and donkeys, you'll have to buy a Miracle Potion from Sofia's shop for 8000 G. The pregnant livestock animal will sit in one of the wall stalls and cannot be fed or moved outside. It will give birth after 7 days. Baby animals start out with 0 friendship notes (i.e., they do not carry over any friendship from their mother).

Since a standard cow costs 7000 G and the Miracle Potion costs 8000 G, you'll save money by buying your cows rather than breeding them.

After you finish the main storyline, Sofia will start to sell new baby animals. These upgraded animals take the same amount of time to grow up as the standard ones:

  • Brown Chicken: 6000 G
  • Brown Cow: 20,000 G
  • Cotton Sheep: 30,000 G
  • Silky Donkey: 60,000 G

You need to have room in your barn for these new animals to appear in Sofia's inventory. Doc will sell a Big Animal Barn upgrade and a Level 2 Chicken Coop upgrade after you finish the storyline. The Big Animal Barn can hold a total of 15 livestock animals and costs 120,000 G, 30 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Mithril, and 2 Adamantite. The Level 2 Chicken Coop has room for a total of 15 birds and costs 100,000 G, 20 Hardwood Lumber, 3 Gold, and 1 Adamantite. Adamantite Ore appears in the mine starting on floor 60. You'll need 3 Adamantite Ore to process into 1 Adamantite at Gus' forge.

Animal Products

The higher your friendship, the greater the chance of producing higher quality goods. Chickens and cows will produce goods every day. Sheep and donkeys will produce fur every three days. Cows and chickens will produce goods every day.

  Normal Great Ultimate Supreme Miracle
Milk 150 G 180 G 200 G 230 G 300 G
Chocolate Milk 450 G 540 G 590 G 680 G 900 G
Egg 50 G 60 G 70 G 80 G 100 G
Candy Egg 150 G 180 G 200 G 230 G 300 G
Wool 250 G 300 G 330 G 380 G 500 G
Cotton Candy Wool 750 G 900 G 980 G 1130 G  
Donkey Fur 120 G 140 G 160 G 180 G 240 G
Silky Fur 120 G 140 G 160 G 180 G 240 G
  • Hits: 2002

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