Male (?) | Merchant | Sword | x |
CHA:22 STR:20 DEX:18 SPD:17 CON:16 WIL:14 INT:13 / SUPPORT:0 | LP:10 | ||
HP ++ All other stats except Moon: + | |||
Non-Party: HP Slash Hit Pierce Shot Kungfu |
Story – A joyous but forceful travelling bard who studies the Holy King/Matriarch's Chronicles, in search of adventure and inspiration for his new songs.
Special – Type 01 (Sword). Poet has a fixed equipment that takes one weapon slot: Poet's Fiddle, with the built-in tech Everyone's Song, that increases allies' SPD, CON, INT & MDef based on the formula (1 + [Poet's Kungfu LVL / 10]).
Recruit – Can be recruited momentarily in Godwin's Cave during Julian's & Monica's Introductions. Otherwise, can be found in Mules, Small Village & Vanguard in the Pub, and in Pidona in the Claudius' house (top right). If you ask for a song and if you have a party of 5 or fewer, he will join and you won't be able to kick him out unless you seal one Abyss Gate or LP-kill him. Part of Mana Sword's Quest.
Play - Good offensive all-rounder: his weapon of choice is Sword, but you can give him anything. Kungfu is a must if you want to use Everyone's Song effectively. Always very solid at endgames.